ghostian 发表于 2009-4-12 08:50:02


仔细看了PRS和PRS SE的专利的固定琴桥 发现不象G或者别的固定琴桥.Gibson的固定琴桥一眼就能看出来是可以调整有效弦长的,可是PRS和PRS SE的固定琴桥没有可调整的部件 怎么调呢?我不懂 只是想问问多长长见识

bigdreamyr 发表于 2009-4-12 23:06:45


soyabean 发表于 2009-4-12 23:13:20

ghostian 发表于 2009-4-13 07:43:38

弦长固定好了 不见得八度就好了啊 怎么调???

benzhu 发表于 2009-4-14 09:00:41


凝固的黎明 发表于 2009-4-14 09:34:27

一种是Wraparound 就是你说的那种, 那个是几乎不可调的. 除了两边有两个可调节的地方, 但是是整体调节琴桥, 而不是单独没根弦调节的.
很早期的PRS也用过Tune o matic

Gibson也在lespaul上用过 wraparound的琴桥, 那个也是完全不可调的.

就像LS那位说的, 这个和木吉他一样, 都是出场就保证了8度的准确性.
后期有可能会因为Neck弯曲度, 琴弦规格,木材的状态有细微的变化.
不过一般这么去做的琴厂都可以有信心保证8度的精准. 所以不必担心.

如果外观可以接受的话, 不妨换成黄铜的带saddles的hardtail, 会比铸铁的好一些.

[ 本帖最后由 凝固的黎明 于 2009-4-14 09:55 编辑 ]

凝固的黎明 发表于 2009-4-14 09:53:21 Designed to take full advantage of the resonant properties of our guitars, the PRS Stoptail Bridge provides direct transmission of string vibration to the guitar body and makes set-up a breeze. First used in 1991 on the PRS Dragon I guitar it now appears on almost half of all PRS guitars sold. This bridge features slots that recess the strings comfortably as they pass over the top, in a gentle curve. Although it is pre-compensated for modern string gauges, fine-tuning is possible by adjusting the set screws at each end of the bridge.

Tuning and Set-up Hints

Action height is adjustable by raising or lowering the studs the bridge sits on. To adjust the mounting bolts, first detune the instrument to relieve the tension on the bridge. Then using a Quarter, make the necessary adjustments and retune.

Intonation can be adjusted using the two allen set screws facing the tail end of the guitar. A strobe tuner or other electronic tuning device should be used. Match the octave (fretted) note of the first and sixth strings with their corresponding 12th fret open harmonics by shortening or lengthening the strings with the adjusting screws using the allen wrench provided. Start with the treble side and then go to the bass side, return to the treble side for one last check. The other four strings are present and will intonate correctly provided a conventionally gauged string set with a plain third (G) string is used. Use of a wound third string is not recommended with this bridge.

When setting the action at the 12th fret the string height should be 2/32" on the treble side to 5/64" on the bass side.

Remember to tune and retune until the process is complete.

If you are unfamiliar with making these adjustments, we recommend that the guitar be taken to a qualified repair center.

---------------- For ease of intonation of non-standard or extra heavy string gauges, a special order version of the PRS Stoptail with individually adjustable saddles is available. The adjustable PRS Stoptail is available in nickel or gold plate. All PRS parts and accessories are available for special order; please contact our accessories department for ordering information.

The Hollowbody and Archtop with the piezo option feature a special version of the adjustable PRS Stoptail fitted with piezo inserts. This bridge can be adjusted in the same fashion as our adjustable Stoptail.

Tuning and Setup Hints

Action height is adjustable by raising or lowering the studs the bridge sits on. To adjust the mounting bolts, first detune the instrument to relieve the tension on the bridge. Then using a Quarter, make the necessary adjustments and retune.

The intonation may be adjusted by moving the phillips head screws on the inside edge of the bridge (facing the treble pickup) in and out with a phillips head screwdriver. Match the octave (fretted) note of all six strings with their corresponding 12th fret open harmonics by shortening or lengthening the strings with the adjusting screws. Additional minor adjustments to the intonation may also be made by moving the set screws facing the tail end of the guitar in and out with the allen wrench provided.

When setting the action at the 12th fret the string height should be 2/32" on the treble side to 5/64" on the bass side.

Remember to tune and retune until the process is complete.

If you are unfamiliar with making these adjustments, we recommend that the guitar be taken to a qualified repair center.

ghostian 发表于 2009-4-14 10:17:13


猪逻辑 发表于 2011-5-6 20:17:58


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查看完整版本: 为了长学问~请问PRS的专利固定琴桥的琴怎么调整有效弦长(调八度)?