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Alhambra 公司 推荐的 吉他保養方法

发表于 2011-1-6 13:26:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

First of all, we would like to thank you your confidence in Alhambra guitars.

We want to remind you that each guitar is accompanied by a small guarantee leaflet where we offer the general instructions to maintain a stringed instrument in good conditions.
There we inform you the extreme humidity or dryness are dangerous, as well as the quick change from one state to the other one.

When the guitar has to travel by air, it is better if you loosen all the strings.
There you can also find some pieces of advice about repair works, humidity, temperature, maintenance place, tuning, breaks and damages…
It is recommended that you keep your instrument between 40 – 60 % relative humidity of the air.
建议您保持40至仪器 - 60%的空气相对湿度。
When the humidity is less than 40 % the wood could crack and the action would be lower.
When the humidity is greater that 70 % the glue could soften, the guitar could lose sound and buzzing troubles could appear because the string action would be higher.
We are now offering you some other maintenance advice for each guitar part:

- Wood: when cleaning it, you only have to rub the guitar with a humid cotton cloth.
- 木材:清洁时,你只需要擦潮湿棉布吉他。
There are also some other specific products for instruments but you must bear in mind they must not contain solvents.
On the other hand, when rubbing the guitar, do it slightly, because mat finish, for example, could become in shine finish, although this will inevitably happen as time goes by.

You must be careful when applying products for wood maintenance, because we do not use the same varnish in all the wood types and it could be damaged.
Among Alhambra instruments, we can distinguish between polyurethane varnish for models 1 C up to 7 P and laca-nitro varnish (nitrocellulose lacquer) in models 8 P up to professional guitars (top only).
在阿罕布拉工具,我们可以区分聚氨酯漆模型1 C到7个P和拉卡硝基清漆(硝基清漆)模型中的8个P高达(顶部只)专业吉他。
We began using it in 2002 and you cannot clean it with alcohol.

In all our steel string guitars, we use the polyurethane varnish (shine or matt options).
Regarding its correct use and maintenance, the most important thing is avoiding extreme humidity and dryness.

- Fingerboard: after cleaning the dust, just apply a small quantity of petroleum jelly with a clean cloth.
- 指纹:清洗后的灰尘,只是适用于果冻用干净的布少量的石油。
You can also use a cloth dampened with alcohol to clean the accumulated dirt because of use.

- Frets: the dirt accumulated between them and the fingerboard can be cleaned with a small toothpick (please do not use other things harder than Rosewood or Ebony not to damage the wood).
- 苦恼:他们与指板积累的污垢,可以用小牙签清理(请不要使用其他的东西更难比红木或黑檀木,不要破坏木头)。

- Machine Heads: just grease them with lubricating oil.
- 机头:只要他们与润滑油脂。

- Strings: we recommend you to clean them after playing the guitar using a cloth dampened with alcohol under the strings and along them.
- 字符串:我们建议你弹吉他干净后用布蘸酒精它们在琴弦下,沿着他们。
If you clean them regularly, their useful life will be extended and they will recover their original brightness.
It is frequent a major strings wear because of an excessive sweating.
In our forum, we have been talking about a different type of D'Addario strings, the model with Gore-tex covering which extends the strings life.
在我们的论坛,我们一直在谈论的是德达达里奥琴弦,用的GORE - TEX延伸覆盖模型的琴弦生活的不同类型。

We hope all these pieces of advice are useful for you.
Yours faithfully,
Manufacturas Alhambra, SL

[ 本帖最后由 HurricaneKing 于 2011-1-6 13:38 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-6 13:27:37 | 显示全部楼层
Which is the best maintenance for a guitar?         Print         E-mail

First of all, we would like to thank you your confidence in Alhambra guitars.

We want to remind you that each guitar is accompanied by a small guarantee leaflet where we offer the general instructions to maintain a stringed instrument in good conditions. There we inform you the extreme humidity or dryness are dangerous, as well as the quick change from one state to the other one.

When the guitar has to travel by air, it is better if you loosen all the strings. There you can also find some pieces of advice about repair works, humidity, temperature, maintenance place, tuning, breaks and damages…

It is recommended that you keep your instrument between 40 – 60 % relative humidity of the air. When the humidity is less than 40 % the wood could crack and the action would be lower. When the humidity is greater that 70 % the glue could soften, the guitar could lose sound and buzzing troubles could appear because the string action would be higher.

