发表于 2018-5-20 05:44:19
这个算是写的比较易懂的,作者是Carol-Ann Amps的Alan Phillips:
As you mentioned, the preamp OD in a Jube is most certainly created by a combination LED's and diodes. THere is a network of Two 3mm red LEDS's and 3 1N4007 silicon Diodes arranged to create asymetrical clipping (like in many OD pedals). This network is placed between gain stages 2 and 3 and essentially clips the peaks off the waveform. THere is a small capacitor across the whole network that rounds the edges of the waveform to better emulate tube clipping.
The rhythm clip circuit is a pair of parallel 1N4007 diodes arranged to symetrically clip the waveform, but at a much lesser degree than the other network.
Here's an interesting point, if you remove the clipping stage from a jubilee (I have done this) it's actually a clean amp with no preamp gain at all. The whole design is focussed around that network and all of it's preamp OD comes from those solid state devices. Still if you have a good one, it is a fantastic sounding and feeling amp.