cyberninja 发表于 2022-1-1 05:17:39


本帖最后由 cyberninja 于 2021-12-31 13:21 编辑

爱的赞歌(法語:Hymne à l'amour,法语发音:),又譯為愛的頌歌,是“法国香颂女王”歌手艾迪特·皮雅芙(Édith Piaf)1949年为其情人马塞尔·塞尔当所写的歌曲,但塞尔当于1949年10月28日由巴黎赴纽约途中遭遇空难身亡。 爱的赞歌由艾迪特·皮雅芙作词、玛格丽特·莫诺作曲,1950年发布,此后出现多个语言的翻唱版本,并流传至今。



Hymne à l'amour

Composed by: Marguerite Monnot
Arr: Roland Dyens/Ming Huang

"Hymne à l'amour" (Hymn to Love) is a popular French song originally performed by Édith Piaf (1915-1963), who was a French singer-songwriter, cabaret performer and film actress noted as France's national chanteuse and one of the country's most widely known international stars. Piaf's music was often autobiographical and she specialized in chanson and torch ballads about love, loss and sorrow.

The lyrics were written by Piaf and the music by Marguerite Monnot. Piaf first sang this song at the Cabaret Versailles in New York City on September 14, 1949. It was written to her lover and the love of her life, the French boxer, Marcel Cerdan. On October 28, 1949, Cerdan was killed in the crash of Air France Flight 009 on his way from Paris to New York to come to see her. She recorded the song on May 2, 1950.

This arrangement for guitar is in E major. I transpositioned from the Eb major arrangement by French classical guitarist Roland Dyens (1955-2016).

plussa 发表于 2022-1-1 07:32:51

好听,Roland Dyens的这盘法国香颂我听了很多遍,尤其这首改编的太好听了。

spottie 发表于 2022-1-1 08:31:47


cyberninja 发表于 2022-1-1 17:03:30

谢谢二位,同意Roland Dyens法国香颂中最好听的就是这首了,成功移植到E大调说明Dyens一些乐曲可以不用特殊调弦的

琴中人 发表于 2022-1-2 19:39:27


mzh13901072293 发表于 2022-1-3 12:22:14


l9393 发表于 2022-1-3 16:11:32

cyberninja 发表于 2022-1-5 09:10:36

Thanks 琴中人, mzh13901072293, l9393! 再次看到又有朋友留言说也许迪恩斯的其他Eb改编可以transposed到E. 大家喜欢迪恩斯又不喜欢调弦的可以试试
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