We are now offering you some other maintenance advice for each guitar part:

- Wood: when cleaning it, you only have to rub the guitar with a humid cotton cloth. There are also some other specific products for instruments but you must bear in mind they must not contain solvents. On the other hand, when rubbing the guitar, do it slightly, because mat finish, for example, could become in shine finish, although this will inevitably happen as time goes by.

You must be careful when applying products for wood maintenance, because we do not use the same varnish in all the wood types and it could be damaged. Among Alhambra instruments, we can distinguish between polyurethane varnish for models 1 C up to 7 P and laca-nitro varnish (nitrocellulose lacquer) in models 8 P up to professional guitars (top only). We began using it in 2002 and you cannot clean it with alcohol.

In all our steel string guitars, we use the polyurethane varnish (shine or matt options). Regarding its correct use and maintenance, the most important thing is avoiding extreme humidity and dryness.

- Fingerboard: after cleaning the dust, just apply a small quantity of petroleum jelly with a clean cloth. You can also use a cloth dampened with alcohol to clean the accumulated dirt because of use.

- Frets: the dirt accumulated between them and the fingerboard can be cleaned with a small toothpick (please do not use other things harder than Rosewood or Ebony not to damage the wood).

- Machine Heads: just grease them with lubricating oil.

- Strings: we recommend you to clean them after playing the guitar using a cloth dampened with alcohol under the strings and along them. If you clean them regularly, their useful life will be extended and they will recover their original brightness. It is frequent a major strings wear because of an excessive sweating. In our forum, we have been talking about a different type of D’Addario strings, the model with Gore-tex covering which extends the strings life.

We hope all these pieces of advice are useful for you.

Yours faithfully,

Manufacturas Alhambra, S.L.
发表于 2011-1-6 13:30:04 | 显示全部楼层
When the guitar has to travel by air, it is better if you loosen all the strings.


 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-6 13:32:08 | 显示全部楼层
google translation for my friends
发表于 2011-1-6 14:00:44 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-6 14:16:29 | 显示全部楼层
相機防潮全攻略 (轉載)
轉載自 DCFever



由於相機鏡頭內有很多電子零件及機械部件,因此最適合存放相機的環境大概在 相對濕度 45-55 度之間,這個濕度環境不會破壞電子零件之餘又不會把機械部件內的潤滑油抽乾,如果你使用的是 SLR 或 D-SLR ,手把位置多數設有防滑手膠邊或皮邊,如果濕度太低都會很易令它脆裂。


使用防潮膠箱時,切記不要使用「樟腦丸」,因它散發出的氣體含有毒物質,會損害鏡片鍍膜及菲林底片。「藍色防潮珠」是攝影發燒友最常用的防潮工具,加上它的售價便宜及可循環再用,完全是防潮膠箱的最佳拍當,最重要的是它以 Silica Gel 矽膠製造,不會排出有毒、腐蝕性氣體,用作相機防潮工具就絕對適合不過。「吸濕器及?哩吸濕器」亦是不錯的選擇,而使用普通吸濕器時要小心盒內的水份洩漏出來,因為這些水份含有酸性的氯化鈣,嚴重損害相機及鏡頭。

選購防潮膠箱時,它的密封性是非常重要,               有些防潮膠箱已預留空間讓我們放入防潮劑。

電子防潮箱利用濕度計配合電子除濕器或記憶合金除濕器來達至恆定濕度環境,某些電子防潮箱提供濕度計的同時還有溫度計,讓我們更了解箱內的實際環境。如果你是SLR 或 D-SLR 的用家而且資金充裕的話,電子防潮箱絕對是最適合擺放 SLR 相機及鏡頭的環境,電子防潮箱內的間隔設計都方便我們整齊放置多部相機及鏡頭等配件,雖然它的價格比膠箱略高一點,但是長遠計算的話,電子防潮箱會為你省下很多更換及購買防潮劑的時間和金錢。

電子防潮箱多數設有濕度及溫度計,              電子防潮箱內的濕度控制器,                           電子防潮箱的濕氣就是靠背面這塊             大多數電子防潮箱都設有防盜鎖。
讓我們更了解箱內環境。                               可讓我們隨意調整箱內的濕度。                       櫃冷板蒸發開去。

         電子防潮箱        防潮膠箱
濕度控制穩定性        極穩定        需定期觀察箱內濕度
濕度控制方法        電子
(永久性、不必更換)        化學抽濕劑
耐用程度        較耐用
(多是金屬 + 玻璃門組合)        一般
方便程度        最方便        需定時更換抽濕劑
體積        提供不同體積        提供不同體積
價格        約 $700 - $1500        約 $350 - $500

