GibsonVintage 发表于 2010-3-13 17:15:02

我的偶像------Joe Bonamassa设备一览~图文视频!

1977年5月8日出生于美国纽约-尤蒂卡(Utica, New York)的Joe Bonamassa 是一位当代优秀的蓝调吉他手及歌手,他以那冷冽而沙哑的歌声和炉火纯青的吉他弹奏技巧而闻名。2007年4月份的Guitar One 杂志曾赞赏 Joe 或许是在他这个年代里头表现最棒的吉他手;他的弹奏风格通常被归类为蓝调摇滚/blues-rock style, 这样的乐手像是Stevie Ray Vaughan, Kenny Wayne Shepherd 以及Jonny Lang 等。Joe Bonamassa 至今已发行多张个人录音室专辑及现场专辑,音乐作品多次荣登Billboard Blues Chart/蓝调排行榜冠军。Joe Bonamassa 小时候因为家里开设吉他乐器行,所以父亲在他4岁的时候便开始教他一些简短的吉他音阶。11岁时,Joe 花了将近6个月的时间,受到乡村界的吉他翘楚 Danny Gatton 的鼓舞及指导,学会了像是Country 、爵士/Jazz 的东西。这段期间,只要Gatton 的乐队在纽约的任何地方表演,他就会乖乖地坐在旁边观摩学习。在他12岁的时候,就首次为蓝调之王B.B.King 作开场演出。14岁时被Fenderguitar 邀请参与他们的活动。Bonamassa 从他13岁以来便陆续搜集吉他,至今已经超过150把,每每在他现场演出时总会更换5~8 把不同的吉他,这些吉他像是 2004 Gigliotti 'JB' Telecaster,1965 Fender Stratocaster, 以及各种 Les Paul models 等。 If Heartaches Were Nickel是他专辑【A New Day Yesterday Live】里的第10首歌曲,现场效果之好直逼老鹰乐队的名曲加利福尼亚。最后告诉你一个秘密:他开始玩吉他时说来好笑,竟然是为了赚取足够的钱购买豪华任天堂游戏机。




      那一首JUST GOT PAID干出了跟ZZ TOP风格迥异的效果~甚是欢喜。

[ 本帖最后由 GibsonVintage 于 2010-3-13 17:30 编辑 ]

-星期天- 发表于 2010-3-13 17:21:13

帅气 我喜欢

GibsonVintage 发表于 2010-3-13 18:05:14


(_鬼曲子... 发表于 2010-3-13 18:30:43


重金属教父 发表于 2010-3-13 18:33:37


GibsonVintage 发表于 2010-3-13 18:41:57


他经常用的还是视频里那把金面,给MARSHALL 做宣传视频也用的这琴。感觉关键还是在于箱子

hbk 发表于 2010-3-13 19:01:18



李鸣 发表于 2010-3-13 19:15:15

他的那种柔滑失真,就是因为他的FUZZ FACE吗?我听弹什么都那个味道

GibsonVintage 发表于 2010-3-13 19:37:31


V重金属 发表于 2010-3-13 19:45:00

GibsonVintage 发表于 2010-3-13 20:05:12


274164733 发表于 2010-3-13 20:12:10


wp0091 发表于 2010-3-13 20:38:16


凝固的黎明 发表于 2010-3-13 20:44:22

搜索一下 小不列颠里的andy

你会发现 哈哈哈 很惊奇

GibsonVintage 发表于 2010-3-13 20:45:52

回复 14# 凝固的黎明 的帖子


shenpenny 发表于 2010-3-13 21:28:51


不乱苦雑派 发表于 2010-3-13 22:08:34

那个fuzz face很十八铜人。

cream1986 发表于 2010-3-13 22:56:08

joe bonamassa 印证了一个道理,胖子减肥要谨慎...........

李鸣 发表于 2010-3-13 22:58:08

我怀念他在当时FENDER PART的那个时代。上面所有的人都那么完美。

gy_washburn 发表于 2010-3-13 23:02:57


李鸣 发表于 2010-3-13 23:25:57


八度音 发表于 2010-3-13 23:28:43


月殇 发表于 2010-3-14 00:22:52

严重感谢楼主 看了第一个 也快成我偶像了 那个鼓手的踩嚓打上去真他妈的享受 都酥到骨子里去了

swsj 发表于 2010-3-14 00:29:50


冰冻吉他 发表于 2010-3-14 01:55:35


寒流PP 发表于 2010-3-14 02:25:08


GibsonVintage 发表于 2010-3-14 03:34:23



早安南开 发表于 2010-3-14 04:05:13


早安南开 发表于 2010-3-14 04:09:43


BadCat 发表于 2010-3-14 16:41:46

Joe Bonamassa wrote:
Here we go..

