转帖Bogner Alchemist试听
Justin Derrico (Pink)Gibson® Les Paul
Bogner Alchemist™ Head with closed-back Bogner 4X12 cabinet
Effects: Onboard amp effects and Cry Baby® wah
Recorded with an AEA R88 stereo ribbon mic into ProTools®.
http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTU1MzIzMzQ4/v.swfhttp://www.bogneramplification.com/images/justin_maniac.jpg Barry Mitchell (Foxxi Mule)
Haar Tele
Bogner Alchemist™ 112
Effects: Onboard Alchemist Effects
Recorded with an AEA R88 stereo ribbon mic into ProTools®.
Robin Moxey (Blues legend)
Fender® Telecaster®
Bogner Alchemist™ Head with 2x12 Extension Cabinet
Effects: Onboard Alchemist Effects
Recorded with an AEA R88 stereo ribbon mic into ProTools®.
Barry Mitchell (left) - "Blues"
Robin Moxey (right) - "Blues"
http://www.bogneramplification.com/images/Robin-Blues_big.jpg Mark Goldenberg (Jackson Browne)
Fender® Telecaster
Bogner Alchemist™ Head with 2x12 Extension Cabinet
Effects: Onboard Alchemist Effects
Recorded with an AEA R88 stereo ribbon mic into ProTools®.
Mark Goldenberg - "Clean with Reverb"
http://www.bogneramplification.com/images/Goldenberg-Clean_big.jpg Justin Derrico (Pink)
Gibson® Valley Arts Brent Mason Signature model
Bogner Alchemist™ 112 Combo
Effects: Onboard Alchemist Effects
Recorded with an AEA R88 stereo ribbon mic into ProTools®.
Robin Moxey (blues legend)
Fender® Telecaster
Bogner Alchemist™ Head with 2x12 Extension Cabinet
Effects: Onboard Alchemist Effects
Recorded with an AEA R88 stereo ribbon mic into ProTools®.
Justin Derrico (left) - "Country Jam"
Robin Moxey (right) - "Country Jam"
http://www.bogneramplification.com/images/Robin-Country_big.jpg Luke Thomas (LT3)
Gibson® CS-336
Bogner Alchemist™ Head with 2x12 Extension Cabinet
Effects: Onboard Alchemist effects
Recorded with an AEA R88 stereo ribbon mic into ProTools®
Luke Thomas - "Whatchu Lookin' At Human?"
http://www.bogneramplification.com/images/luke_jazz_big.jpg Allen Hinds (session)
Xotic® XS-2 '59 Burst
Bogner Alchemist™ Head with 2x12 Extension Cabinet
Effects: Onboard Alchemist effects
Recorded with an AEA R88 stereo ribbon mic into ProTools®.
Allen Hinds - "Falling Up"
http://www.bogneramplification.com/images/allen_falling_big.jpg 真好听
沉得太快了 继续转,
http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTU1Mzg3Njg4/v.swf BOOST ON 金属试听
http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTU1Mzg4NDQ4/v.swf guitarworld的介绍及试听
http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTU1MzkyODQw/v.swf 这个箱子是Line6和Bogner联合打造的,综合了LINE6的数字和Bogner的电子管技术。去年在上海展会上有幸试用过,当时环境嘈杂,对他没有太多认知,只是觉得声音硬邦邦的,动态差点。这些试听完全颠覆我以前对他的看法!失真太好听了,清音也好过得去,非常不错了!记得这个箱子应该全部是中国产,可见,现在国人的生产加工技术并没有大家想象的那么差,用心去做,还是能出好东西的!连VOX最有代表性的AC系列都是国产了,还有什么值得怀疑的! 前面几个试听时官方的,这个箱子其实相加比相当不错。 虽然是广告但是很好看 顶了 是新产品吧?感觉bogner 这个牌子国内了解的还真不多 箱子功能挺多,关键是几个钱儿啊 香港通利有卖,通利得春季特卖里面有这个的COMBO。国外的标价大概在900美金左右
说来真是郁闷,这个东西时MADE IN CHINA的,可国内很难看到 看看这里吧,香港通利的春节特卖
http://www.tomleemusic.com.hk/sp ... ale10/guitar_tc.asp
用RMB还可以打88折 刚在一家新加坡乐器店网站上看到212combo的价格,12XX新币,折人民币6000不到一点点。 5楼的那个声音太甜美了。是我梦寐以求的音色 bogner我 一定要买台!!! 不错~~~~~~~~~ 这么好的东西没有人顶??
问个问题 第一个视听的曲子叫什么