防潮膠箱        電子防潮箱

    * 應選擇防潮珠或?哩狀抽濕劑,可減去因抽濕劑漏水令相機損壞的機會。
    * 不要使用樟腦丸,因它散發出來的氣體會損壞鏡頭鍍膜。
    * 抽濕劑需要定期更換。


    * 留意電子防潮箱內的濕度是否適合存放相機。
    * 應注意電子防潮箱的供電是否正常。
    * 應注意防潮箱的門是否緊密關上。

    * 留意電子防潮箱內的濕度是否適合存放相機。
    * 應注意電子防潮箱的供電是否正常。
    * 應注意防潮箱的門是否緊密關上。


濕度:大多數的霉菌在相對濕度大於 60 % 時就會即時滋生,而相對濕度大於 65 % 時,霉菌生長就會加快;當相對濕度大於 80 – 95 % 時就是霉菌極活躍的濕度環境。

溫度:在攝氏 8 度的環境下,霉菌就能生長。當環境溫度在 10 度以上及65 % 的相對濕度的時候,霉菌就有能力侵蝕其滋生的材料;若環境溫提升至攝氏 20–35 度,而相對濕度亦達到 75–95% 的時候,霉菌就會爆發性地生長。

相對濕度        適合物件
55-60%        古董、紙幣、傳真紙
45-55%        相機、鏡頭、濾鏡、電腦用品、幻燈片、影帶、CD ROM、PDA、麥克風

防潮箱對很多用家來說並不是一件相機必需的配件,若你有機會長達 1–2 個月也不會開著它使用,又沒有一個可靠的防潮箱,那麼你就要更加小心地打理它。其實防潮箱這玩意豐儉由人,膠箱及防潮劑在第一次購買時真的很便宜,可惜需要定時花時間在購買及更換防潮劑;而電子防潮箱雖然價格較高,但是以它的整體用料及防潮穩定性,的確比前者有更大及長遠的效益,尤其是身旁已有一機四五支鏡頭的 D-SLR 玩家,防潮這一環更加不容忽然,當你發現相機及鏡頭發霉的時候才後悔實在太遲。
 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-6 14:21:38 | 显示全部楼层
        HUMIDITY (Gianmario / Jaap).   publicado por Jorge Juliá / Intl. Dept. , el 19/07/2002 12:21:00

         Dear Friends:

Starting comment based on the message of Gianmario of 17/07/2002 under the reference of Alhambra 10F new or second hand (but talking about Humidity).

The most suitable is to keep the instrument under a humidity degree lower than 60%. Even 70% should be OK. But if the humidity degree is lower than 30%, then, you could also experience some problems.

But it has no sense to speak only about the humidity degree without paying attention to the temperature and, of course, about the humidity degree of the wood used to handcraft the instrument.

So, if the atmosphere is very dry (even lower than 35%, but the temperature is not higher than 18º C., then, you should not care about that. The opposite: A humidity of 90% with a temperature of 35 or 40º C. will be worst for a guitar.

Anyway, it depends on how the drying process of the wood has been done to be more or less concerned by this.  

Alhambra has an automatic drying machine to dry and control the humidity degree of the wood. Therefore, all the pieces used to handcraft an Alhambra guitar has been checked to meet our humidity control requirements. Under such kind of controls, the problems because of the atmosphere humidity can be avoided unless the weather conditions of humidity and temperature be extreme.

Examples like the Arizona's dessert of Jaap (In this forum) or leaving the instrument into the car in a mediterranean country during summer time, or, for instance, leaving the instrument into a Sauna are clear about what you should avoid to keep your instrument in good condition.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-6 15:07:21 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2011-1-6 15:19:45 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-6 15:58:26 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-6 16:10:47 | 显示全部楼层


氯化钙吸附的水在100度以下不会放出来, 加热至260℃时脱水变成无水物。


 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-6 16:23:10 | 显示全部楼层
Re: Calcium Cholride for 2 weeks to dry out guitar.Dangerous

Postby Robert England » Tuesday 14 September 2010, 18:24 pm
I have no experience using calcium chloride as a desiccant to dry out a guitar, but here is some information about calcium chloride. In a completely closed, hermetically sealed environment, a sufficient quantity of anhydrous (dry) calcium chloride can reduce the relative humidity to 22%. That is its theoretical equilibrium RH. However, in a typical guitar case a few small sachets of calcium chloride are unlikely to reduce the RH to dangerous levels. On the other hand, calcium chloride that is exposed to a sufficiently humid environment is capable of absorbing enough water to become liquid. That could possible damage the guitar case and/or the guitar. I had this happen to me when I tried to use calcium chloride to control humidity inside a boat in winter storage. The entire quantity of CaCl2 dissolved and made a bit of a mess inside the boat.
发表于 2011-1-6 21:41:26 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 slash8293 于 2011-1-6 13:30 发表
When the guitar has to travel by air, it is better if you loosen all the strings.



