dick321 发表于 2018-5-14 22:49:19


上次翻译吉他漆面(点击可阅读:【翻译搬运】吉他用聚酯漆比较高级,还是硝基漆?https://bbs.guitarschina.com/foru ... 3003&fromuid=326444 (出处: 吉他中国论坛)]https://bbs.guitarschina.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2443003&fromuid=326444(出处: 吉他中国论坛)的文章效果还挺好的,忙里偷闲又搞了一篇。Guitar Answer Guy(我叫他吉他答疑君)是个很不错的吉他专业网站,这次是他关于“柠檬油”的一个答疑汇总。
不过我会把关键信息加黑,只想吃干货的只看黑体字就好了。另外这篇文章后部的读者答疑信息量很大,比文章里的知识点更实用,建议认真观看不要跳过。最近沉迷于吉他的相关问题梳理,不出意外,下一篇是关于电路的,欢迎琴友探讨指正。1The Great Lemon Oil Debate. Is Lemon Oil Safe for Guitar Fretboards?柠檬油站队大会:吉他指板用柠檬油到底好还是不好?https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/wfbag4jrxRVibawOwnJJaEWxUyia2Ex0NcDh5fcvVBVI8GD4VyoiaCDX24nGuX80rkia0RryYr4AQoOc5UIFB25ibbQ/640?wx_fmt=jpegJune 29, 2016/20 Comments/Last Updated: Dec 14, 2017最后更新时间:2017年12月14号
Search Google with a phrase like “is lemon oil safe for guitars” and then click on any of the search results that lead to a guitar discussion forum. Prepare yourself for some fireworks.在谷歌上搜索“柠檬油用在吉他上安全吗?”,随便点开一个吉他论坛里的答案,都会是一场激战。
The discussion usually looks something like this…讨论的画风通常是这样的……Guitarist 1: “Hey guys. I’ve heard from some people that lemon oil is great for cleaning and conditioning my guitar’s fretboard. Others swear that it’s bad and can even damage the wood. Who’s right?”吉他手1:嗨,哥们儿,我听说用柠檬油清洁跟保养吉他指板特别棒,不过还是有人声称用柠檬油真不怎么样,可能把木头都毁了。你们怎么看?Guitarist 2: “I use lemon oil on my fretboard and I love it. It’s great! Cleans off gunk and makes the fretboard look good. Smells great too.”吉他手2:我的指板上一直就是用的柠檬油,棒棒哒!用柠檬油能擦干净黏黏糊糊的那些东西,看起来跟闻起来也都不错!Guitarist 3: “Dude! Are you crazy? Lemon oil will destroy your fretboard!”吉他手3:我的大兄弟啊,你是疯了么?用柠檬油还不把你的指板给搞砸喽?Guitarist 2: “I’ve been using it for years and never had issues. It’s awesome! My guitar tech recommends (and uses) it too.”吉他手2:我都用了好几年了,啥问题也没出过啊。真的很好用!我学吉他的地方也都是用柠檬油!Guitarist 3: “You idiot! IT’LL DESTROY YOUR FRETBOARD!”吉他手3:你个笨蛋!这玩意儿早晚把你指板给毁了!
… on and on… for pages and pages.然后就是循环往复,连篇累牍……
And so The Great Lemon Oil Debate has raged for years. In the guitar forums I frequent, conversations about lemon oil often look like the one above, but on a much larger scale: volleys back and forth, assumptions, anecdotal evidence, misinformation, even personal attacks. It gets pretty ugly sometimes.而且关于柠檬油的这场辩论也持续了有年头了,在吉他论坛里都快成了月经帖,一个个看起来都跟上面那个例子差不多,不过从更大规模看过去,整个问题下面就是假想、传闻、虚假信息、甚至是人身攻击满天飞。这姿态可真的是不算优雅。
It would be naive of me to think that, with a few keystrokes, I’m going to end the Great Lemon Oil Debate. I’m not. No matter what I (or anyone else) write, this debate will continue. However, I’m hoping that the information I’m about to provide will help you make an informed decision about using lemon oil on your own guitar’s fretboard.如果想简单敲敲键盘就终止这场柠檬油大论战,那我也太天真了。我也压根没那么想过。不管是我还是别的谁,写多少稿子,这辩论也不会结束。不过我希望吧,通过我总结梳理的这些信息,能让你在考虑要不要用柠檬油擦指板的时候,做一个有凭有据的决定。This post contains affiliate links, meaning, if you click through and make a purchase, I may earn a commission. This is at no additional cost to you. Learn more.这篇推送里有一些链接,如果你从这点进去买东西,我可以拿到一点点佣金,但这个佣金不会附加到你的价格里,可以放心购买。(译者注:放心,咱没有,把链接都删了,但保留了产品全称,可以自行搜索购买)
So, Is Lemon Oil Good or Bad for Fretboards?所以,重点来了,柠檬油对指板到底是好是坏呢?
So what’s the deal? Is lemon oil good or bad? Well, it depends on what you mean by “lemon oil,” which is why there is so much arguing: neither side of the debate really understands the nuances I’m going to outline here.所以到底是怎么回事?柠檬油是好是坏?好吧,首先这得取决于你是怎么定义“柠檬油”的。其实这也是总争论不休的一个重要原因:争论双方都没有真正理解过我要说的这件事的细微差别。
When people argue about whether lemon oil is good or bad for guitar fretboards, it’s because they’re throwing around “lemon oil” as a generic term. In actuality, there is a spectrum of purity/strength we need to consider whenever the question of using lemon oil comes up.当人们争论柠檬油对吉他指板是好是坏的时候,他们都默认“柠檬油”是一个通用术语。事实上,每一次关于使用柠檬油的问题出现的时候,我们都得考虑这款柠檬油的纯度或者强度指标。2Pure, Full-Strength Lemon Oil vs. Lemon Oil Products纯净的、强力柠檬油vs.柠檬油产品
At one end of the spectrum we have pure, full-strength lemon oil that has been pressed directly from the peels of lemons. At the other end of the spectrum, we have “lemon oil” products that contain little-to-no real lemon oil.在这个指标的一头儿,对应的是绝对纯净的、直接从新鲜柠檬的果皮里压榨出来的柠檬油;指标的另一头对应的是柠檬油产品,里面含有极少量的甚至干脆没有真正的柠檬油。3Pure, Full-Strength Lemon Oil纯净的百分之百强度柠檬油
