How can I quickly memorize a piece?There are many approaches to take, and it's probably a good idea to use
as many of them as possible.
First, try to learn what the large scale structure of the piece is. Is it
binary? Ternary? Rondo? That way you are basically beginning by cutting
it up into more manageable chunks.
Second, look for phrasing and other types of musical structures.
Try to learn it by ear (can you sing the piece all the way through without
the music or the guitar?). This is easier for people who are more "aurally"
orientated (like me).
If you are more "visual" try to memorize the page to as great an extent as
you can. The harp prof here gave a lecture about memory & learning
techniques, and said that visual memory really was more stimulated by
looking up (and to the left, I think) so if you can, try placing your music
stand VERY high (for practice & learning) such that you are looking UP at
the music.
I knew many guitarists in Spain who memorized the solfege syllables - they
could sing their pieces from start to finish (mi re mi fa mi re mi...)
Try to memorize the piece starting at the back (This is a tip from David
Russell) - we always go from front to back, often bogging down, so usually,
the farther into a piece we go, the less familiar & comfortable it is. If
you learn the LAST measure, then the next to last measure, etc. you are
setting up a situation where the farther you go, the MORE familiar and
comfortable things are.
This also brings up the issue of learning single measures (apart from
whatever musical context they might have). Jose Tomas used this technique
as a way for his students to learn 30 minutes of *new* repertoire in
1 month: at the beginning, make a learning plan, in which you assing
yourself X measures to learn each day, making sure that every day you
learn some of every piece (instead of working on piece A, then later
starting on piece B, etc.). Learning very short chunks helps you program
your physical movements much better.
This brings up the even more excruciating techniques suggested by Manuel
Barrueco. Make sure you know your right and left hand fingerings so
thoroughly that you can do either separately.
For example, play the piece with the right hand only (i.e. all open
strings, but using the *EXACT* right hand fingerings).
Then, try playing the left hand alone. This is a bit harder, because it
doesn't really necessarily function as well without the precision of the
right hand. Barrueco's solution is to mis-tune the guitar to some random
tuning (i.e. 6th to F, 5th to Ab, 3rd to G#, 1st to D#)...then play your
piece, concentrating on plainingg the fingering perfectly.
This is an excruciatingly difficult thing to do if you are primarily
an "aural" type (I am) - but it's good, the totally "wrong-sounding"
nature of this forces you to fight to not be distracted and concentrate
on playing the fingering right.
Do this *very* slowly to practice the fingering without relying on your
[ 本帖最后由 哈哈 于 2006-4-13 10:50 编辑 ]
怎样快速记谱(觉得很有用,英文)How can I quickly memorize a piece?
There are many approaches to take, and it's probably a good idea to use
as many of them as possible.
First, try to learn what the large scale structure of the piece is. Is it
binary? Ternary? Rondo? That way you are basically beginning by cutting
it up into more manageable chunks.
Second, look for phrasing and other types of musical structures.
Try to learn it by ear (can you sing the piece all the way through without
the music or the guitar?). This is easier for people who are more "aurally"
orientated (like me).
If you are more "visual" try to memorize the page to as great an extent as
you can. The harp prof here gave a lecture about memory & learning
techniques, and said that visual memory really was more stimulated by
looking up (and to the left, I think) so if you can, try placing your music
stand VERY high (for practice & learning) such that you are looking UP at
the music.
I knew many guitarists in Spain who memorized the solfege syllables - they
could sing their pieces from start to finish (mi re mi fa mi re mi...)
Try to memorize the piece starting at the back (This is a tip from David
Russell) - we always go from front to back, often bogging down, so usually,
the farther into a piece we go, the less familiar & comfortable it is. If
you learn the LAST measure, then the next to last measure, etc. you are
setting up a situation where the farther you go, the MORE familiar and
comfortable things are.
This also brings up the issue of learning single measures (apart from
whatever musical context they might have). Jose Tomas used this technique
as a way for his students to learn 30 minutes of *new* repertoire in
1 month: at the beginning, make a learning plan, in which you assing
yourself X measures to learn each day, making sure that every day you
learn some of every piece (instead of working on piece A, then later
starting on piece B, etc.). Learning very short chunks helps you program
your physical movements much better.
This brings up the even more excruciating techniques suggested by Manuel
Barrueco. Make sure you know your right and left hand fingerings so
thoroughly that you can do either separately.
For example, play the piece with the right hand only (i.e. all open
strings, but using the *EXACT* right hand fingerings).
Then, try playing the left hand alone. This is a bit harder, because it
doesn't really necessarily function as well without the precision of the
right hand. Barrueco's solution is to mis-tune the guitar to some random
tuning (i.e. 6th to F, 5th to Ab, 3rd to G#, 1st to D#)...then play your
piece, concentrating on plainingg the fingering perfectly.
