Fender American Vintage 57 Precision Bass
这款贝司与别的P贝司有什么不同 他的特点是什么 哪个颜色好看? 枫木指板,噪音屏蔽,ash身体,好像都不是. 第一把的logo,贴得有点不舒服啊 大家说的是什么意识我有点不明白! 有什么地方不对吗 原帖由 糖耳朵 于 2007-7-27 16:24 发表 http://bbs.guitarschina.com/images/common/back.gif枫木指板,噪音屏蔽,ash身体,好像都不是.
这琴没噪音屏蔽, 因为SPILT-P本身就没什么噪音
白色的是ASH的, 其余两款是ALDER 与其他P BASS有什么不同??
声音相对62和现代款的稍微亮一些吧. 很适合弹FUNK. 之前国内有过几把不错的57P, 可惜刚一露面就被抢购一空.
自己感觉 它和58 59 60有什么不同的 大概卖多少钱我要买 它的音色够完美吗 玩朋克怎么样 SLAP怎么样? Perfect tone? Tone is kinda private, so it's the concept in ur mind.
How much? Common bass in America, why not go to the guitar store to ask?
Play punk? Slap? Sure if you WANT it to, just see ur local punk bands to check what kinda bass they use.
58, 59, 60 P Bass? I have to say they are Original, the '57P is a Reissue...
Hey dude, you are in America, Why don't you just go to the store directly? Or Internet like FDP or talkbass? You can find all the answers you want. 哈哈~~HellCat 用全英文专业的语句来解答了~哈哈`逗乐一下
完善的口气? 口气有点儿私有,因此它是概念在ur头脑里。 多少? 共同的低音在美国,为什么不去吉他商店要求?戏剧废物? 掴? 肯定,如果您想要它对,请看见ur地方低劣的带检查有点儿低音的什么他们使用
58, 59, 60 P低音? 我必须说他们是原始的, ‘57P是补发…嘿花花公子,您在美国,为什么您就是不直接地去商店? 或互联网喜欢FDP或talkbass ? 您能发现您要的所有答复。 how much they sell in china ?? i just got here. I do not know how to communicate with them.I dont know any of the bands here.
hey dude , because there is no type of bass in guitar center, i have no way to test . So i dont know about the right tone. that's
why I'm asking ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :) 原帖由 wangtiefu 于 2007-7-30 07:43 发表 http://bbs.guitarschina.com/images/common/back.gif
how much they sell in china ?? i just got here. I do not know how to communicate with them.I dont know any of the bands here.
hey dude , because there is no type of bass in guitar center, i...
Nice to talk to you, dude.
But there's very small quantity of this bass you can found in the mainland China market, IMHO.
Very very small, beyond what you can imagine. I can say less than 100 of this kind of bass here.
Once I found the bass in a guitar store, the price is about CNY1,7000. What the f-ucking hell! It's just about USD1000 in America as I know! But the price in China is f-ucking stupid high~
So I never wanna buy basses in local guitar stores.
Mainland market for electric instruments is quite small, most families want their kids to learn piano rather than guitar. The biggest is the American market, so you are lucky, man, you can find anything you want in the country, just go to the internet to check what you need before you go to the store. Like what I wanna recommend to you is "talkbass forum" and "Fender forum" or "hamonycentral.com" to see what all the Kool Cats talking there. They can really help you, dude.
Go ahead~ 原帖由 wangtiefu 于 2007-7-28 14:05 发表 http://bbs.guitarschina.com/images/common/back.gif
它和58 59 60有什么不同的 大概卖多少钱我要买 它的音色够完美吗 玩朋克怎么样 SLAP怎么样?
59有出CUSTOM SHOP款, 58和57没什么区别, 假如是原琴的话, 不过你发的是REISSUE, 那区别可就大了...总之你发的57不是ORIGINAL, 和你问的58,59,60是完全不同的概念, 所以再跟你比较它们的FINGERBOARD, LOGO,FINISH等有什么区别是没有什么意义的
卖多少钱? 正常零售价格的话, 美国总比中国便宜一些吧. 美国不只有GUITAR CENTER一家乐器店, 多看看多问问, 答案应该也不同, 另外MUSIC123, MUSICIANSFRIENDS上面的价格就是美国的网络零售价格, 各个网站不会差异太大. 而中国目前有两家代理的货, 货源不同, 价格也不同, 所以我觉得这个问的也没什么意义...
音色够完美吗? 虽然我个人很喜欢这款琴, 不过我可不认为这种1500美圆价位的琴会有什么"完美"的琴(3000美圆价位的琴我也不认为有什么"完美"的琴), 这个价钱后面添个零的琴里或许能找到"完美"的琴. 不过买琴主要是看自己喜欢不喜欢, 它完美不完美有什么意义呢?
玩PUNK怎么样? 参照HELL CAT说的吧
SLAP? 好象是这个款式的BASS发表了将近20年后才开始有的一种演奏技巧......假如你对SLAP有一定的认识, 那么除非是想玩个性, 否则恐怕不会考虑这款琴了吧...... 说的我也想飞去大洋彼岸了。。。
"most families want their kids to learn piano rather than guitar."I cant agree any more.^8 我喜欢中间那把白色的~~ HellCat的英语不错啊~
回复 1楼 wangtiefu 的帖子
那把白色的 隐约能看见木纹都是这样么??回复 6楼 bluesnblood 的帖子
请问高人那把白色57型号是多少市面价格是多少我想收一把谢谢 其实我一直想问那指靠装在一弦下到底是什么想法。。。回复 18楼 换大碗 的帖子
我有图片上白色那把57p要出,有意请加qq93426849 请教那个指靠是出厂配置还是后加上去的 discontinued回复 19楼 街头狂虫 的帖子