不是BB 发表于 2017-11-3 13:23:20

广州出两个小烧块 Suhr和Free The Tone

本帖最后由 不是BB 于 2017-11-3 13:24 编辑

Suhr Riot Reloaded 吉他失真单块效果器 几乎全新,几乎是没有使用痕迹失真用得比较少

Free The Tone Gigs Boson overdrive 吉他过载单块效果器 9新,除底部细微划痕外几乎全新,一直放在板子上使用
premier guitar 五星好评1250元


2009年,Suhr发布了第一款Riot失真效果器,自此Riot一夜成名,成为失真效果器的一个里程碑。它可以让乐手们的小功率清音音箱也能发出大功率Full Stack音箱的失真音色。

全新的Riot Reload是在无数个日夜的试听、测试、调整以后,针对我们传统的Riot失真线路创造出的管味更浓、侵略性更强、更富冲击力的效果器,它为使用者提供了更高的增益度(比传统Riot高30%),是演奏Hi-Gain摇滚、金属、降弦风格乐曲的不二选择。

Riot失真,就如同它的名字含义(**骚动),是一款High Gain类型的单块。它可以让你的小功率的清音电子管音箱也发出大功率Full Stack音箱的失真音色。Suhr通过聆听和研究许多失真单块之后,决定研制一款能够很好的配合清音音箱,发出最类似100W高增益电子管音箱失真的单块。在经过一年,很多次的试验和返工之后,终于得到了能够让人满意的结果。Riot对于任何专业的吉他手来说,无论你是现场演出还是录音,都会让你忘记这只是一个单块失真。

它能够让一台清音音箱发出巨大饱满结实的声音,并且保持真正音箱失真的那种自然和松弛的声音结构。它不会有刺耳毛糙的高频,迟钝的低频,以及过于突兀的中频,而这些是很多失真单块的通病。另外单块效果器通常会很依赖于音箱以及音箱的设置,也就是说常说的挑箱子,但是Riot具有很好的适应性,能够和市面上各种常见的电子管音箱很好的配合,甚至是类似Blackface那样的老古董音箱。如果你希望获得真正类似电子管高增益的音色,而又不想买或者更换音箱的话,那么Riot就是一张通往High Gain天堂的小巧实在的门票!


Riot Reload的可以令你对乐器的每一次细微拨弄都动态饱满,就像一台MOD音箱的过载通道一样。通过Volume旋钮的调节,你的音色可以轻松的从温和的Chunk改变为火力十足的Metal。


Riot Reload相比原始版Riot提高了30%的增益度。工程师通过调节两个增益级,提升了音色的饱和度、增加了泛音,从而提高了中频的清晰度、得到了更多延音、声音更加立体紧实。



Free the Tone have sought out to create something as elusive as the Higgs Boson particle: an overdrive that sets the standard for great overdriven guitar tone. The Gigs Boson Overdrive is the result of this endeavor. With everything from warm and creamy overdrive and boost tones to full-on distortion thanks to its Gain Boost switch, the Gigs Boson looks like it might be one hell of an overdrive. Is it the best guitar overdrive pedal out there? We’ll try to answer that in our Free the Tone Gigs Boson review.Free the Tone have certainly made a pedal that seems to stand out from the run-of-the-mill clones of overdrive pedals out there. The Gigs Boson Overdrive pedal features Free the Tone’s proprietary HTS (Holistic Tonal Solution) Circuit which is designed to prevent signal degradation even when the effect is bypassed. It also includes an impedance switch that’s adjustable between 1MΩ and 100kΩ, a feature unheard of before now. And the Gigs Boson was a Gain Boost on tap for even more saturation when needed. All in all, this looks like a very diverse pedal. Let’s run down what all the Gigs Boson offers and dig into the review.Features:Gain, Tone, and Level control knobs.Input Z switch for variable impedance between 1MΩ and 100kΩ.Gain Boost switch for increased gain and saturation.Proprietary HTS (Holistic Tonal Solution) Circuit for consistent sound quality even when effect is disengaged.Powered by 9-volt battery or 9VDC power adapter.

不是BB 发表于 2017-11-3 13:27:02

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不是BB 发表于 2017-11-3 13:27:43

我在闲鱼卖·Free The Tone Gigs Boson overdrive 吉他过载单块效果器#来闲鱼,发现更多闲置超值好物# http://a.fixnone.com/F.XCXAJ?ut_sk=1.WdohEoUied0DAA0BxdRdkjfm_21407387_1509686748670.Copy.detail

不是BB 发表于 2017-11-23 15:10:23

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