想弄一把Orville, 或者Orville by Gibson,有能给些具体信息的吗。自己对颜色没有太大挑剔,主要是想弄一个Long tenon的。 Les paul 或者SG都可以。
:D 这事问竞霄 LP专家 同等竞霄!!!
还有BY GIBSON字样的好像跟稀少珍贵,据说是因为用了美产的拾音器。
好像都是Fujigen代工。。。。???? 90年代末好像就停产了吧,那你的意思是说,80年代产的不如90s的
恩,好像都是Fujigen出产的。 我到不是这个意思,但是我喜欢90S的细节,80S的上漆颜色什么的我觉得不好看。 98年停产了,代替它的是epiphone japan。可惜epiphone japan也于去年停产了。
orville的价格不好说,因为目前能够买的只有2手。日本的2手拍卖网里3X,000 円——1XX,000 円的价格不等;美国的ebay上几百美刀到一千多美刀的价格也不等。视琴的状态和新旧程度而定。
也有一些复刻的经典型号,比如58、59 les paul还有flying V、335之类可能会贵些。 90年代做工看着特别细致的,而且还见有foto-flame的那种,fujigen的这项技术好像主要是给fender用的,不过看着有点太艳丽了。 ORVILLE BY GIBSON的比现在不少量产的GIBSON USA好^13 ……对美产琴不是那么有感觉 不知道为什么 觉得只有tele和各种jazz琴比较有味道
日产的start和les paul感觉都很好
不论是手感还是声音 85~00年的都很不错 On 18-Feb-08 at 21:12:51 AEDST, seller added the following information: K Serial Number Orville guitars were made in Japan and not Korea.
这个是非常重要的有的部分Orville没有后面的by Gibson字样的也并非不都是日产的
Orville and Orville by Gibson Guitars (1988-1998):
Named after the founding father of Gibson guitars, Orville H. Gibson, these fully-authorized Japanese guitars came into existence through partnerships
between Gibson USA and various Japanese manufacturers and dealers (such as Aria, Matsumoku and Yamano Music) that extend back into the 1970s.
It wasn't until 1986 when Yamano Gakki took over the distribution of Gibson (and Korean-made Epiphone) guitars in Japan, and later in 1988, decided
to expand their lineup of guitar models, that things really got rolling for the Orville and Orville by Gibson brands.
Yamano Gakki decided to go with a different name for this expanded line of guitars, that were designed in the exact form of the most valuable and sought-after
classic Gibson guitars.It was decided upon to use "Orville" as the new brand name, dedicating the brand to the founding father. As it was decided that some
of these guitars would be equipped with Japanese-made pickups and some with USA-made pickups, they decided to include the post-script "by Gibson" for the
models that had pickups of American origin.
All “Orville” guitars were equipped with Japanese replica PAF pickups, while the “Orville by Gibson” guitars were usually equipped with authentic Gibson USA
PAF ’57 Classics, and sometimes the original Bill Lawrence HB-R/HB-L or Gibson 490s. Other than the difference in headstock logo and pickups, there are no
other hidden or outward differences that I am aware of. Many collector friends have said that they think the Orville by Gibsons are overall better guitars and
while this may be so, many collectors have disagreed with this notion. There were many high-end and mid-range models of these guitars under both logos;
I think mainly that the model number and original price dictated quality, not particularly the logo.
While somewhat confusing, you can determine where your Orville or Orville by Gibson guitar was made, the year it was made, and even the month it was made,
by looking at the back of the headstock.There were 5 different methods used to date Orville and Orville by Gibson guitars and two factories involved with
building them, so I've developed the simple chart below to assist you...
*F = Factory:G, J & K beginning the serial numbers denote that is was made by the Terada factory: the "G" ink stamp means the guitar should have Gibson
USA pickups, and "J" for Japanese pickups. K stands for Kuramae, Yamano's wholesales division.
No letter beginning the serial number = FujiGen Factory-built.
*Y = Production Year
*M = Production Month
*P = Production Number
这个好,受用,多谢~ ^13 ^13 ^13 太详细了~~ 非常详细的知识,感谢~~~~^13 ^13 我也想弄一只Orville的Hummingbird 可惜找不到啊 原帖由 kolesny 于 2008-5-5 06:26 发表 http://bbs.guitarschina.com/images/common/back.gif
凑巧找到罢了 There were two Japanese guitar factories involved in all of the
Orville by Gibson and Orville production and they were Terada
and Fujigen The Gibson Les Paul Book by Tony Bacon and Paul Day (1993)
mentions that both the Orville by Gibson and Orville guitars,
including the K Orville guitars (1989-1993) were made in Japan.
When the Orville by Gibson series began in 1988,
Fuji-Gen were concentrating on making Fender Japan bolt on neck guitars
and so the G serial Orville by Gibson
and K Orville set neck guitars were all made by Terada.
