fvoufvoufvou 发表于 2011-12-15 01:53:31




1. 音色 <- 正是我喜欢的,喜欢到心里去了,心坎的尖尖上,那个声音好甜,甜到像密一样的音色...

2. 按品舒适度 <- 原来那么好按。在我那把1997年买的450块的古典琴上训练出来的老茧,似乎已经没有什么感觉了...


liyejun0913 发表于 2011-12-15 11:24:53


killingjoke250 发表于 2011-12-15 13:16:06

原帖由 就知道玩儿 于 2011-12-1 16:54 发表

相信大部分弹琴的人都是从D型琴开始认识吉他的,HD8V和00016个人感觉根本也没什么可比性,那么喜欢为什么不直接上00028ec呢? 因为当时琴行没有现货呀,哈哈。我买琴喜欢挑现货,不愿意等。据说倒是有一款000-41,但是价格太高了,对我而言没必要。琴和琴的可比性在于用琴的那个人的好恶,与其他无关。

dlrongrong 发表于 2011-12-15 22:38:17


10月才买了TAYLOR GS mini 很是喜欢。终于知道了贵琴其实和一般两三千块的琴还真是区别挺大的,于是之后又开始想着马丁到底是什么声音啊?折腾之心又起。于是用月余的时间看完了马丁集结号和社区里全部关于马丁的帖子。鉴于自己身材的问题,和的确喜欢小琴的轻松和便于携带以及基于自己的经济能力,最终定在了000和00两个型号上。最后在听了很多试听后,发现自己的确喜欢上了15全桃花芯的颜色和声音。最终在得知00和000音色区别不大的情况下,毫不犹豫的选择了更小一点的0015M。事实在买回来以后,用0015M弹SOLO和指弹特别完美,特别符合自己的耳朵,和我的小MINI配合得非常贴切,实在是一把爱不释手的好琴啊。而且和我的GS mini从大小上来说也基本一个型号,让我很满意。只是刚到的时候弦距有点高,去买了M5的内六角回来稍微调了调就手感很好了。共鸣很厉害,一弹我觉得地板和全身都跟着震动。另外怎么觉得原配的琴弦比我另一把琴上上的马丁EC签名款012的弦细啊?不会是011的吧?大家说的那股木头味一开始打开琴箱的时候让我觉得臭臭的,摆了几天后终于觉得香起来了....哈哈....就像斑鸠哥说的,这绝对是一把弹一辈子的琴。好琴容易上瘾也容易破产啊.....就当做年底给自己这年的犒劳吧。别的地方省一下也就出来了,哈哈。现在又在想着M36或Santa Cruz Firefly ,也是把小琴。那就是明后年的目标了,有这样的一个美好愿望,生活也积极快乐了很多了。

banjoroll 发表于 2011-12-16 08:20:44

原帖由 dlrongrong 于 2011-12-15 22:38 发表
10月才买了TAYLOR GS mini 很是喜欢。终于知道了贵琴其实和一般两三千块的琴还真是区别挺大的,于是之后又开始想着马丁到底是什么声音啊?折腾之心又起。于是用月余的时间看完了马丁集结号和社区里全部关于马丁的帖子 ...


liyejun0913 发表于 2011-12-16 09:26:45

原帖由 dlrongrong 于 2011-12-15 22:38 发表
10月才买了TAYLOR GS mini 很是喜欢。终于知道了贵琴其实和一般两三千块的琴还真是区别挺大的,于是之后又开始想着马丁到底是什么声音啊?折腾之心又起。于是用月余的时间看完了马丁集结号和社区里全部关于马丁的帖子 ...

真是很漂亮啊.TAYLOR GS mini 是几寸的?

dlrongrong 发表于 2011-12-16 12:10:58

原帖由 banjoroll 于 2011-12-16 08:20 发表


feitengdeshengm 发表于 2011-12-16 12:25:10

回复 2301# liyejun0913 的帖子

TAYLOR GS mini 应该是36寸的吧

dlrongrong 发表于 2011-12-16 12:26:44

原帖由 liyejun0913 于 2011-12-16 09:26 发表

真是很漂亮啊.TAYLOR GS mini 是几寸的?
gs mini我按正规的寸数量过,换算出来是标准的37寸。0015m量下来是39寸,琴体上比较只大一点点,只是0015m的琴颈更长。gs mini的短些有点挤。

