发表于 2009-5-9 23:47:05
原帖由 343715012 于 2009-5-9 22:36 发表 
如果缺点太多 还是考虑别的 呵呵
have been a die hard Fender strat man every since I started playing about 22 years ago and I have to say that the Ibanez S5470 is perhaps the most perfect guitar I have ever played. The action, playability, tones, hardware, and workmanship are all absolutely perfect. I didn't think I would ever want anything other than my Fender strats but the S5470, aside from being thinner and lighter, has the strat body look, sexy curves, contours, etc. It's all there - PLUS it's like the Japanese have taken this thing to the next millennium with all of their refinements making this thing play and sound like no other guitar I have ever experienced. If I had to choose just one instrument I would have to sell all my other guitars. Buy this guitar now!
自从我玩吉他22年以来,我一直是芬达的粉丝。 但是我必须说S5470可能是我用过最完美的吉他。弦距,手感,音色,材料,做工都是绝对完美的。我认为我以后不会再用芬达,因为ibanez更薄更轻,性感的流线等等。
另外这个是日本人用了他们所有精致的做工让这个吉他1000年也无法代替。如果我只能有一把琴,我会卖掉我所有其他的吉他. |