https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/wfbag4jrxRVibawOwnJJaEWxUyia2Ex0NcXTBHk9Rl1dXS9hS6BUvichXQSiaR67u6Q7tDcH5QYibXxcicpLJOUb3icFg/640?wx_fmt=jpegPure lemon oil, at 100% strength, should NOT be used on guitar fretboards纯净的100%柠檬油,最好不要用在吉他指板上
Pure, full-strength lemon oil, cold-pressed directly from lemon peel, is indeed bad for your guitar’s fretboard. It’s intense, highly acidic stuff, and can cause skin and sinus irritation in people who are especially sensitive to it. Despite being an “oil,” pure lemon oil’s high acidity can cause excessive drying of your fretboard and, with long-term use, can break down any adhesives that might be holding your frets or fretboard binding (if yours has it).纯净的、直接从柠檬果皮冷压出来的柠檬油,对吉他指板实际是有害的。这是一种强烈的、高度酸性的物质,对一些敏感体质的人,甚至能引起皮肤或者鼻窦发炎。尽管柠檬油里有一个“油”字,但是这种高酸度的精油可能反而会让指板变得很干。如果长期使用,还有可能让品丝和包边(如果有的话)脱胶。
This kind of pure lemon oil, as well as other citrus oils pressed from peels, contains d-Limonene. D-Limonene is a key ingredient in products like Goo Gone, Simple Green, 3-IN-ONE Degreaser, etc. and for good reason. At full strength, pure lemon oil can be used to remove adhesives, grease, and even sanitize surfaces. Great for cleaning and sanitizing hard, non-porous surfaces. Way too intense for the fine wood of your guitar’s fretboard.这种柠檬油,还有其他从果皮直接压榨出来的柑橘类的油,都含有右旋苧烯。右旋苧烯是除胶剂、简绿去污和三合一油污净之类产品的关键原料。可以这么说,纯的柠檬油除胶、除油都不在话下,还能美化表面,但这些强大的除污和美化功能,都只适合坚硬的、没有孔隙的表面。对咱们用名贵木材做成的指板来说,就有点太刺激了。4“Lemon Oil” Products (Fretboard Lemon Oils)柠檬油产品(指板柠檬油)
Luckily, manufacturers of the popular fretboard lemon oils understand everything I just outlined above. That’s why these fretboard oils contain very little real lemon oil. The last thing any guitar product manufacturer wants is to damage their customer’s guitars. It’s bad for business.幸好,我上面说的这些,市场上主流的指板柠檬油生产商都懂。这也是为什么这些指板柠檬油,实际上只含有一点点真正的柠檬油。吉他用品生产商最不愿意看到的事就是,自己的产品毁了客户的吉他,毕竟这早晚会毁了他们的买卖。
So, many of the popular guitar lemon oils sold by well-known guitar companies are comprised primarily of other oils–usually mineral oil, which is a pretty good (and cheap) fretboard conditioner by itself. They contain only a very tiny amount of real lemon oil (probably 1% or less). The yellow color comes from artificial coloring.所以,这些知名的吉他厂商出品的柠檬油,大部分都是其他油调制的——主要是矿物油,矿物油是一种又便宜又好用的指板保养油。它们通常只含有一点点真正的柠檬油,通常不超过1%,或者更少。看起来黄黄的颜色也是人为调出来的。
In fact, some contain no real lemon oil at all. Instead, they’re just mineral oil or some other other fretboard-safe oil, with some lemon scent and yellow coloring added.事实上,很多产品根本不含真正的柠檬油。它们只是一些矿物油或者其他对指板比较温和的油,加上一点柠檬香精和黄色的颜料。
For this reason, most of the guitar lemon oils on the market are 100% safe when used in moderation on your guitar’s rosewood or ebony fretboard (don’t use lemon oil on maple–more on that below). The tiny bit of lemon oil they do contain will remove some dirt and grime, while the remaining majority that isn’t lemon oil will condition and protect your fretboard quite nicely.由于以上原因,我们几乎可以说市售的吉他柠檬油产品都是100%安全的,你可以放心大胆的用在你的玫瑰木或者乌木指板上(但是别用在枫木上)。这些产品里极其有限的一点真柠檬油,可以很好的去除指板上的脏东西,然后剩下的绝大部分不是柠檬油的油,可以对指板起到很好的养护作用。
So, when prominent guitar gurus like Dan Erlewine, Bob Taylor, and Godin Guitars recommend using “lemon oil” to clean/condition your guitar’s fretboard, they’re not referring to anything with a high amount of real lemon oil, and certainly not pure lemon oil. They’re telling you it’s okay to use one of the many lemon oils out there which are made for guitar fretboards; those which contain very little (if any) pure lemon oil.所以,当那些权威的吉他大师们,比如Dan Erlewine, Bob Taylor, and Godin Guitars,推荐用柠檬油来清洁和保养你的吉他指板时,他们说的并不是含很多柠檬油的油,更不是纯的柠檬油,他们说的是用市面上那些可能根本没一点柠檬油的、吉他指板专用柠檬油就行。Here are a few good ones to consider:这里有一些很不错的产品你可以考虑考虑:https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/wfbag4jrxRVibawOwnJJaEWxUyia2Ex0NcPWhMIjU28wplleTrQPYJ93ONlyGPXHDjicjbRia6UFAL9MjeDNkXl8hQ/640?wx_fmt=jpeg
Dunlop 65 Ultimate Lemon Oil, 4-ozhttps://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/wfbag4jrxRVibawOwnJJaEWxUyia2Ex0NcyEOj6c7cB1QZDpXDqbAwdG2piaoaNdJbbx2ZaVqz58R6buu1Tk2o3yw/640?wx_fmt=jpeg
D’Addario Lemon Oil, 2-ozhttps://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/wfbag4jrxRVibawOwnJJaEWxUyia2Ex0NceXVtHQNR8QibYU8ibzaKCafIovYKCPVD0q0PBclBHuhkpyea7gQgrLFQ/640?wx_fmt=jpeg
Peavey Lemon Oil, 2-oz

