红木/杉(redwood)和沉水红木/杉(sinker redwood)到底啥区别
如题,诚心求问,谢谢 我也问过,没有人回答,意思被水泡过的更好吗 随便GOOGLE了下http://www.michelettiguitars.com/topwoods.html#:~:text=Sinker%20redwood%20is%20softer%20than,use%20light%20gauge%20strings%20only.&text=Redwood%20is%20very%20similar%20to,that%20fingerstyle%20guitarists%20really%20love.
When I commissioned James Goodall to build me my Grand Concert, I asked him about "sinker" redwood for the top; I was living on the North California Coast on a 6 acre parcel of the huge beings (!) and wanted to have a redwood topped guitar...
James' feeling is that with sinker, there is a lot of variation in the tone, from one piece to the next, probably due to different mineral content; he works with what he calls "Master Grade Redwood" instead... feeling that he has a better idea of the tone from the more consistent pieces of that source.
一般是开采过程中不慎丢失的原木,经沉积作用影响的木头,河流沉积作用效果不明显,尽管时间长,但并不会完全化石化,比普通原木材密度更高,硬度进一步加强,木质纤维分解,含水率降低,表层被泥沙包裹一般不会采用。音色在原材料基础上会有差异,但并不等于开声和音色更好,只能说更有特点。沉水就目前来看,主要是省材料费,比起开采成本更低一些,近年来开采成本越来越高了,所以沉水就是一定程度上的替代品,还能得到独特音色风格。不要过度相信那些商家的营销,实际上沉水材料并不会产生音色上的质变的飞跃,工艺和设计还是第一因素。 本帖最后由 Troop 于 2021-5-1 17:57 编辑