貌似是新款这是个干什么用的?前级DI? 还是??? 沙发~~~~~次奥~~~~没见过~~~~~~还有压缩的~~~~ 看起来好全很强大...
压缩+失真+均衡+DI? A multi-function pedal that every rock bassist needs.
Distortion, EQ, and Compressor for bass guitar in one pedal
1/4" AND XLR Inputs and Outputs
EQ Level Control
Dry Output Control
Distortion on/off, compression on/off and bypass switches
Power supply included
Electro-Harmonix Bass Metaphors Compressor Pedal
The Bass Metaphors Compressor Pedal has a distortion design that melds with carefully selected compression and bass specific EQ to add tonality structure with a rock solid foundation. The channel strip design makes for easy setup and deadly tone. 1/4" AND XLR inputs and outputs let you go to your amp and directly to the board for recording. The dry knob lets you control how much dry signal goes is present at output. The compressor adds sustain and smoothes out the signal. 看来是一块全搞定型 看不惯SANSAMP和MXR,也想加入抢钱大军…… 不了解
感觉很强大啊 漂亮极了 啥玩意儿?前级?还带压缩呢...日了.什么诡异的东西 Distortion, EQ, and Compressor for bass guitar in one pedal
1/4" AND XLR Inputs and Outputs
照这么说就是一个带失真和压缩的DI+PREAMP?现在这种带前级的DI成时尚啦....哈哈 貌似很强大的说。 506比他们更强大。。哈哈。。