白大娘都来了啊..........^14 ^6 啊,太敬业了~~~!!!佩服! 他没事就用没开的整听啤酒砸自己头给砸开喝,手伤成这样应该是幸运的了 hard core..... ZAKK好爷们............ ^13 太狠了,太敬业了,这种精神值得学习,好好练琴 真是爷们```看起好心痛哦```` 下去赶紧打破伤风吧~ 要不破伤风杆菌要了ZAKK命~
向他致敬! 整个一rain in blood,牛鼻坏了 幹嗎可以流這麼多血呀.... 太敬业了! 应该这样! 建议GIBSON就这个流血事件 出个血红配色纪年款吉他!!! 真吓人阿。。。太坚强了! "During the first few notes of 'Paranoid' (the last song of the night), Zakk threw the Rebel at the audience — just as he did at all other gigs around the world. But the crowd (and security) thought he was giving the guitar away, and didn't want to give it back. Zakk then jumped into the crowd to have it back and the crowd went even crazier.
"By then, Ozzy, Blasko and Mike were still playing 'Paranoid' without Zakk. It took some looooong minutes for the security to manage to get Zakk back onstage. The Rebel was only only recovered a few minutes later, and with a broken neck. Zakk was clearly upset with the situation just threw the guitar aside, and Ozzy and Blasko were trying to cheer him up…
"I felt really sorry for him, but had the greatest time in my life!"
Watch footage of the incident below.
爷们`````` 我靠列,真吓人。。。。。。。。。 男人原来是这样的``` 把琴搞坏的人 实在太可恶了 我是ZAKK就跳下去拧断他的手 敬礼!!!!························· 原帖由 koy2012 于 2008-5-1 23:24 发表 http://bbs.guitarschina.com/images/common/back.gif他敢停下来吗......就算OZZY打不过他....也怕OZZY使出什么恶心招数对付他啊........
哈哈哈哈 看那血你要先说瓶盖琴被弄坏了 再发上最后一张擦琴的图片 我还以为ZAKK把毁瓶盖的丫祭琴了呢^9 ^9 ^9
回复 #23 zhuzhuzhuzhu 的帖子
你怎么扯一些很操蛋的问题??? ZAKK 在舞台就象在战场!吉他就是战刀。猛砍~ZAKK太MAN了^13 太敬业了,ZAKK就是横 估计是喝了真不少!!!! 真的是太man了!!^13 ^13 向ZAKK敬礼 ^13 这就是金属,这就是摇滚! ^13 ^13 ^13 原帖由 竞霄 于 2008-5-1 21:18 发表 http://bbs.guitarschina.com/images/common/back.gif唉,Zakk喜欢把吉他和音箱扔给观众的毛病该改改了,这下玩儿大了。在里约热内卢的演出他把那把著名的镶满瓶盖的“反叛者”吉他扔给了观众,但是观众这次并没有还给他,还把琴颈给弄断了。
反叛者这下BB了~ 金属的血,这场演出势必成为经典 太敬业了!少有的啊!! 这只恐龙真行........ 原帖由 Animal1031 于 2008-5-1 21:36 发表 http://bbs.guitarschina.com/images/common/back.gif
晕 这伤跟有不有钱有关系么? 触目惊心啊
metal guy!