5A Warning About Petroleum Distillates关于石油馏分油的警告
The Peavey and D’Addario lemon oils have a warning on their labels letting you know they contain “petroleum distillates.” This means that any rags used to apply lemon oil need to air out in a well-ventilated area afterward, otherwise they can spontaneously combust. The Dunlop 65 lemon oil doesn’t have a warning on the bottle, but play it safe and follow the same precaution with your lemon oil rags.在Peavey和D’Addario出品的柠檬油的标签上,都有一个关于石油馏分油的警告。上面说所有用来擦过柠檬油的布头,都需要到通风处晾干,否则会有自燃的危险。邓禄普65号柠檬油倒是没这个警告,但最好还是也按规范的来,把用过的柠檬油布片都晾干。6So, Which Ones Contain Real Lemon Oil? How Much?所以呢,哪个里边有真的柠檬油?多少钱捏?
Unfortunately, I simply don’t know how much actual lemon oil is in each of the examples above, or which ones may not contain any real lemon oil at all. All I can say with certainty is that you can proceed with confidence that they won’t harm your rosewood or ebony fretboard. Many people, myself included, have used these 3 lemon oils and had really good results. As long as they’re used sparingly–only a tiny dot of oil on each fret 1-2 times a year–your fretboard will look, feel, and smell great.不好意思,我是真的不知道上面提到的产品里,哪个有真的柠檬油、含量是多少。我能确定的是,你可以放心,他们都不会对你的玫瑰木或者乌木指板有任何伤害。很多人,包括我在内,用这三种柠檬油感觉都不错!而且,这玩意儿用起来真的太省了——每次只需要用一点点,每年只需要用一两次——你的指板就能看起来、摸起来、闻起来都美美哒!7Never Use Lemon Oil on Maple Fretboards永远不要把柠檬油用在枫木指板上Maple fretboards are a slightly different animal than darker woods like rosewood or ebony. Do NOT use any kind of lemon oil on your maple fretboard–regardless of whether the product contains actual lemon oil or not. Instead, stick to fretboard conditioners like Music Nomad’s F-ONE Oil (may favorite, listed further down) or plain mineral oil–things we know do not contain any lemon oil and are therefore safe for maple.枫木指板跟深色的玫瑰木或乌木指板略有不同。枫木指板不建议使用任何一种柠檬油产品——不管它含不含真正的柠檬油在里面。相反,一贯做指板保养的F-ONE Oil或者纯净的矿物油——这些一点都不含柠檬油的产品,对枫木指板是最安全的。8Play it Safe: Avoid “Furniture” Lemon Oils安全操作:避免“家具用”柠檬油https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/wfbag4jrxRVibawOwnJJaEWxUyia2Ex0NcsGm8K0ibE2SoeHJ4dIxqT3JkG9U4lMGemoGWtf4BMpEM7rbibb5DRhlw/640?wx_fmt=jpegI can’t say with 100% certainty that “furniture” lemon oils are bad for your fretboard, but play it safe and just avoid them.我不敢100%确定家具用柠檬油一定对指板有伤害,但是还是保守一点的来,尽量避免这么操作
I’ve heard tales of people (including reputable guitar repair folk) using furniture-grade lemon oils. Personally, I keep things that are made for “furniture” away from guitars. Your guitar is not furniture. You don’t sit, eat, or walk on your guitar; It’s a precision instrument built to produce musical sounds.我听说过很多人用家具级柠檬油的故事,其中也包括一些声誉很好的修琴匠们,但我个人,绝对是会让我的吉他对专门做给家具用的东西敬而远之的。你的宝贝吉他可不是家具,你不会在你的吉他上休息、吃饭或者散步,吉他是一个精确的音乐发声装置。
Because it’s a musical instrument, anything you apply to a guitar’s wooden parts can eventually have an effect on the sound quality. With furniture, on the other hand, it’s all about sheer durability and looking good. So, manufacturers of furniture products tend to add ingredients to create an artificial shine that makes customers happy. I’m not so sure these additives are great for the sound of your guitar. I also have no idea what effect these additives have on glues such as those that might be holding your frets or fretboard binding (if yours has it).因为是乐器,所以你用在吉他木材上的每一样东西,最终都会对它的音质产生影响。另一方面,对家具而言,我们的诉求都是坚固耐用跟好看。所以,家具用品的生产商更倾向于添加能产生人造光泽的原理来取悦消费者。我不确定这些添加剂对吉他的音色会有什么影响。同时我也不确定这些东西会不会跟胶反应,导致品丝或者指板的脱胶松动。
