"I believe my blindness gave me more insight with the inner world. The world in which we the blind live. While sitting on this wicker chair I am thinking that the illness, the loss of vision, was the vehicle that took me down the road to music. Otherwise, I would surely have followed in the footsteps of my family and become a merchant (even though my first wishes were very different. I was set on being a streetcar conductor). I have more auditory memories that visual memories. I remember the song of the crickets, of the cicada, the pounding of the waves, the sound of the organ and the church bells in my hometown" - Joaquin Rodrigo翻译 (不然小兵又要来push俺):
我相信眼盲使得我更深入地洞察眼盲人生活内在的世界. 当我坐在这把藤椅上时,我在想,疾病和失去视力象一部交通工具一样把我带到了音乐之路上. 否则, 我几乎肯定会步家族的后尘,成为一名商人(虽然这与此我以前的第一个愿望非常不同, 我曾梦想当一名电车调度员). 我现在的记忆更多地是基于听觉而不是视觉. 我记得家乡里蟋蟀和蝉的歌唱, 浪淘拍岸的起伏, 还有风琴的音乐和教堂的钟声.
- J.罗德里戈
[ 本帖最后由 cyberninja 于 2007-1-10 02:19 编辑 ] 你这些名人语录可以整理成1大篇文章了~ 不错的主意, 就叫"吉他名家语录(第一卷)"......
等再积累些, 有空再整理. 罗老(不是咱们论坛的那个)又说了:
"My relation with God is tranquil, hopeful, without problems. For me inspiration is a divine gift and sometimes I have felt that inspiration" - Joaquin Rodrigo
他说: 我和上帝的对话是平静并充满希望的. 对我来说, 灵感是一种来自上帝的神圣礼物, 而我有时能够得到这种赠予. 支持整理
另,到站务论坛看看去~~ 一定整理,
看了站务论坛, 非常感谢大家和小兵对俺的鼓励和错爱, 非常开心能得到这份新年礼物!
礼物寄过来比较贵吧, 想起来上次琴务兵给俺寄CD的事了......俺当然可以过阵子有机会回来拿, 不过还真想等这阵子忙完拿去mandolin乐队让那帮土老外瞧瞧....... 恭喜楼猪获奖 谢谢, 俺花了不少时间才在短信里搜索才找到那个论坛 再加句新的:
"We will become sounds in paradise" - Joaquin Rodrigo
罗老又说了: 我们将会成为天堂里的声音
[ 本帖最后由 cyberninja 于 2007-1-14 05:59 编辑 ] 原帖由 cyberninja 于 2007-1-12 16:24 发表
看了站务论坛, 非常感谢大家和小兵对俺的鼓励和错爱, 非常开心能得到这份新年礼物!
礼物寄过来比较贵吧, 想起来上次琴务兵给俺寄CD的事了......俺当然可以过阵子有机会回来拿, 不过还真想等这阵 ...
http://news.guitarschina.com/article.php/2489 从这些语录中我得当启示. 如果要学好吉他, 一定是先弄瞎眼睛(罗得里格), 然后再自学(塞个维亚). 呵呵, 关于罗老的话...其实俺也得到了类似的启示.
不过做为楼主, 不好意思说出来而已...... 谢谢小兵, 看着办吧......
叶登民的那篇文章读过, 是很好.
搜索了一下以前发过的语录. 只有这些人的:
Julien Bream
Sharon Isbin
Sharon Isbin
Stephen Kenyon
下周再查查, 整理整理
[ 本帖最后由 cyberninja 于 2007-1-14 12:40 编辑 ]