猫之舞 (卡洛.多明尼康尼)
猫之舞 (卡洛.多明尼康尼)这是意大利吉他作曲家和演奏家卡洛·多明尼康尼作品20号24首前奏曲中的第12首,标题是猫之舞,曲如其名。也是皇家音乐学院考级(RCM)三级的选曲。视奏一下分享给大家。
Danza del gatto (Dance of the Cat)
op.20, no.12, 24 Präludien
能上YOUTUBE的朋友访问这里: https://youtu.be/xbC3uObM4Fg
Carlo Domeniconi (born 20 February 1947) is an Italian guitarist and composer. Although his compositions include a wide variety of genres and instrumentation choices, he is best known for his works for solo guitar, and particularly the Koyunbaba suite. Domeniconi's style is characterized by his adoption of multicultural influences. His works explore and borrow from a wide variety of national traditions, including Turkish, Indian, Brazilian, and many more.
This fun piece Präludium 12 is part of Domeniconi's op.20, 24 Präludien. It is selected as one of RCM (The Royal Conservatory of Music) level 3 repertoire.
谢谢两位,RCM Level 3的乐曲大部分在这本书上
https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41U+kdrrbSL._SX373_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg 视频咋听不到声音的? 能不能分享个乐谱? 猫捉老鼠的场景 鼓掌鼓掌鼓掌鼓掌