听雨清风 发表于 2011-12-16 17:20:44


dlrongrong 发表于 2011-12-16 22:12:53

原帖由 Gibby 于 2011-12-16 13:34 发表

看你图片有Musican's Friend 拨片,你在是美国此网站上买的么?此网站能邮到中国么?
鲍勃迪伦早先用一把马丁 00-17,也是全桃花心木的呢

baboontip 发表于 2011-12-16 22:20:42


cdzx1973 发表于 2011-12-16 23:15:57


mantoto 发表于 2011-12-17 12:53:22

看帖中毒后入hd28 谢谢蒋兄的琴弦!以后试试7100

tangle1pl 发表于 2011-12-17 23:53:29



banjoroll 发表于 2011-12-18 08:56:20


mantoto 发表于 2011-12-18 14:42:12

hd28在家一个月,湿度控制的很好!琴弦调至降半音后发现指板与箱体结合部还是出现了漆裂!希望没伤到木头!有点小郁闷啊!已经很精心了啊! 东北的哥们冬天要注意加湿啊!已买了vertech sky-100还是出现问题! 蒋兄有好建议吗?谢谢!

tangle1pl 发表于 2011-12-18 15:07:56

回复 2313# banjoroll 的帖子


[ 本帖最后由 tangle1pl 于 2011-12-18 15:09 编辑 ]

banjoroll 发表于 2011-12-18 19:46:57

原帖由 mantoto 于 2011-12-18 14:42 发表
hd28在家一个月,湿度控制的很好!琴弦调至降半音后发现指板与箱体结合部还是出现了漆裂!希望没伤到木头!有点小郁闷啊!已经很精心了啊! 东北的哥们冬天要注意加湿啊!已买了vertech sky-100还是出现 ...



mantoto 发表于 2011-12-18 19:58:04

原帖由 banjoroll 于 2011-12-18 19:46 发表


最好的加湿是对整个琴盒进行加湿, ...

[ 本帖最后由 mantoto 于 2011-12-18 20:00 编辑 ]

banjoroll 发表于 2011-12-18 20:10:51

回复 2317# mantoto 的帖子


mantoto 发表于 2011-12-18 20:23:37


aaronwang 发表于 2011-12-18 20:27:09

回复 2318# banjoroll 的帖子


mantoto 发表于 2011-12-18 20:30:35


蒋兄。。。大家在团购一次吧! 谢谢蒋兄的推荐·!谢谢!

[ 本帖最后由 mantoto 于 2011-12-18 21:24 编辑 ]

banjoroll 发表于 2011-12-18 21:22:51


mantoto 发表于 2011-12-18 21:31:39


德巴 发表于 2011-12-19 12:03:44


新琴入手两个月,一品各弦均有打品现象,看琴颈是中间略突起,应该是逆时针调节才对,可这个号称是原装的扳手竟然转不动,试了把琴弦全部放松也不行,不知道是扳手不对型号还是有其它问题!扳手长16cm,插入调节孔后外长7cm (从音孔算起),新琴应该没必要换琴码的,希望各位马丁的老用户给支点招!!!


[ 本帖最后由 德巴 于 2011-12-19 12:06 编辑 ]

chenfan112 发表于 2011-12-19 17:11:52


banjoroll 发表于 2011-12-19 19:41:14

原帖由 德巴 于 2011-12-19 12:03 发表
新琴入手两个月,一品各弦均有打品现象,看琴颈是中间略突起,应该是逆时针调节才对,可这个号称是原装的扳手竟然转不动,试了把琴弦全部放松也不行,不知道是扳手不对型号还是有其它问题!扳手长16cm,插入调节孔后外 ...


aaronwang 发表于 2011-12-19 20:51:48

回复 2324# 德巴 的帖子


德巴 发表于 2011-12-19 21:57:52


banjoroll 发表于 2011-12-19 22:09:17

2012冬季NAMM展会,马丁将推出15款新品。最值得期待的是Performing artist 1 系的马达加斯加玫瑰木了。

Publish Date: 12/13/11

Nazareth, PA (NAMM, Booth 5454 Hall B) - C. F. Martin & Co. (www.martinguitar.com) is bringing exciting new instruments to the 2012 Winter NAMM Show in Anaheim, California January 19-22. The iconic acoustic guitar-maker will unveil 15 innovative guitars and ukuleles that will enhance the brand's already premiere line of instruments. Attendees visiting the Martin Guitar booth (Booth 5454 Hall B) will be able to have the chance to preview the new releases that include: an expansion of the highly successful Performing Artist Series instruments, Custom Series, Road series, refinement of the D-18 model, and several new ukulele models, spinning on the heels of the successful run of ukulele models revealed last year.

