刚好最近下载了MEGADETH99年以前所有专辑的Remaster版本APE/FLAC音频,就顺手收集了他们历史上大部分能找到的经典歌曲的GTP格式总谱,与大家分享。Megadeth - A Secret Place.gp4
Megadeth - A Tout Le Monde.gp3
Megadeth - Addicted to Chaos.gp4
Megadeth - Breadline.gp4
Megadeth - Countdown to Extinction.gp3
Megadeth - Dread & the Fugitive Mind.gp3
Megadeth - F.F.F.gp4
Megadeth - Family Tree.gp4
Megadeth - Five Magics.gp3
Megadeth - Foreclosure of A Dream.gp3
Megadeth - Gears of War.gp3
Megadeth - Hangar 18.gp3
Megadeth - High Speed Dirt.gp3
Megadeth - Holy Wars...The Punishment Due.gp3
Megadeth - Hook In Mouth.gp3
Megadeth - I Thought I Knew It All.gp3
Megadeth - I'll Be There.gp4
Megadeth - I'll Get Even.gp4
Megadeth - In My Darkest Hour.gp3
Megadeth - Kill the King.gp3
Megadeth - Last Rites, Loved to Death.gp4
Megadeth - Mastermind.gp3
Megadeth - Moto Psycho.gp3
Megadeth - My Creation.gp4
Megadeth - My Kingdom.gp4
Megadeth - My Last Words.gp3
Megadeth - Paranoid.gp4
Megadeth - Peace Sells.gp3
Megadeth - Prince of Darkness.gp3
Megadeth - Promises.gp4
Megadeth - Psychotron.gp4
Megadeth - Recipe for Hate Warhorse.gp4
Megadeth - Reckoning Day.gp3
Megadeth - Return to Hangar.gp3
Megadeth - Rust In Peace...Polaris.gp4
Megadeth - Seven.gp4
Megadeth - She Wolf.gp4
Megadeth - Sin.gp3
Megadeth - Skin O'my Teeth.gp4
Megadeth - Sleeperwalker.gp3
Megadeth - Sweating Bullets.gp4
Megadeth - Symphony of Destruction.gp3
Megadeth - The Killing Road.gp3
Megadeth - The Scorpion.gp4
Megadeth - The World Needs A Hero.gp4
Megadeth - This Was My Life.gp3
Megadeth - Tornado of Souls.gp3
Megadeth - Train of Consequences.gp3
Megadeth - Trust.gp3
Megadeth - United Abominations.gp3
Megadeth - Use the Man.gp3
Megadeth - Victory.gp4
Megadeth - Vortex.gp4
Megadeth - Wake up Dead.gp3
Megadeth - Wanderlust.gp3
Megadeth - Washington Is Next.gp3
Megadeth - Youthanasia.gp4
[ 本帖最后由 雪域杀手 于 2007-12-30 18:45 编辑 ] ^13 ^13 ^13 Thanks.
^13 ^13 ^13 看来练MEGADETH歌的人不多啊。 谢了兄弟~~^13 继续给我发大屠杀的~~^13 ^13 ^13 喜欢megeadeth◎! ^13 ^13 ^13 ^13 谢谢大家支持,我会继续找他们的谱子发。 顶!!!!!!!!!!! MEGADETH经典的乐队! ^13 ^13 ^13 ^13 ^13 ^13 ^13 ^13 ^13
MEGADETH的经典都有了,多谢楼主~ 谢谢~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· ^13 ^13 ^13 呵呵,只要大家喜欢就好,以后我会陆续发别的乐队的全部GTP谱。 好东西 顶顶 顶上去 谢谢了 非常喜欢 感谢LZ 顶求Megadeth - Unplugged In Canada 2001不插电的整张GTP谱子 fly you a kiss, thank you 好东西,翻出来,要顶 不错 我正好都丢了 谢谢 怎么解压不了? 谢谢 果断下载!!!!!! LZ感谢您 顶起MEGADETH!!!!!!!! 很全,支持了。 太谢谢了啊,还打包了,感动啊