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1、James Tyler Classic 处理价:20,000RMB 配置表: Body:
Solid Alder or Mamywo
Optional: Swamp Ash, Mahogany, Hollow, Maple Top, Rear Rout Neck:
Indian Rosewood fingerboard Pickups:
Two Tyler single coils and Tyler humbucker Control System:
Five way selector switch with volume and two tones
Optional: Mid boost preamp, Mid-boost preset button Hardware:
Bridges: 2 post trem, Vintage 6 screw trem,
Tuners: Hipshot locking tuners
2、James Tyler Studio Classic 25 Annv. Edition 处理价:20,000RMB
配置表: Body:
Solid Alder or Mamywo
Optional: Swamp Ash, Mahogany, Hollow, Maple Top, Rear Rout Neck:
Indian Rosewood fingerboard Pickups:
Two Tyler single coils and Tyler humbucker Control System:
Five way selector switch with volume and two tones
Optional: Mid boost preamp, Mid-boost preset button Hardware:
Bridges: 2 post trem, Vintage 6 screw trem,
Tuners: Hipshot locking tuners
3、James Tyler Studio Elite Burning Water 2K 处理价:25,000RMB The Burning Water 2K came out in year 2000. The 2K comes standard with the midboost and a fully painted body in a different variation of colors. The yellow and silver that is next to the red on the standard Burning Water is replaced with gold, and there are no blue accents.
配置表Body: Alder
Neck: Quartersawn Maple with Maple Pickups:Two Tyler single coils and Tyler humbucker
Control System:Five way selector switch with volume, mid boost preamp and master tone,Midboost preamp bypass buttonHardware: Bridges: 2 post trem, Tuners: Hipshot locking tuners
Optional: Locking Vibrato System
[ 本帖最后由 guitarsofa 于 2011-12-7 18:02 编辑 ] |