blueslife 发表于 2005-9-21 09:54:53

介绍一下Eythor Thorlaksson

之前有朋友发了Eythor Thorlaksson的练习谱,但没有什么介绍这样演奏家的。我来介绍一下吧!

Eythor Thorlaksson
Eythor Thorlaksson is born 1930 and started young playing musical instruments. In the years 1950 - 1952 he studied guitar in England, Denmark and Sweden and in 1953 in Madrid with Daniel Fortea and Quintin Esquembre. In the years 1954 - 1957 he studied harmony and counterpoint with Dr. Urbancic and in 1958 - 1961 he completed his guitar studies with Graciano Tarragó in Barcelona. Since then he has been the principal guitar teacher at The Music School in Hafnarfjordur and has arranged and written a lot of tutorial material for the classical guitar, he is now retired but continues to arrange and compose for the guitar.

Eythor Thorlaksson出生于1930年,很小的时候就开始学习乐器。从1950-1952年他先后在英格兰、丹麦、瑞士以及和Daniel Fortea、Quintin Esquembre在西班牙马德里学习吉他。从1954-1957年他跟随 Urbancic 博士学习和声学和旋律对位法。从1958-1961年他到巴塞罗那跟随Graciano Tarragó 学习吉他。之后他便开始了他的职教生涯,从他但任Hafnarfjordur音乐学校吉他系的主任后他编写了大量的古典吉他的教材。Eythor Thorlaksson现已退休但他仍然在从事吉他的编曲和创作。

以上次料来源于,刚翻完这段话那个网站就打不开了。上面有一些 Eythor Thorlaksson 编的曲谱是可以下载来练的,想了解更多的还是请大家亲自去这位大师的网站上看吧。

[ Last edited by blueslife on 2005-9-21 at 09:58 ]

songzw 发表于 2005-9-21 10:05:18


blueslife 发表于 2005-9-21 10:17:59


sands 发表于 2005-9-21 11:19:02

这个网站非常好, 谱子都是PDF格式,非常清晰,免费下载.我下了几百页

qllchina 发表于 2005-9-21 13:05:49

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