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About The Effect:
The Lovepedal Les Lius Overdrive was originally released some time ago. I have authorized Pro Guitar Shop to exclusively distribute the 1st Edition original GOLD units. We are VERY proud to share them with you.
This handmade guitar pedal features a three way toggle switch that allows you to change tones from 5E3 Woody (Tweed Fender Deluxe), High Power Twin (50's Fender Twin) and Master Volume Tchule (combination of both the 5E3 Woody and the High Power Twin). The amount of gain is controlled by the first knob. The second knob is a second gain stage which emulates what happens when you crank one of these vintage low wattage amplifiers.
[ 本帖最后由 guitarsofa 于 2011-9-29 18:49 编辑 ] |