uaeboss6tg 发表于 2022-7-15 15:23:17


本论坛的兄弟们有谁用过这个软件的效果儿器?看Youtube网上评测视频,它的音色似乎比其他那些Guitar Rig, Bias什么的还好一些?尤其是一些失真度高的节奏吉他音色(金属节奏音色),是不是这样?

241 models! Get the world's largest collection into your computer and mobile device
[*]Includes both the amp modeling and the amp capturing technology
[*]89 guitar amplifiers and 4 bass amplifiers. See full model list...
[*]50 guitar cabinets and 2 bass cabinets
[*]79 pedal and rack effects
[*]18 microphone models, with up to four mics on each cabinet
[*]More than 1000 presets covering all musical styles + FREE PRESETS every month! See them...
[*]Randall®, DVmark®, Brunetti® and THD® authorized models approved by the original manufacturers
[*]Amp Tweak technology, allows you to mod the amplifiers by changing the preamp and poweramp tube models, as well as simulating the action of a variac
[*]Rig Player (with 20 factory rigs), allows you to reproduce rig models created by capturing real setups
[*]One entire preset bank dedicated to bass.
[*]4th generation analog emulation technology, with proprietary nonlinear processing algorithm
[*]3D, gap-less positioning of microphones and room simulation
[*]Advanced cabinet emulations with ReSPiRe 2 technology
[*]Built-in convolver to load external guitar cab IRs
[*]Flexible sound chain with split point for parallel processing
[*]Fully customizable MIDI control for live usage
[*]BREVERB and SpringAge based reverb effects
[*]Full compatibility with TH3 user presets
[*]More than 8000 captured rigs, from the world's largest library!
[*]Mobile version available. See TH-U iOS...
[*]NEW in v1.4 SuperCabinet, revolutionary IR processor, included
[*]NEW in v1.3 Scenes allow to instantly recall different models configurations in the preset.
[*]NEW in v1.3 Enhanced cabinet module with Fluid Convolution
[*]NEW in v1.3 Double IR Loader integrated into the cabinet module

uaeboss6tg 发表于 2022-7-20 21:46:48


雪刃 发表于 2022-9-29 14:19:38

都用好多年了,从TH1 TH2 TH3到THU。确实很好,自己试试就知道了。如果是金属类,那么基本上在MAC上,除了neural dsp,没有能比过它的,包括bias fx 2也不行。它的ir加载也很好用,比bias amp强,唯独少了bias的吉他模拟。是个非常出色的效果器。外网论坛有些人认为neural dsp单一的插件,还不如THU。
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查看完整版本: 这个OVERLOUD TH-U似乎不错呀