发表于 2011-1-6 22:38:21 | 显示全部楼层
First of all, we would like to thank you your confidence in Alhambra guitars.

We want to remind you that each guitar is accompanied by a small guarantee leaflet where we offer the general instructions to maintain a stringed instrument in good conditions.

There we inform you the extreme humidity or dryness are dangerous, as well as the quick change from one state to the other one.

When the guitar has to travel by air, it is better if you loosen all the strings.

There you can also find some pieces of advice about repair works, humidity, temperature, maintenance place, tuning, breaks and damages…

It is recommended that you keep your instrument between 40 – 60 % relative humidity of the air.

When the humidity is less than 40 % the wood could crack and the action would be lower.

When the humidity is greater that 70 % the glue could soften, the guitar could lose sound and buzzing troubles could appear because the string action would be higher.

We are now offering you some other maintenance advice for each guitar part:

- Wood: when cleaning it, you only have to rub the guitar with a humid cotton cloth.
- 木材:清洁时,你只需要用潮湿棉布擦吉他。

There are also some other specific products for instruments but you must bear in mind they must not contain solvents.

On the other hand, when rubbing the guitar, do it slightly, because mat finish, for example, could become in shine finish, although this will inevitably happen as time goes by.

You must be careful when applying products for wood maintenance, because we do not use the same varnish in all the wood types and it could be damaged.

Among Alhambra instruments, we can distinguish between polyurethane varnish for models 1 C up to 7 P and laca-nitro varnish (nitrocellulose lacquer) in models 8 P up to professional guitars (top only).

We began using it in 2002 and you cannot clean it with alcohol.

In all our steel string guitars, we use the polyurethane varnish (shine or matt options).

Regarding its correct use and maintenance, the most important thing is avoiding extreme humidity and dryness.

- Fingerboard: after cleaning the dust, just apply a small quantity of petroleum jelly with a clean cloth.
- 指板:清洗污垢后,只用一块干棉布抹上一点凡士林即可。

You can also use a cloth dampened with alcohol to clean the accumulated dirt because of use.

- Frets: the dirt accumulated between them and the fingerboard can be cleaned with a small toothpick (please do not use other things harder than Rosewood or Ebony not to damage the wood).
- 品标:在它和指板之间积累的污垢可以用一个小的牙签来清理(请一定不要使用比玫瑰木或乌木更硬的东西来清理,避免损伤指板)

- Machine Heads: just grease them with lubricating oil.
- 旋钮:用一些润滑油涂抹即可。

- Strings: we recommend you to clean them after playing the guitar using a cloth dampened with alcohol under the strings and along them.
- 琴弦:我们推荐您在弹完吉他的时候用一块带有酒精的棉布在琴弦下方沿着琴弦擦拭。

If you clean them regularly, their useful life will be extended and they will recover their original brightness.

It is frequent a major strings wear because of an excessive sweating.

In our forum, we have been talking about a different type of D'Addario strings, the model with Gore-tex covering which extends the strings life.
在我们的论坛里,我们一直在谈论不同类型的达达里奥琴弦,采用GORE - TEX覆膜技术延长琴弦的寿命。

We hope all these pieces of advice are useful for you.

Yours faithfully,
Manufacturas Alhambra S.L.

发表于 2011-1-6 23:37:20 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-1-6 23:44:34 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-1-7 00:47:16 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-7 18:06:50 | 显示全部楼层

回复 14# 洲际导弹 的帖子

发表于 2011-1-7 19:16:41 | 显示全部楼层
strings, 字符串
发表于 2011-1-8 00:00:03 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-1-8 00:01:05 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-7-30 09:55:18 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-7-30 10:08:28 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-7-30 10:25:58 | 显示全部楼层

回复 14楼 洲际导弹 的帖子

发表于 2012-7-30 10:47:23 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-7-30 10:57:09 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-7-30 13:03:29 | 显示全部楼层
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