请教关于E BOW
请问有人用过E BOW吗,最近想买一个EBOW, 大家有什么建议呢 就是一块拿来拨弦的东西么。。TETSU的WONDERFUL WORLD 的MV里貌似出现过。。貌似BASS 用的8多。。 那个其实就是个Feedbacker啦,喜欢玩回授solo的弹吉他的还有点用...你要它干啥... 原帖由 BassManXelloss 于 2009-4-26 16:26 发表 http://bbs.guitarschina.com/images/common/back.gif那个其实就是个Feedbacker啦,喜欢玩回授solo的弹吉他的还有点用...你要它干啥...
也不是吧.......很多BASS LIVE都有用到E BOW来做SOLO 原帖由 BVCX 于 2009-4-26 16:34 发表 http://bbs.guitarschina.com/images/common/back.gif
也不是吧.......很多BASS LIVE都有用到E BOW来做SOLO
好吧= =我承认用这个真的很省右手 我在 bass上试过,声音不怎么好弄啊,几乎可以说出不来声音,是不是有bass专用的??????? 原帖由 玩具火车 于 2009-4-26 23:08 发表 http://bbs.guitarschina.com/images/common/back.gif
我在 bass上试过,声音不怎么好弄啊,几乎可以说出不来声音,是不是有bass专用的???????
请串一个强力fuzz或者失真来玩这个... 请有经验的朋友解惑 ddddddddd 原帖由 玩具火车 于 2009-4-26 23:08 发表 http://bbs.guitarschina.com/images/common/back.gif
我在 bass上试过,声音不怎么好弄啊,几乎可以说出不来声音
http://www.douban.com/photos/photo/163342213/ 没玩过,哈,现在我把琴放的离音箱近一点就出回授了。。。- -! 原帖由 鸟鸟 于 2009-4-28 17:30 发表 http://bbs.guitarschina.com/images/common/back.gif
看了豆瓣才知道鸟鸟原来是旅行团的bass啊!我们主唱说你琴的数量可是超多的! 那难道有BASS专用的E BOW吗 http://www.ebow.com/
我是像弄点长延音才借来用,后来也发现用效果器也能达到想要效果就没有再用了。 Does the EBow work on bass?
The EBow was designed for guitar string spacing. It gets its necessary alignment by resting on the strings adjacent to the one you're playing. To play the EBow on bass, you must accomplish this critical alignment in challenging ways. You can rest the EBow between the strings and tilt it sideways to get the string you want to play to run down the drive channel. You can use your forefinger and thumb off the edges of the EBow to create "grooves" that catch the adjacent strings. Or, you can just hold the EBow in the proper position through sheer will and determination. Light gauge strings and a touch of distortion can prove useful, especially in the harmonic mode. Michael Manring has perfected the use of EBow on bass. 等待解答 ,晕,还没有人回到,我是想做提琴的延长音和音色