[*] •DRS2 - The latest of Martin's hard-working, great sounding solid wood Road Series guitars, the new DRS2 delivers a unique blend of durability and concert-quality sound and projection. Constructed with solid Sapele back and sides and Sitka spruce top, the DRS2 is a serious working musician's guitar built with an extra rigid Stratabond neck to withstand the rigors of touring. A Fishman&reg; Sonitone sound reinforcement system completes this very road - and stage - worthy Martin. Includes a hardshell case. (MSRP: $1099)[*]•DCPA5 and the GPCPA5 - Introducing our most affordable Performing Artist models. Available in both a Dreadnought and Grand Performance cutaway, both models include solid Sitka spruce top, koa patterned high pressure laminate (HPL) back and sides, High Performance™ Neck and Fishman F1 Analog electronics. Case available. (MSRP $1099)[*]•DCPA4 SIRIS and GPCPA4 SIRIS - With these two new Performing Artists guitars, Martin introduces an exciting new tonewood called Siris, adding even more tonal color and variety to the PA series. The DCPA4 Siris and the GPCPA4 Siris are 14-fret cutaway guitars, and have fast, comfortable Performing Artist profile necks, Hybrid "X" scalloped top bracing, black Richlite fingerboards and bridges and Fishman F1 Analog onboard electronics. Case included. (MSRP: $1849)[*]•GPCPA4 Sapele - Martin Guitar has been a leader in sourcing alternative wood species for over two decades and the company's continued commitment to responsible guitar building will be on display at this year's show. The GPCPA4 Sapele features FSC&reg; Certified Recycled Sitka Spruce reclaimed from dismantled Canadian bridges and is finished with a polished gloss top. Includes Fishman F1 Analog electronics and a hardshell case. (MSRP: $1799)[*]•DCPA1 Madagascar Rosewood and GPCPA1 Madagascar Rosewood - These dovetail models push the envelope of Martin's high end instruments, with solid Adirondack Spruce top, solid Madagascar Rosewood back and sides, Golden Era&reg; bracing, pearl accents and Fishman F1 Aura electronics featuring Easy Mode. The guitar is available in Dreadnought and Grand Performance sizes, each with a gray Geib style case. (MSRP: $6499)[*]•CS-D18-12 - Inspired by a 1929 Ditson 111 that resides in the C.F. Martin museum, the CS-D18-12 is a 12 fret Dreadnought with a body constructed of mahogany reclaimed from rivers in Belize. Commonly referred to as "sinker mahogany," these logs sank to the bottom of a river that was used to transport them and have been lost for over 100 years. Hot hide glue was used to construct these instruments which also boast a T-bar trussrod, slotted headstock and Adirondack spruce top. Also included on the CS-D18-12 and new for 2012 is the Custom Shop Thin Finish package. This nitrocellulose finish is 40% thinner than the standard C.F. Martin nitrocellulose finish. Only 75 of these instruments will be made for the world in 2012. (MSRP $6499)[*]•CS-D28-12 - The CS-D28-12 is a gorgeous 14 fret Dreadnought highlighted by its Cocobolo back and sides, and Adirondack spruce top. Cocobolo is a rare and dense tonewood from Mexico that delivers beautiful bell-like tones. The custom model features two way trussrod, forward shifted and scalloped bracing along with herringbone trim. Also included on the CS-D28-12 and new for 2012 is the Custom Shop Thin Finish package. This nitrocellulose finish is 40% thinner than the standard C.F. Martin nitrocellulose finish. Only 125 of these instruments will be made for the world in 2012. (MRSP $6999, $7249 for sunburst)

zhaoagen 发表于 2011-12-20 14:11:29


小琴小爱 发表于 2011-12-20 15:19:30

楼主和各位亲友 什么时候有团购琴弦的活动啊?

遗民 发表于 2011-12-20 15:23:35

回复 2327# aaronwang 的帖子


mantoto 发表于 2011-12-22 15:56:38

原帖由 小琴小爱 于 2011-12-20 15:19 发表
楼主和各位亲友 什么时候有团购琴弦的活动啊?

咖啡兔兔 发表于 2011-12-22 16:19:19

原帖由 小琴小爱 于 2011-12-20 15:19 发表
楼主和各位亲友 什么时候有团购琴弦的活动啊?

吉他团购群圣诞节又要开始团购琴弦了~~还有音箱罗兰 ac33 和Fishman mini

べ中国吉他团购 1群べ 158623664
べ中国吉他团购 2群べ 160494677

龙猫BJ 发表于 2011-12-23 09:47:09

新人挟Martin 000X1签到

nagaswr 发表于 2011-12-23 13:15:53

求助马丁哥,MARTIN OM-28 、 MARTIN OM-21 和MARTIN OM-21 special那把性价比更高呢

jiale20 发表于 2011-12-23 14:32:21

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