SARA TATTOO吉他彩绘-改造Emily(详细步骤)
前一段时间一直忙着店里的刺青工作,这两天加紧接着制作。 牛逼!!! 阁下店里绘制琴单面加琴头大概多少钱。?还有纹身是算多少钱一个小时还是按难度和面积算?麻烦PM我一个价格,我有意。 很好,很精湛! 楼主真是漫画达人 小弟是学动漫专业的 也只能自叹不如 佩服 佩服 改天试试把我的50P BASS绘个试试
SARA TATTOO吉他彩绘-改造Emily(详细步骤)
8.琴颈和琴头绘画(Guitar pate and forehead drawing)颈部的绘画步骤和琴身的步骤相同,不同的是需要在设计上下一些功夫,一般颜色要和琴身背面和侧面的背景颜色相统一,并且需要加入一些琴身背面图案的主题延伸到琴颈处,使其看起来有一体感。我设计的是用夜魔侠的红绳穿梭在琴颈上,看似很自由的排列,其实却有一定规律。因为本人有十多年的吉他演奏经历,当在昏暗的舞台上演奏时,琴品上的标记是看不到的,侧面的小标记也很不容易看清,所以我让红绳穿梭在品格标记中,这样在演奏中我可以很清晰的看到品格的位置并按准它。
On pate drawing step and body's step is the same, what is different is needs in the design high and low some times, generally the color needs with to carry the surface and the side background color unifies, and needs to join at the back of some bodies the design subject to extend to the qin neck place, causes it to look like has a body feeling. What I design is with the Daredevil red thread shuttle in the pate, looked that resembles the very free arrangement, actually actually has certain rule. Because myself have more than ten year guitar performances to experience, when plays when the dim stage, the qin on mark is did not look that the side small mark is not very also easy to see clearly, therefore I let the red thread shuttle in the moral character mark, like this I may very clear see the moral character in the performance the position and according to it.
Forehead I by succinct primarily, the black bottom color prominent Daredevil English mark, the LOGO place had not thought originally how good can process, if everybody wants the LOGO India in above, to be possible to use the rubbing good parachment paper to transfer beforehand India in the forehead, is carrying on the single color to spurt draws.
太牛扳了!!!! 太漂亮啦
SARA TATTOO吉他彩绘-改造Emily(详细步骤)
这把琴终于制作完成,我也尽可能详细的把制作过程写出来,最后上高光保护漆及抛光的步骤在这里就不过多解释了,有想咨询的朋友可以联系我。总结这把琴的制作心得,制作方法每个人都可以学会并做到很好,重要是美术的功底和对于艺术设计的大脑是需要不停的提高的。This manufactures finally the guitar completes, I also as far as possible detailed write the manufacture process, on finally high light protective paint and the polishing step did not explain in here, wants to consult the friend may contact with me. Summarizes this qin's manufacture, manufacture method each people may learn and achieve is very good, important is the fine arts foundation of basic skills and the enhancement which needs regarding art layout's cerebrum not to stop.
OVER!!!! N人 绝对的 崇拜加敬仰啊 太漂亮了。。。 此贴必须留名顶一下!! 真好看啊我靠~对音色有影响吗~~~~~~~~~~~
回复 59# 八度音 的帖子
对音色没有影响呀 漂亮...... 楼主似乎是 光乐团的主音?回复 62# sex8722 的帖子
是呀,请问你是。。。。。 LZ太强大了!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 这个怎么可能不顶 楼主空间上不去了这个是用什么染料画的 是用笔画的还是那个小金属喷枪 够靓丽的…… 好漂亮啊 叹服啊,我都有冲动把我的收藏拿来一改,顺便把我的纹身也润色一下,高手…~~
回复 66# IEXPLORE 的帖子
我的空间地址改成颜料用的是漆,毛笔+喷笔一起上 偶像级别的! 真漂亮,改天给我也画个 牛了~~~! 牛啊。。。。内牛满面。。。。顶礼膜拜一个。。。真心漂亮。。 我还是喜欢原来的琴的颜色和图案啊 狠人儿 很惊叹的技艺
回复 1# SARATATTOO 的帖子