This is an excruciatingly difficult thing to do if you are primarily
an "aural" type (I am) - but it's good, the totally "wrong-sounding"
nature of this forces you to fight to not be distracted and concentrate
on playing the fingering right.
Do this *very* slowly to practice the fingering without relying on your 觉得最后一条非常好. 是克服"背手"的一大良方. 悄悄的问下最后一句是什么,别告诉别人我不懂英文啊`~ 原帖由 photoshop6.0 于 2006-4-13 09:45 发表
看谱, 左手不弹, 只弹右手, 哈哈大叔说反了,应该是只弹左手,右手不动,
关于记谱子,很多钢琴大师都是视觉记忆,鲁宾斯坦说他演奏时眼前浮现出来的谱子上连洒上的咖啡他都看得见,呵呵 原帖由 哈哈 于 2006-4-13 10:05 发表
看谱, 左手不弹, 只弹右手,
哦,那么也可以只看谱只动左手右手不弹,谢了~ 欺负我不懂英语 原帖由 反弹吉他 于 2006-4-13 10:11 发表
两个都有, 分别弹.
一个是只弹右手, 一个是只按左手. 原帖由 walksound 于 2006-4-13 10:14 发表
本想翻译出来, 但看看确实有些太长了...呵呵.论坛上哪位英文好的给翻译一下.
这文章确实不错. 不过好象没贴全.:D 北京4正在热播马大帅三 在视觉记忆方面, 高处的东西容易记住, 所以, 如果你习惯用视觉记忆, 最好把谱子挂在高处. 呵呵. 原帖由 walksound 于 2006-4-13 10:20 发表
主题曲很好. 改成三重奏一定不同凡响. 马大帅四剧情介绍:
本片讲述了农民进城的故事,非常贴近生活 原帖由 walksound 于 2006-4-13 10:30 发表
为了改变农村的落后面貌,马大帅办起了吉他学校,特聘刚子为副校长,马小翠为形体课教师。牛二出狱后举办大师班,继续与马大帅争夺玉芬。范德彪异想天开生产古典吉他,亏本后铤而走险 ...
哈哈哈, 让范德彪跟阴彪学, 演奏马家堡风格. 外有塞,塞哥维亚, 今有范,范德维标.:D:D:D 当回好人,给大致翻译一下:
很慢的这样练习,不要依赖你的。。。后边没贴完,估计是耳朵,呵呵,老郭给加个精华,当好人不容易啊,10多分钟呢 已把翻译放在楼顶.谢谢. 不错 顶 个人觉得“1个月记住一个30分钟的曲子”其实也并非难事,如果有需要,也许快则一周就能办到。但要看你是如何记,短暂的记忆是经不起“丢”的,如何培养成长时间巩固的记忆,看来,还是需要不断的练习。 原帖由 concerto 于 2006-4-13 17:58 发表
个人觉得“1个月记住一个30分钟的曲子”其实也并非难事,如果有需要,也许快则一周就能办到。但要看你是如何记,短暂的记忆是经不起“丢”的,如何培养成长时间巩固的记忆,看来,还是需要不断的练 ...
他的意思是说,订个学习计划, 一个月内, 学习新曲目时间总长为三十分钟.同时学习几个新曲子, 而不是一个学完再学另一个.每天学会各曲子的几个小节.
这样学习,一个月下来, 你会很顺利地弹比如五首曲子, 如果学完一个再学一个, 一个月下来, 就会学一个忘一个.
呵呵, 反弹兄翻译得有点偏差.
[ 本帖最后由 哈哈 于 2006-4-13 18:21 编辑 ] 原帖由 哈哈 于 2006-4-13 18:12 发表
他的意思是说,同时学习几个新曲子, 而不是一个学完再学另一个.每天学会各曲子的几个小节.
一个月内, 学习新曲目时间总长为三十分钟.
Let me try it! 让肌肉记住谱子。多弹,想忘都忘不掉。 好好好!!! 原帖由 apie 于 2006-4-14 00:59 发表
肌肉记忆有长久的特性, 但都是单一动作, 比如骑自行车. 30年不会忘; 吉他拨弦的基本动作, 按弦的基本姿势, 这也都是忘不了的.
但记忆复杂动作的能力非常差. 很容易忘掉.靠手记忆曲子, 行不通. 谢谢分享! 学习了,真的拿一首曲子试试背谱。 翻译的好。。。。
对于背谱的方法。。。现阶段的我用不上。。。之是初学 我也曾背谱过,但是忘得很快! 死记硬背。。。。。。