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发表于 2011-7-14 09:21:07
有关您的看法,我专函Email给了拉米雷斯的制琴大师Amalia (上个月在西班牙期间,我专门去了趟她的Workshop,有幸认识她)。Amalia回函中文大意:在西班牙,学生用琴肯定是工厂加工,由于价格原因,艺术大师级才是纯手工打造。不用担心拉米雷斯学生琴质量问题,设计、质量控制等要求均由拉米雷斯掌控,然后交给特定挑选的西班牙工厂,制出半成品。为降低成本,工厂在加工过程中确实使用了机器,但仅限于一些不重要的部件加工,其实还是以手工制作为主。即使是学生用琴,也不是大批量生产,拉米雷斯特别重视维护品牌,从工厂出来的半成品到其Worshop后,拉米雷斯会对其进行最后的调制(Eric自评:相信这才是精华、独有的品质、专利技术所在),也就是最后这道“Final Touch”工序决定了拉米雷斯吉他不同于工厂吉他的原因。有关125周年版,被众多专业级演奏家青睐,有演唱会级吉他的品质(Eric自评:但价格上可被众多业余爱好者承受得起,演唱会级吉他最少需20多万人民币),有位演奏家对125周年版吉他很欣赏,特意用录制曲子后寄给Amalia,以示感谢。
“Regarding your comment on the guy who would like tu buy a guitar, and who thinks that our student guitars are not "ours", it is a big mistake. Most of the Spanish guitar makers have their own professional guitars hand made by them, and then the student guitars made in factories. The reason is that it is impossible for an artisan guitar maker to make a guitar by hand, in his workshop, at the price of a student guitar made in a factory. Then, most of them buy the guitars directly from the factories, but they do not have their own line, even some of them do not say that the guitars are made in a factory, not by them, even it is not true.
In our case, we have our own series, carefully designed by us, that we give to trustful Spanish factories who make them exclusively for us, with all our instructions, quaility demand and know how, and due to the high quality process involved in the manufacturing our our own models, they cannot be made in big quantities, but quite limited. And then, we bring the guitars almost finished to our workshop where we end the process, the "touch" to make them at our satisfaction. Because our guitars are always of a high quality, a big part of the process of our student guitars is made by hand, the machines are used only in the less important parts that will not affect the sound, for example, to make the neck, to sand the wood, to bend the sides, to cut the frets and to glue them... All these things make the guitars cost less. Also the quality, which is really good, cannot be compared with our professional guitars. Please, understand me if I tell you that I do not want to be boasting about my prestige, although I feel proud to make a good instrument known all over the world. We have a very special high quality system to build our instruments, all carefully made by hand (although we also use machines, but in a very limited way: to cut the shape, to sand the first part of the process -the final part is sanded by hand- and little more). It is impossible to compare one of our guitars made in my workshop with a student guitar, even the best one. But, it is also true that many people say that our student guitars have the same good quality as some professional guitars made by other guitar makers.
Please, see the thing in the following way: it is like if we would contract certain workmen to make our guitars in a different, more economical way. But instead having our own factory, we contract a factory to work for us in small quantities.
I do not like to tell lies, even it may help sell more. I want that my customers know what they are buying, and that I am confident that if they buy one of my student guitars they have a real good instrument. For example, our 125 Años is a great instrument, played by many professional concertists who are proud of their guitar. I receive many compliments by owners of a 125 Años. Even one of them sent me a cd recorded with his 125 Años, and in the design of the cd he put the rosette of this guitar. The sound is fantastic. And they are all made in Spain.
Please understand that, in case that the manufacturer who makes my student guitars would try to sell them directly to a customer (which is something they cannot do, for the contract we have), the guitar will not have the same quality as the same model sold by me. This is because we always give the "final touch", by my most skilled luthiers.”
刚看到一则新闻,介绍西班牙吉他厂家Alhambra.SL 阿尔罕布拉公司 工厂实拍 (http://bbs.guitarschina.com/thread-1209075-1-2.html ),你可看到,机器在吉他加工中肯定会用到,机器只不过辅助学生用琴的生产而已,人是决定因素。 |