没钱~~!!!^19 好贴!哈哈
发图的兄弟舍得给个网址就更好了~ 阅读得不够仔细
http://www.gilmourish.com/?page_id=20 将你灵魂深处的呐喊与呼唤,交给 Evidence Audio的锁链!^18 咋没看见调音表啊?? ^18 ^18 ^18 ^18 ^13 我一直想知道38楼那些图里那个横着放的跟吉他一样的东西叫什么
谢谢 STEEL GUITAR,俗称夏威夷吉他.
给钱^11 原帖由 康师傅 于 2007-10-28 16:58 发表 http://bbs.guitarschina.com/images/common/back.gif
给钱^111" />
他是说解答的人 要给 5 元钱 ^5
你这一贴 亏了 5 元~~~ 这些天玩WOW养成的习惯
“谁给开个**门~~~2G~~~谢谢” PINK FLOYD-Live8.伦敦海德公园
One of the greatest things that’s happened to my tone are the cables from Evidence Audio. I always thought that my sound was pretty good and I had no idea that the cables I used was actually doing more harm than good. I’ve used all sorts of stuff, like Planet Waves, Monster and George L’s, but none of them come even close to cables from Evidence Audio.
About a year ago I got a Lyric and a Lyric HG. I was excited since David was seen using these on the Live 8 performance and the moment I plugged in, I understood why. It was like getting a stompbox made for removing all dullness in your tone (which would be pretty cool in it self!). I had never heard my guitar so clear or with such rich dynamics and I though “so this is how my guitar and amp really sounds like… Wow!”. Then I recieved a Siren speakercable and it totally blew my mind! I didn’t think I would notice a dramatic improovement, since the Lyrics had already done wonders, but I was wrong. Using the Siren between the amp head and cabinet is like removing a thick blanket from the amp!
Which cables I recommend is one of the most frequent questions I get, so I thought I’d do a proper presentation. It is important for me to say that I promote these cables based only on what I’ve experienced and not because I have some obligations to do it.
Gilmour’s Evidence Audio cables;
- On stage, David is using the Melody for his Strats, lap steels and other electric guitars, while in a studio setting he prefers the Lyric HG.
- Lyric HG for acoustic guitars.
- Lyric HG between Cornish pedalboard and additional effect units.
- Siren speakercables between head and cabinets, and used to rewire the inside of combo amps and cabinets.
对我的音质来说发生的最重要的一件事情是Evidence Audio.线材,我一直认为我的声音很完美,我并不知道我经常使用的线缆实际上弊大于利。我用了各种各样的线材,比如像Planet Wave,Monster and George L’s,但是它们之中没有一个能跟Evidence Audio.的线材相比。
大约一年前,我得到一根Evidence Lyric和The Lyric HG 乐器线。我很兴奋,因为有人曾看见DAVID在Live 8演唱会上使用这种线材,我插上电源那一刻,我就知道这是为什么了。那就像专门为去除暗淡音色而制的踏板效果器,我从来没有听到过我的吉他这样清澈或如此富有动感,我认为这才是我的吉他和音箱真正的音色,后来我弄到一根Evidence The Siren II™ 喇叭线,它完全让我大吃一惊!我没以为我的音色会有大幅改进,因为Lyrics系列已经让我感到不可思议了。但是我错了,在机头与箱体之间使用Evidence The Siren II™ 喇叭线就像从音箱中去除了一个厚毯子。
David Gilmour使用的Evidence Audio连线:
-在舞台上,David的Strats、钢棒吉他和其它电吉用 Evidence The Melody 乐器线;在录音室,他喜欢用Evidence The Lyric HG 乐器线
-原声吉他使用Lyric HG
-Cornish踏板和其它单块效果器之间用Lyric HG连接
^13 ^13 ^13 ^13 ^13 ^13 比起设备我更喜欢他的揉弦`~~~ 真有那麼好嗎?過陣子有錢了.買條來試試看吧.:) 挖个三年坟,喜欢Pink Floyd,Roger Waters, David Gilmour,当然还有Nick Mason和Richard Wright(已故)。不过对Syd了解不多。 掘坟帖……
可能不是用EVIDENCE AUDIO的线录的《月之暗面》和《迷墙》
至于现在,没必要上广告的当 这个一定要顶,因为我也用EA的线 坟帖 他老人家的火箭发射架 光看久已经很过瘾了