Fuji-Gen began making Orville by Gibson guitars in late 1992
and also Orville guitars in 1993 after they established Fuji-Gen Hirooka Inc in November 1991.
After opening Fuji-Gen Hirooka Inc,
Fuji-Gen resumed large scale set-neck guitar production.
After Fuji-Gen were contracted by Yamano Gakki in late 1992,
Fuji-Gen were assigned to make most of the Orville by Gibson and
Orville solid body guitars and Terada shifted to its more traditional role of mostly making Semi Acoustic guitars .
The production of the Terada solid body K Orville guitars and most of the Terada solid body G serial Orville by Gibson guitars were ended in 1993 as a result.
Fuji-Gen and Terada used different serial number formats Terada used a G or J letter at the start of the serial number and Fuji-Gen used a serial number containing no letters which consisted of only numbers.
Terada G letter = Gibson pickups and Terada J letter = Japanese pickups.
Terada used no serial numbers for the K Orville guitars and they were serialized by a Yamano Gakki distribution sticker.
The K Orville sticker was used by Yamano Gakki due to the K Orville guitars having a different distribution system to the other Orville guitars.
The Orville by Gibson and Orville serial number format had 4 variations in the 10 years that they were produced.
The Orville by Gibson guitars used ink stamped serial numbers and the Orville guitars used both ink stamped serial numbers and Yamano Gakki (K) serial number stickers. 各位都是大神!学习了! OBG 很不错。
可惜我没有找到 REISSUE 款的,我觉得 STANDARD 款的琴颈不够粗。
这是 89 年 TERADA 产的 G 系列。 原帖由 silverkw 于 2011-1-19 01:17 发表 http://bbs.guitarschina.com/images/common/back.gif
OBG 很不错。
可惜我没有找到 REISSUE 款的,我觉得 STANDARD 款的琴颈不够粗。
这是 89 年 TERADA 产的 G 系列。
你的DIY Lp很Nice 原帖由 Propaganhdi 于 2011-1-19 14:03 发表 http://bbs.guitarschina.com/images/common/back.gif
你的DIY Lp很Nice
其实有机会搞到 REISSUE 款 OBG ,可惜现在我没闲钱了。。。 ORVILLE BY GIBSON的比现在不少量产的GIBSON USA好?这么神? 原帖由 silverkw 于 2011-1-20 08:40 发表 http://bbs.guitarschina.com/images/common/back.gif
其实有机会搞到 REISSUE 款 OBG ,可惜现在我没闲钱了。。。
曾经看过一个超级雕刻的Reissue Custom
记忆犹新 资料很详细 这是我前几天托朋友买的Orville95年fujigen厂产的.虽然不是Orvilleby gibson 但对我来说非常满足了 呵呵 主要是技术很有待提高啊!
[ 本帖最后由 zjbrock 于 2011-1-20 23:36 编辑 ] 那把雕刻的是 山野乐器限定版 纪念山野100周年的 原帖由 tornyisme 于 2011-1-20 10:10 发表 http://bbs.guitarschina.com/images/common/back.gif
以Standard为例,不只是好一点,是好很多。 没什么意义,软文一个,好不好不是由谁说的,就算谁说的也只是一家看法,好不好最客观的就是看价格.价格贵的就是好.(官方价格)别的说什么都没这个客观. 原帖由 lzvai 于 2011-1-20 07:15 发表 http://bbs.guitarschina.com/images/common/back.gif
那把雕刻的是 山野乐器限定版 纪念山野100周年的
我靠。。。。 这也不错 很少有真正的火焰枫木面的 OBG, 有也炒得很高了,见得比较多的很多是 FOTOFLAME 的。 还是可以搞到的。 ... 嗯,有闲钱了一定找你详谈,不过得寄北美。。。 我也一直在找ObG。到目前还没有遇到成色好的。价钱倒是不在乎。 原帖由 千里彤 于 2011-1-20 17:38 发表 http://bbs.guitarschina.com/images/common/back.gif
找 lzvai 阿,毕竟近水楼台先得月。
多谢楼上哥们.终于会上图了.. 我这把便宜,毕竟不是obg
很漂亮的 PLAIN TOP!!! 原帖由 silverkw 于 2011-1-22 14:26 发表 http://bbs.guitarschina.com/images/common/back.gif
很漂亮的 PLAIN TOP!!!
谢谢,呵呵我是个新手,刚开始不了解这琴..以为买了个旧琴,而且是十多年的,虽然音色特别喜欢,但总感觉.......但后来自己四处了解,证实了我这把琴,也了解到了很多知识,越来越觉喜欢orville了 哈哈.. 但是敢问楼上大神,PLAIN TOP是? 没有纹理的贴面
素色的贴面 不看不知道。是个挖坟贴。。。