Dean Markely 20 watt solid state practice amp(First real amp dad bought me , and a great preamp for Fenders)
Sunn Betta Lead 4X12 combo (sat in with AlbertCollins with this one and it stayed up with his quad Reverb when I couldnt)
1973 Fender Twin Reverb also BB King's Favorite Twin.. He used it many times during the early 90's
Marshall JCM 800 50 Watt Head and Cab (first marshall used on my second gig ever)
1964 Fender Super Reverb( first vintage amp)
1965 Fender Twin Reissue one of the first ones off the line (Smokin Joe days)
1990s Red Knob Fender Twin (smokin Joe days)
1968 Marshall Super Lead (Bloodline)
1970 HiWatt 100 (Bloodline)
1987 Marshall Silver Jubilee(bought so many years ago and still use that particular of the 5 100 watters I have)
3 x 1970's 100 Watt Marshall half stacks (Bloodline)
2 Vox AC 30s(Early Solo Band) 1997 to 1999
2 Marshall Country Club Combos (Early Solo Band) 1999 to 2000
1968 Fender Vibratone Leslie (Early Solo Band) 1999 to 2000
2 JCM 2000 half stacks Jethro Tull Tour 2000
1965 Dual Showman (2002 to 2004)
Line 6 Flextone 2003
Budda Superdrive 80 (2004 to 2006 )
Fuch ODS 100 (2005 to 2006)
Van Weelden TwinkleLand (2007 to present , part of my Euro 220 volt rig that stays over here)
Category 5 JB 100 (2007 to present)I have two one European one in Silver for America
MarshallHand wired 100 watt reissue (Thank you Paul and Jenny from Marshall) 2008
1973 Park 75 (2006 to 2007)
Carol Ann JB 100(2007 to present ) I have two one black one red for America only

These are the amps I have used live only....Some of the tweeds and odd ball amps are used in the studio.. I have a bunch ofbut usually just stick to the live rig. My collection is around 40 amps right now..
I am happy with my set up right now

BadCat 发表于 2010-3-14 16:44:36

Re: What's your amp history?I like the Two rock amps for a very direct tone.Iprefer the custom signature reverb 1 with the presence knob over the CSR 2 with the contour.I dont know why but I do.They do a very good   ^ type of tone.Not a lot of lows or highs but great mids that blend well with the Marshall Jubilee.I have two of them and I actually like the European one better.Its a little cleaner.Joe and the guys over there are really nice and helpful.A very honest amp.You hear your good days and you hear your bad days very clearly.The VanWeelden is a bit more true to a Overdrive Special I think.Its rounder and has less gain,although Peter makes this pre amp called a gainland which is so great.Peter's amp is top notch and built like a tank.. You must get the Twinklelator though.The compression that the outboard tube effects loop creates is beautiful and so Robben Ford ish.. The Carol Ann is the same situation a most expertly built Dumble style amp that is does the full saturation with high articulation thing.The main difference between Alan's amp is that he uses EL 34s instead of 6L6s.The Red one with the Eric Johnson tweak is my favorite of the two I have.Its all what you like.The amps that I have described are not cheap but do that thing very well. I will say that "Thing" is not for everybody.Some people prefer less articulation and more compression, some dont like all that midrange that you get.I hope this helps... I will say this.I just played a gig with Robben Ford and he had his Dumble ODS and TC 2290.I also saw him with two reissue twins and he sounded the same.Great!! Save $40,000 on a real Dumble that may or may not be authentic and buy yourself a nice 3 series BMW.Girls will dig the car better than the black box withVox grille on it.
Just my thoughts
Thanks Joe Bonamassa

VansHanCy 发表于 2010-3-14 17:04:31


Custom 发表于 2010-3-14 19:25:17

音色有点像Eric Jhonson?

GibsonVintage 发表于 2010-3-14 19:32:30

回复 33# Custom 的帖子


Custom 发表于 2010-3-14 20:39:30

原帖由 GibsonVintage 于 2010-3-14 19:32 发表

最喜欢第一台音箱头的音色 ,不知道哪里买的到。

GibsonVintage 发表于 2010-3-14 22:09:44


easyizzy 发表于 2010-3-15 10:28:54


jbjbzh 发表于 2010-3-15 13:20:14

sheephui 发表于 2010-3-15 13:29:17

lihaobo 发表于 2010-3-21 21:23:58

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