前段时间rusmas by suhr刚上市,现在sterling by mm又来凑热闹了,2011新品云集啊(boss新品发布似乎没有啥太给力的,期待digitech)。给个sterling 2011新品介绍的链接,不过需要会英文。。。。太多了这边就不一一翻译了。其中主要是JP50新型号和AX40新颜色。
之前看到过一个哥们贴的JP100以为只是别人PS的效果,现在看来绝对是sterling今年给力新品。。。可以给喜欢JP的人无限YY空间了。还有我真的不是很理解,为啥国内sterling这么贵(比北美的list price高了一截)哪家代理的可够黑的啊。。。。
既然发帖了,给点翻译的sterling JP50毛子测评给广大喜欢JP又买不起极品系列琴的朋友们作个参考(其实我看到现在jp50的测评基本都是正面的):
音色上,说真的,他们是有差别的,但是并不是说JP50比较差,你应该可以理解。 它的声音不是那么烈,也相对的低调些,但是我真的非常喜欢这把吉他。
When I got the JP50 I was really pleasantly surprised; I had owned the OLP model years prior, and I was amazed to see how much better the quality was with the JP50--we're talking light years ahead. Now as far as the JP50 compared to the JPX, the neck feels almost identical. I really couldn't tell the difference as far as that goes, but I could tell a difference in the body weight. Tuning stability was just as good as the JPX; almost scary, if you consider that the JP50 doesn't share the same bridge.
The main noticeable difference was the sound, but to be honest, it wasn't in a bad way, if that makes sense. It was just slightly more "low key" I guess, not as hot. Really loved that guitar so much. Sterling or whatever, it was perfect. I will be eager to get my hands on either the JP60 or the JP100. Those upgrades are exactly what I was hoping for! Hope that helps. |