本帖最后由 cyberninja 于 2021-7-31 21:31 编辑In the Olive Grove作曲:Brian Katz (加拿大作曲家)https://v.qq.com/x/page/u3265jaou0j.html
这首除了longyuxi1,估计国内不是很知名,其实是很美的一首,RCM(皇家音乐学院第五级的选曲). 视奏了一下不出错就录了。
Brian Katz is an internationally acclaimed guitarist, pianist, recording artist, improviser, composer, and music educator. He holds Mus. Bach. and Mus. M. degrees (Music Education) from the University of Toronto, and Dalcroze Eurhythmics Certification. Brian also studied jazz at Humber College in Toronto, composition and classical guitar at the Royal Conservatory of Music. "In the Olive Grove" was released in 2013 with Brian’s first solo guitar CD, “Leaves Will Speak”. It is one of RCM (The Royal Conservatory of Music) Grade 5 Repertoire and Studies, and one of the favorite songs of my RCM students.
厉害,大神级别,曲子很美 不愧是RCM certified。水平是高
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