发表于 2006-5-19 08:50:58

[下载] Sunyata - Gypsy Sun, Gypsy Moon



流派:New Age
风格:flamenco、Gypsy、Contemporary Instrumental
乐队成员:Stuart Munro、Jim Gawne

    New Age团体Sunyata是一对极富天份的二人组合,Stuart Munro和以Bluegrass Genre(蓝莓乐派)开始其音乐生涯的Jim Gawne。但是别让新世纪这个标签愚弄了你,一些这样团体的音乐从严格意义上来讲并不能够称之为宁静安详,甚至艺术家自己也提到,自己的一些作品,就像是给吉普赛打击乐注入了新的活力。

    The new age group Sunyata is made up of a talented duo, Stuart Munro and Jim Gawne, who began his career in the bluegrass genre. Don't let the new age label fool you, though; some of this team's music isn't exactly peaceful and calm. The artists themselves have even referred to a few of their tunes as acoustic gypsy thrash filled with high energy.

Gypsy Sun,Gypsy Moon
发行公司:Soundings of Planet

    Munro and Gawne在80年代末期被推出,之后又过了几年成为组合Sunyata。在零预算的情况下,这二人组合准备在1993年录制一张自己制作的首张碟《吉普赛之日,吉普赛之月 (Gypsy Sun, Gypsy Moon)》。但是1997年,这张碟只能是在Planet Records的标签下发行,默默无声。在这张唱片中有不少脱离寻常的非电声乐器的运用,例如,大型曼陀林,朵尔鼓,(中美洲和西印度群岛的)四弦吉他,曼陀林(一种琵琶乐器),宝思兰鼓(爱尔兰的一种山羊皮鼓),布祖基琴,(希腊曼陀琳),以及朵姆拉。经验丰富的中东音乐乐迷会从这首张献礼中发现——所有作品的原始版本像Blue, Wet, Deep和She Sleeps都是极鲜明的吉普赛音乐和佛拉明戈音乐的结合。
    在专辑的第一首乐曲里,我们听到节奏吉它完美的闷音扫弦,全曲配合清澈的鼓声把我们带进了一个吉普赛的世界。第二首乐曲带给我们的则是急风骤雨般的快拨和透明质感的双奏,在那动荡的旋律里我们仿佛看到Gypsy Sun, Gypsy Moon。第三首对于整张专辑来说算是较轻缓的乐曲了,就是在这抒缓中,我们仍能感受到吉普赛人特有的音乐张力。第四首乐曲里吉它音色变化之多不得不让我佩服,至此我深深为这两位演奏家的技艺所折服。第五首乐曲给我印象最深的是临近结束的那一小段,在前面用了几分钟的时间作为铺垫后,两把吉它突然如夜空时绽放的烟火般迸发,时而蜿蜓交织,时而放声齐奏,听来让人血脉贲张。整张专辑一共十首乐曲。

    Munro and Gawne were introduced to each other near the end of the '80s. It took a few years before they became what is Sunyata. With a zero-budget, the duo managed to record a self-produced debut album in 1993, Gypsy Sun Gypsy Moon. It was released under the Soundings of the Planet Records label in 1997. Some of the acoustic instruments used to escape the norm on this recording were the mandola, dholak, cuatro, mandolin, bodhran, bouzouki, and the domra. All-original tracks like "Blue, Wet, Deep" and "She Sleeps" are a couple of the gypsy and flamenco-seasoned Middle Eastern numbers fans will find on this first offering.
    This duo of Gypsy stylists offers an amazing palette of sounds. Only acoustic instruments used - strings and percussion, some of them handmade. Full of soul, Sunyata is never flamboyant. This international acoustic foray left me stunned. As with a truly impressive disc, people on the phone begged to know what was playing in the background. Beautiful and encompassing as a painted desert.

Sunyata - Gayuse Flats


哭泣的马头琴 发表于 2006-5-19 16:42:05

谢谢分享. 发表于 2006-5-19 20:58:45


梁超 发表于 2006-5-26 10:30:10


laoyaoA 发表于 2021-6-12 21:23:32


laoyaoA 发表于 2021-6-12 21:28:03


cuiminghao 发表于 2021-6-13 14:59:29

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