So, I can’t say with 100% certainty that you should not use furniture products on your guitar’s fretboard, or that they’ll damage it in some way. What I can say is: use them at your own risk.所以,我不能完全肯定,如果你用了家具级别的产品会伤害你的指板,我只能说:一旦使用,后果自负。If You’re Not Sure, Why Risk It?如果你不能确定,为啥非去冒险呢?https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/wfbag4jrxRVibawOwnJJaEWxUyia2Ex0NcDicKQxs9gRWPDwz8icQaIogIy4fh8iaIfGoARM6aj3LUquYKicIm0Olh2w/640?wx_fmt=jpegThis is all I use now. It’s safe for all fretboards, including maple.这是我正在用的,全系列包括枫木指板都能用。
I have a general rule when it comes to guitar care: if I’m too unsure of the ingredients in something–whether they’re safe or not–I just don’t use it on my (or anyone else’s) guitar. There are too many great alternatives out there, including good alternatives to the “guitar lemon oils.” There is no rule that says you have to use a lemon oil to clean and condition your fretboard. It’s just one of many ways, and one of many products available.当涉及到吉他护理时,我有一个通用规则:如果我对某些东西的成分不太确定——管他安不安全——我都不会用在我或者别人的吉他上。市面上有太多优秀的替代品了,包括“吉他柠檬油”的替代品。从来没有一条规则,规定我们必须用柠檬油清洁保养指板。这只是众多方法中的一种,也只是众多产品中的一种。
That said, I personally do not use lemon oil on guitar fretboards. This isn’t because I’m “anti lemon oil.” It’s because I don’t know how much actual lemon oil is in any of them. So, I don’t know if I’m just over-paying for fancy, lemon-scented mineral oil. Again though, I want to reiterate: The reason I don’t use lemon oil is simply because I’ve found a non-lemon oil fretboard conditioner that I like better.也就是说,我个人不会在吉他指板上用柠檬油。这并不是说我是反对柠檬油那一派的,只是因为我实在不知道那些产品里真柠檬油的含量。所以,我不知道我是否为花哨的柠檬味矿物油付出了高昂的代价。虽然如此,我想重申:我不用柠檬油的原因,仅仅是因为我发现了一种非柠檬油的指板护理油,我更喜欢它。
My all-time favorite is Music Nomad’s F-ONE Oil, pictured here. It’s all I use now because it’s safe for ALL fretboard types, even maple.我最喜欢的F-ONE,图片在这里。 我现在只用这个,因为它对所有的指板类型,包括枫木都是安全的。9Final Thoughts最终感想The next time you hear people arguing about whether lemon oil is good or bad for a guitar’s fretboard, understand that both sides have good intentions, but it’s doubtful that either understands the nuances I’ve outlined in this article.下一次,你再听到人们争论柠檬油用在指板上好不好的时候,你得明白,双方都是好意,但他们是否理解我在本文中概述的细微差别,值得怀疑。
See if you can inject some logic into the argument by asking whether they are referring to pure, full-strength lemon oil (bad), or one of the many highly diluted guitar lemon oils (good).看看你能不能通过询问他们用的是什么柠檬油,来让争论变得更有逻辑,如果是纯粹的、全强度的柠檬油,对指板就是不好的,如果是稀释了很多倍的吉他专用柠檬油,就是好的。
If you want to use lemon oil on your guitar’s fretboard, then play it safe and use those made specifically for guitars. I’ve recommended 3 good brands up above. Stay away from pure or highly-concentrated lemon oil, essential oils, or lemon oils made for furniture, floors, etc.如果您想在您的吉他指板上使用柠檬油,那么请挑那些专门给吉他生产的产品,并且安全地使用,我已经推荐了3个以上的好品牌。 请远离纯粹或高浓度的柠檬油、精油或用于家具,地板等柠檬油。
Follow these basic guidelines and you’ll probably be just fine using lemon oil on your fretboard once every 1-2 years, and your fretboard will look and smell great.按照这些基本的指导原则,你可以每隔1 - 2年就在指板上用一次柠檬油,指板的外观和气味都会让你更爱它~~10Question:问题:Do you have a strong position “for” or “against” using lemon oil? I’m also generally curious to know what you do like using on your fretboard, lemon oil or otherwise. Let me know in the comments section down below.关于柠檬油你有“赞成”还是“反对”的立场吗? 我对你会在指板上用什么很感兴趣,是柠檬油还是其他什么。如果有,请分享在下面的评论区里。
Resources:资料来源:These sites, articles, and PDF’s all played a role in informing the research of this blog post:
[*]Ask Bob Taylor: Fretboard Oil
[*]Goo Gone® Material Safety Data Sheet (PDF Download)
[*]Guitar Shop 101: The Great Guitar Cleanup
[*]Household Products Database – Products Containing d-Limonene
[*]33 Awesome Uses of Lemon Essential Oil

