While amps do have master volumes now days, a lot of the really sweet tone that comes from tube amps is created by pushing the power tube section and not the pre-amp section (which is what is usually pushed by using the master volume). The large power tubes pushed to distortion create a much sweeter, less buzzy sound than the small pre-amp tubes do. While you are not pushing the speakers as hard, the pushed power tubes tend to bring out more of the sweet spot of an amp. Marshalls typically don't sound really good until they are played at around 5 or 6 on the volume. Unless you are in an a concert venue that will house a few thousand people or more, that kind of volume isn't pleasant (way too loud). Add an attenuator and now you can push those power tubes to a volume of 5 or 6 and still be in the same room with the amp without losing most of your hearing. :-)
这是我在国外一个专业群组讨论时,一个乐手(本人身份是一个公司多媒体部的高级经理)给我关于用小管还是用衰减器的留言,我想他回答了很多人包括我自己的一些疑问。今后,我们将继续以开发家用工作室管箱(home studio)为方向,研究开发更多在小音量下如何保证音质的技术。 同时也对前期关注我们AT100 的客户抱歉,由于我们生产资源调配问题,外观件一直不到位。AT-100迟迟不能面市,使大家有等的头发都白了的感觉。我们将在近期调整产品布局,尽快上市。上文翻译如下,如有错误,希望指出。
今天很多功放都有了master volume, 但是实际上大多数电子管甜美的声音来自推动后级功放管而不是前级,后级主要有master控制。大的后级失真会产生比前级更多甜美而少嗡嗡的声音。当你推扬声器力度降低后,要靠后级功放代来更多甜美的声音。非常典型的是Marshall 的功放master 不到5-6,很难出来好的声音,除非你在近千人的大厅你是欣赏不到(那已经是很吵了)。
加一个衰减器,你就可以把master开到5-6 而不丢失大部分的音质。
http://bbs.guitarschina.com/viewthread.php?tid=1058841&page=1#pid15439602 |