showsl0703 发表于 2018-2-28 15:40:02


本帖最后由 showsl0703 于 2018-2-28 15:42 编辑

拍摄于广州长城乐器公司,歌曲《Last Breath》,期待能和大家多多交流,希望以后能拍出更多更好的作品
孙林_Last Breath

LastBreathThiswill not take me downNever,foreverYoumake me so fucking sickThisis not a way*Takeaway all these liesWewill not be forgottenWewill not be forgotten *Iwill not stop for my dreamThisis not a game for god's sakeFollowyour heartFollowyour heart nowIwill not keep on in thisThereis my new beginningFightfor your lifeFightfor your life nowGiveme strength to moveHeavenand earthIwon't, won't sit backI'llbe fighting backNomatter how ends in this lifeWewill overcome*Takeaway all these liesWewill not be forgotten Wewill not be forgottenIcan't wait to breathe my last breathIcan't wait I can't waitCan'twait to breathe my last breath

血涌之暗然 发表于 2018-2-28 16:05:39

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 重型来了,演奏一首自己乐队的歌曲