回复 42# 老三 的帖子
不巧,这把确实是双摇的……虽然没有弦锁…… 丝贵儿早期也有很高端的型好的 我看是他自己让做琴师傅写的........"Slash"...... 原帖由 浪子心 于 2009-7-15 05:02 发表 http://bbs.guitarschina.com/images/common/back.gif
双头的那把很漂亮 肯定是SQ这个现场我有我仔细看过了确实是SQ 原帖由 break 于 2009-5-1 05:59 发表 http://bbs.guitarschina.com/images/common/back.gif
有国外网友说是Sugi的Stratocaster,两个humbucking pickups,一个Floyd Rose琴桥。
怎么感觉这么像SQ 的 Showmaster 啊
配置也是双双 加 Fr 应该是一把日产或者早起美产的SQ 我以前乐队的菲律宾吉他手用的就是这。。后桥还是原装的FR。。。声音也挺不错的·····跟SLASH手里这把貌似是一模一样···· 有点模糊 看不清! 好像是jackson http://imgsrc.baidu.com/forum/pic/item/b4ecb035c4023bafa71e128b.jpg
看字体不像sugi也不像Squier 啊 真巧 我和SLASH用同一牌子的琴啊 他曾经说过 杰克逊这个牌子的琴 音色听起来像狗屎。然后换了赖斯鲍尔。不知道是不是杰克逊的。
回复 40# 浪子心 的帖子
guild 在fender收购前生产的les paul型的blues bird电琴是我用过的琴中印象最深的,,非常好 看着像washburn 可能是早期FENDER HEAVY METAL系列.The Fender HM Strat is a discontinued model of electric guitar produced by Fender Musical Instruments from 1988 until 1992, (although some sources say production started as early as 1986). The HM guitar was Fender's answer to the superstrats, produced by manufacturers such as Ibanez and Jackson Guitars, and marked a relatively radical departure from Leo Fender's classic design.
The Fender HM (Heavy metal) strat was originally produced in Japan and subsequently, in 1990, in the United States. Some evidence indicates that assembly in the U.S. with some components imported from Japan may have begun as early as 1987. The first version appeared with a distinct Strat logo in the headstock, 24 medium jumbo frets (i.e. these are thicker and wider frets), a maple neck with rosewood or maple fingerboard and with one of the four neck "bolts" (screws) off-set at the bottom of the neck to allow a more comfortable "heel" area for playing in the upper registers, a lighter basswood body, or occasionally alder for US made guitars). In addition the Fender HM Strat had a Floyd Rose licensed double-locking Kahler tremolo system, "Spyder", and Gotoh tuners, one DiMarzio humbucking H* "Super 3" pickup ("H" configuration), and sometimes two single coil pickups (S*, HSS configuration), two humbuckers, or sometimes a single additional Super Distortion, (HH configuration) and a side mounted jack socket. Japanese-assembled guitars have colored polyester on the bodies, and clear polyester on the necks. American-assemblied HM Strats have a very hard aircraft grade urethane color and clear coats on the body, while still using polyester finish on the neck. Kahler USA offers a detailed schematic diagram of the Kahler Spyder tremolo and several (but not all) replacement parts are available.
和DUFF 那把BASS应该是同一类型的。
[ 本帖最后由 xiaojia_ 于 2010-3-15 00:22 编辑 ] 琴这个东西。。说不定我那把LP给松本用也就成签名款了看人更多哦 原帖由 7Vmaster 于 2009-5-1 01:10 发表 http://bbs.guitarschina.com/images/common/back.gif
貌似就是SQ 难道是Sch???
http://bbs.guitarschina.com/thread-988202-1-1.html 哇 终于有了答案............ ...............原来如此
我还想是谁挖的坟的 原来是找到答案了 流儿,别忘了等把这些资料带回来给我昂。我电脑上没了都 STARSUN 自传里介绍
像 jackson 公司要了两把琴。
是jackson? 原帖由 dkspy 于 2010-3-14 18:14 发表 http://bbs.guitarschina.com/images/common/back.gif
说的没错儿,还是要看人~ 他的吉他
● Guitars
Les Paul Slash Custom Shop model
1987 Les Paul Standard with 3 piece top (Factory Second) (Slash's main live guitar with cracked neck in 2 places; repaired)
1958 Les Paul replica built by Chris Derrig
1959 Les Paul replica built by Chris Derrig (some people think that it's a Max Baranet Les Paul replica, but it's not)
Standard and Custom Les Pauls
1957-58-59-60 Les Paul Reissue
2004 Signature (Velvet Revolver)
1963 & 1965 Melody Makers
1960s SG**EDS-1275
1959 Flying V
1958 Explorer
Firebird VII
2007 Gibson Classic Custom
A Squier
1952 Telecaster
1956 Stratocaster
1965 Stratocaster
2006 JazzMaster
Ernie Ball/Musicman
1999 Crossroads Doubleneck ("Godzilla")
12-string Acoustic Guitar
B.C. Rich
Mockingbird (at least three signature models with active pick-up systems)
10-string Rich Bich
D-28 Acoustic Guitar
Classical guitar
Travis Bean
Travis Bean Electric (Used for slide guitar)
First Act
2006 GarageMaster (Used in Volkswagen commercial) fender那里 第一把就是SQ 他的琴里确实有sq,这把看上去很像 是费尔南德斯吧? SQUIER 确实是sq.看他用过的设备清单就知道了。里面有Sq
回复 30楼 我爱7V 的帖子
看他拿除了 les pual 以外的琴 感觉真奇怪 1957-58-59-60 Les Paul Reissue 我看像爱丽丝日产的一款琴!之前爱丽丝日产在美国卖得很好~~~~有图比里面关于那琴的视频不少!!! 他确实用过sq