问答1:问:我用Formby牌子的家具柠檬油18年了,感觉很好,而且这种一大瓶跟吉他专用的一小瓶价格一样,感觉没什么问题啊?答:我从来没有尝试过Formbys的柠檬油,所以我不能自信地推荐它,但这并不意味着它不是一个好产品。 请记住(对于任何可能正在阅读此内容的人),请勿在枫木指板上使用它。 它会使它们变色,而且枫木指板也不需要上油。
问答2:问:自从我买了Alembic贝司以来,我一直在关注“柠檬油大战”。 这篇文章很棒,但它直接与Alembic的建议相矛盾,这让我感到困惑: 为什么他们会推荐纯柠檬油?http://www.alembic.com/support/care.html“我们推荐使用纯柠檬油(在芳香疗法的保健食品商店提供),但任何透明的柠檬油都可以很好地使用。”答:我必须诚实地说,那真的是......很奇怪的建议,所以你的困惑是有根据的。我从来没有听说过某人(尤其是像Alembic这样的知名公司),会给我们推荐那些在维修/保养社区中是共识的事,比如长期使用纯柠檬油对指板有伤害这种。老实说,我会给Alembic打一个电话,或者给他们发一封电子邮件,然后再认真确认一遍。一家公司的网站上有不正确的或过时的信息是很常见的事情 - 这对他们来说恰好是好事。你可以告诉他们这篇文章里写的,甚至直接把链接发给他们。这真的很奇怪 - 所以我很想知道他们对此有何评论。使用纯柠檬精油,让人惊讶;而且他们推荐每年两次,双倍惊讶!然而,这里的底线是:你绝对不会因为没使用他们在该页面上推荐的柠檬精油而对你的Alembic造成任何损害。我在这篇文章里推荐的所有油品都非常适合指板,如果谨慎使用(每年1-2次,最多),不会有任何坏处。 多年来人们一直在这么用,效果也非常棒。
答:乔,不用太担心家具柠檬油。 我敢肯定,用上个一两次不会怎么样的。 如果您正在制作吉他,并希望给指板坯子上第一层保护层,那么F-One可能不是最好的选择。 F-One是一种“维护”油,更适合于后来的普通清洁和保养。 对于未加工的玫瑰木和乌木,我最喜欢的产品是ColorTone Fretboard精加工油(它用在玫瑰木琴桥上也很棒)。 请注意,它会使木材颜色变深一点。不过大多数人都会喜欢这种效果对于未加工的枫木指板,您需要像Tried and True 天然木油之类的东西,或者类似的不会让枫木颜色变深的油。
答:如果您的指板上是厚厚的有光泽的表面,请按照清洁吉他琴体表面的方式进行清洁。 它是漆,就像琴体一样。 所以,只要漆面没有破损,你有下面几个选择:
[*]用一块潮湿的、柔软的棉布(或超细纤维)布,轻轻擦拭每个品丝之间的区域。 抹布不要太湿或者滴水。 同样,您可以在每一品上哈气,然后迅速擦去呼出的湿气(以及污垢和油)。
[*]用一个好的吉他清洁剂/擦亮剂。 我推荐使用Music Nomad MN100 Premium Guitar Cleaner产品。 或者,如果您已经在琴体上用了吉他抛光剂,那直接将其用在指板上即可。

