mayaCG 发表于 2010-1-10 23:54:23

苏珊大妈 我曾有梦

这是我到吉他中国的第一个帖子,我想献给苏珊大妈 ,一个感动了我和感动了全世界的人,总有美梦无法成真,总有风暴无法掌控。每个人心中都有一个梦,请您尊重那个梦吧~

c13776112255 发表于 2010-1-10 23:58:05

看英国达人 我不知道哭了几次我高考失利了都没哭过

请你教我弹吉他 发表于 2010-1-11 00:15:02

挺感动人的。虽然不知道她唱得是什么意思 不过唱得狠有味道

mayaCG 发表于 2010-1-11 09:17:33

i dreamed a dreamed in time gone by
时光荏苒 梦境再次到来
when hope was high,and life worth living
当时,希望满怀 生命澎湃
i dreamed that love would never die
i dreamed that god would be forgiving
在我梦里 真爱不渝 主爱无限
then i was young and unafraid and dreams were made and used and wasted
想我当时 年轻无惧 梦想荒唐 恣意浪掷
there was no ransom to be paidno song unsung no wine untasted
想我当时 钱若轻烟 无歌不唱 无酒不欢
but the tigers come at nightwith their voice soft as thunder
远方战火 低沉如雷 忧心恐惧 如夜掩至
as they tear your hope apart
希望与期待 已被现实撕裂
and they turn your dream to shame
梦想的实践 如同笑话幻灭
and still i dream he'll come to me
然而我仍 期盼情人归来
that we will live the years together
与我共渡 美好余生
but there are dreams that cannot be
只是 总有美梦 无法成真
and there are storms we cannot weather
总有风暴 无法掌控
i had a dream my life would be
梦想生活 总是尽美尽善
so different from this hell i'm living
回到现实 却如焦土地狱
so different now from what it seemed
差距之大 让我无法想象
now life has killed the dream i dreamed
我的美梦 已被现实扼杀

levt11 发表于 2010-1-11 14:32:43


lixusen 发表于 2010-1-11 20:43:29


zhao2315 发表于 2010-1-11 21:27:45


li2503706 发表于 2010-1-11 21:28:12

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