liusihong82 发表于 2007-4-16 11:13:23


我这次发的"教大家一些四声部作曲 联系吧"的帖子是我们学校音乐系头两年的乐理 MUS131=Matirial of Music I, MUS132=Matarial of Music II 但是全部为本人自编手写 内容从最简单的和弦 I-V 到 Non Harmonic Tones. 我打算到此为止.原因 第一 3,4年的乐理学的也不扎实 怕误人子弟.第二我发贴没有人看也没人学.只有我和版主 "无聊的人"唱对台戏实在没有动力在讲下去了.
但是我必须说明,如果你把我这个帖子从头到尾仔细的看一遍,再加上你对作曲, 曲式, and Orchestration 有一定的常识, 你已经可以写出一首巴洛克式提琴协奏曲了.
Three Movement: Fast Slow Fast (Vivaldi Style)

Concertino = Solo Instruments

Repieno = The Rest of the Orchestra

Tutti = Concertino + Repieno

Ritornello + Episode

Retornello =Main Theme return again and agian, each retornello start on different key, usually closely related key

Episode = chans of Diatonic Sequences and doing diatonic modulation by using all those sequences

Retornello1 Start on Home Key - Eposode1(sequence 1 - break - sequence 2 - break - sequence 3 - break - sequence 4 "Modulation at the same time") - Returnello 2 Start on a New Key - Episode2(Sequence 1 – break – sequence 2 – break – sequence 3 – break – sequence 4 –break “Diatonic Modulation at the same time”) - Retornello 3 Start on New Key Episode 3(Sequence 1 – break – sequence 2 – break – sequence 3 – break – sequence 4 –break “Diatonic Modulation at the same time”) - Retornallo 4 Start On New Key - Episode4(Sequence 1 – break – sequence 2 – break – sequence 3 – break – sequence 4 –break “Diatonic Modulation at the same time”) - Returnello5 Start on Home Key - Coda - Final Cadence

Vivaldi - Op3, 12 Violin Concertos
Vivaldi - Op8, 12 Violin Concertos (The 4 Season concertos are the first 4 violin concertos of OP8)

[ 本帖最后由 liusihong82 于 2007-4-16 11:26 编辑 ]

阿川 发表于 2007-4-16 14:15:15


nunoliki 发表于 2007-4-16 17:34:31



colworld 发表于 2007-4-17 21:42:13


:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

梧桐絮语 发表于 2007-4-23 15:44:23

张辽 发表于 2007-5-2 00:10:23

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