问答5:问: 我有Dunlop 01 Cleaner and Prep,我可以在成品枫木指板上使用它吗? 此外,琴颈后侧是缎面抛光(半哑光的自然光泽), 我该用什么来清理那个?答:不,Dunlop 01用于清洗裸露(未喷漆)的玫瑰木和乌木。 如果你的指板上有漆,你需要按下面我说的做。 只需使用微微湿的布,或使用我提到的Music Nomad MN100清洁剂。 对于琴颈后侧,得具体问题具体分析。 “缎面”可能意味着很多事情。 如果它是缎面漆,那么我链接里的Music Nomad 清洁剂就能用 - 这对于亮面和缎面漆都是安全的。 但是,如果它是天然的(没有喷漆)木材,而且真的很脏的话,那么只可以用干布或#0000钢丝绒擦拭它。 普通的透明矿物油也可以用在没喷漆的木头上,用来去除枫木等浅色木材上的污渍。
问答6:问:我“继承了”一把电吉他,一把雅马哈RGX 312.非常不错的吉他,而且也好弹。 唯一的问题是,品丝太拉手了。 科罗拉多州的湿度太低,导致指板太干燥,缩小了很多,品丝一个个都凸了出来。 我想我会给指板上点油,看看它能不能在我把品丝锉平之前变回来。 我得试试F-ONE Oil,而且跟F-ONE一起,估计我会再买一个品丝锉回来。答:在上品丝锉之前,先试试:别把品丝锉短,而是要让指板木材回复到原来的位置(或尽可能接近)。要做到这一点,需要把它跟吉他加湿器一起存放在密封袋(或者大型垃圾袋)中1-2周。当我遇到有这个问题的吉他时,我的实际做法会更激进,把整个吉他都一起加湿(不过我知道我在做什么,所以如果你也这么做,要更小心)。大约1-2周后,我们称之为胡须品丝的状况,要么消失了,要么会变得不太明显。因此,请先尝试:将吉他跟加湿器一起放在一个琴箱或者塑料袋里,密封大约1-2周的时间。不要担心过度加湿,只需根据需要不断润湿加湿器即可。中间重复润湿加湿器的时候,不要让吉他长时间暴露在空气里,最多几分钟。弄加湿器的时候,合上琴箱或重新密封袋子。如果在几周后胡须品丝还没消失,你可以再多加湿几天,或者你只能找专门的修琴师傅去把品丝锉平整(但挫品丝绝对是我最后一个选择)。顺便说一句,保养油会对指板很好,但对这个问题真的是没有用。
问题7:问:尽管上面这些现在对我来说足够有用,但可能以后在用不同物质处理精细木工的时候,我会这些过程的严格意义上的作用机制感兴趣。 例如,在这种情况下,为什么枫木与玫瑰木不同? 这到底是几个世纪以来的经验积累的结果,还是因为某些化学常识(和实践经验)?答:不能在枫木指板上用柠檬油有几个原因:首先,因为木质太紧密,枫木几乎不会干燥,所以根本不需要加油。给枫木抹油毫无意义。其次,大多数枫木指板都喷了一层薄薄的漆- 用于防止汗水、污垢等。它可能看起来感觉“自然”,但这是因为漆面做的缎面抛光而不是亮面。因为枫木是一种浅色的木材,如果不密封起来,很容易变脏和变色。所以,即使你想要,您也没办法把油注入木材里面:它被密封了。第三,经过多年的演奏,你的手指自然会磨穿指板上的小部分漆。如果用柠檬油,这些小区域会吸收油脂,然后变得比指板其他地方黑。这效果会很难看,除非你是故意想在指板上看到“老枫木魔咒”。第四,一些枫木指板用油而不是漆来密封。这会发生什么呢?同样的,因为枫木是一种颜色非常浅的木材,添加柠檬油会让木材变黑,一般人都不想要这效果。所以,把柠檬油省下来用在玫瑰木,乌木和其他多孔深色木材上吧。对于枫木,如果你一定要用油,那就用普通清洁矿物油或者Music Nomad’的F-One油就可以。
问题8:问:用机油可以吗?答:我也用过机油(事实上,我现在还有一小瓶呢)。跟那些眼花缭乱的混合物或者柠檬油比起来, 机油是一个很好的、廉价的替代品。


