Randall Amplifiers - Kirk Hammett, Metallica ProjectRandall Amplifiers - Kirk Hammett, Metallica ProjectRandall Amplifiers, a division of US Music Corporation, announced today that they have joined forces with Kirk Hammett of Metallica. Hammett and Randall will be working together to design an extensive line of signature products that emulates the distinctive tones of Metallica?s legendary guitarist. The full line of Kirk Hammett amps, heads, combos and preamp modules will allow guitar players around the world ? from beginners to professionals ? to harness the sound he uses both in the studio and on tour.
?Old-school tones and new-school technology attracted me to the potential that Randall amps have to offer,? said guitarist Kirk Hammett. ?These considerations are the answer to my continual quest for a well-rounded tonal palette and this flexibility also enables me to make modifications on the spot. I feel tonally emancipated.?
?Everyone at Randall Amplifiers is truly honored to work with Kirk Hammett,? said Doug Reynolds, Randall Division Manager. ?His sound and playing style have inspired music fans for generations. With Kirk?s collaboration and our continued dedication to create innovative, in-your-face amps, guitarists everywhere will be blown away with his new line of signature products.?
Kirk Hammett is currently using Randall gear while recording Metallica?s ninth studio album ? set to be released next year. The album is being produced by Rick Rubin and will be the bands? first release since St. Anger in 2003. For more information on Kirk Hammett and Metallica, please visit www.metallica.com/Band/kirk.asp.
Randall Amplifiers og Metallica-guitaristen Kirk Hammett har slået pjalterne sammen om at designe en serie af forstærkere som i fremtiden bliver "The Sound of Metallica".
Der har længe været rygter om et sådant samarbejde, men nu er det altså officielt. Kirk Hammett er faldet for Randall, og sidder pt. i USA og indspiller Metallicas næste skive på sin helt egen Randall Amp!
Et uddrag af pressemeddelelsen fra Randall:
“Old-school tones and new-school technology attracted me to the potential that Randall amps have to offer,” said guitarist Kirk Hammett. “These considerations are the answer to my continual quest for a well-rounded tonal palette and this flexibility also enables me to make modifications on the spot. I feel tonally emancipated.”
Så, kære guitarfolk, glæd jer! Der er både combos, toppe og kabinetter på vej fra Kirk Hammetts nye serie af Randall forstærkere.
先面是音色视听: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eG8nROD6Vtc
Kirk Hammett is currently using Randall gear while recording Metallica?s ninth studio album ? set to be released next year. The album is being produced by Rick Rubin and will be the bands?这两句为啥是问号^16 顶这牌子
最爱DIME^19 .....我是帖的..大概是字符错误...
SO SORRY.... ^14 居然用两块WHAMMY 想问问懂RANDALL的,RANDALL的T2怎么样? ^13 ^13 ^13 ^13 楼主贴的图是DIME的