牛肉盖浇饭 发表于 2018-5-15 01:38:01


mr_zdw 发表于 2018-5-15 08:20:55


玉树淋疯 发表于 2018-5-15 09:11:45


740432270 发表于 2018-5-15 09:45:32

本帖最后由 740432270 于 2018-5-15 09:53 编辑

柠檬油伤指板简直是危言耸听,和用10弦伤琴颈的言论一样智障,即使有伤害,达到破坏程度周期至少十年二十年,且不说二十年内还有其他原因把琴颈用废了,我只知道柠檬油可以让指板更光亮更润滑、北方环境可以防干燥涩手就够了,这些对使用体验上的提升远大于所谓的破坏,退一步讲,一把琴用了二十年琴颈用废了你真的在乎么,你都从二十岁小伙变成四十岁大叔了,srv的no.1换过多少根琴颈,john mayer的black 1都换过琴颈,总之吉他是拿来弹的不是留着当宝的,价值发挥了弹坏了一点也不可惜

道陵 发表于 2018-5-15 13:59:00

本帖最后由 道陵 于 2018-5-15 14:21 编辑


migooooo 发表于 2018-5-16 08:00:08


chongzi2530 发表于 2018-5-16 14:55:30


潇潇童鞋 发表于 2018-5-16 15:35:59

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