
时间:5月3日,周四 10:00PM
重庆南路308号3F (近建国中路)
Support DJs:R3/Ssoso /DJ Ghost/DJ Leon
1.S.T.D. : 茂名南路1号310室,近延安中路,电话:62116317(11:30~19:00)
2.MAO LIVEHOUSE: 重庆南路308号3F,电话:6445 0086(13:00~19:00)
3.SmartShanghai: www.smartshanghai.com
S.T.D.将在即将全新开业的俱乐部IBIZA开启全新派对系列—OK,PLAY!的篇章。5月3日OK,Play!也将随着Techno音乐教父Carl Craig的驾临而闪亮登录上海夜生活的舞台。
Carl Craig一直被公认为是最有远见,最有创造性的音乐人之一,他也被人称为改变时代意义的电子音乐坐标,同时他也是一个让舞池澎湃的艺术家。他是一个世界级的DJ,也是代表着他的家乡底特律的形象大使,他也是一个令人尊敬的获格莱美提名的作曲家。不去评判这些天花乱坠的称谓,单听其作品,他广泛的音乐创作才思让作品绝对具有未来主义魅力。前瞻性的思维让他创新了一条艺术家成功的特殊道路,也让整个电子音乐界的发展也摸索出了一条另类的法则。
Carl Craig在1989年作出了他的第一首歌曲。最早启发Carl Craig的便是与他一起合作的Derrick May,而同期Derrick May也是刚刚开始起步发表作品而已。
1991年,为了追求自由创作的Carl Craig创建了他自己的厂牌Planet-E,在Planet-E下他化名69发表第一张作品4 Jazz Funk。从此时开始,他对电子之声的探索便来得更猛烈了。
在形成了全新的这种创作风格之后,绝不循规蹈矩的Carl Craig随后出版了包括69、BFC、C2、Innerzone Orchestra(其中的一首Bug in the Bassbin被公认为影响到了Drum n Bass音乐的成型和进化)、No Boundaries、Psyche、Paperclip People、Tres Demented、Urban Trible等等一系列令人叫绝的作品。他同时担任过底特律传奇爵士团体Tribe、管弦乐手/钢琴家Francesco Tristano以及法国制作人Agoria的唱片制作人。
他与法国的Les Siecles乐团一起合作在巴黎的Cite de La Musique演出,一场“当Techno遭遇古典音乐”的先锋音乐会,被人描述为极具划时代意义的杰作。随后Carl Craig则继续在米兰和德国等地继续这一场场声音的实验。他定期以现场即兴与Moritz Von Oswald和Francesco Tristano进行合作,有时候他和Richard Villalobos、Luciano、Richie Hawtin、Zip等人一起与即兴爵士家NarodNiki一起合作,同时他还会和Luciano会做即兴的制作+DJ表演。此外,他还会带着即兴键盘手Mike Banks以及Amp Fiddler以及Francesco Tristano参加他的特别演出。他还曾在纽约的无声电影节上参与过Andy Warhol的电影表演。2011年,Carl Craig首次以69的身份进行表演,他在黑暗中带着面具,播放着69的音乐,以自创的69式风格在全世界不同城市的一些特定的音乐节和俱乐部中出现。
Carl Craig同样也为全世界范围内的一大群出色的音乐人制作了精彩的混音,这些名字包括LCD Soundsystem、Hot Chip、Junior(获格莱美提名)、Gavin Russom& Delia Gonzalez、Theo Parrish、 Tori Amos、 Can、Goldfrapp、Friendly Fires、Caribou、Tiga、Unkle,Yello等等。同时他的个人厂牌Planet-E也签约并发表了一系列音乐人的精彩作品,其中包括Francesco Mora Catlett、 Naomi Daniel、Flexitone、 Jason Hogans、 Kenny Larkin、 Monty Luke、Moodyman、 Mike Agent X、Oliverwho Factory、Ezana Harris、Recloose、 Reference、 Kevin Saunderson、 Big Tone、 Tribe, Urban Tribe和Chaz Vincent。
当Carl Craig解释自我人生时,他苦笑着幽默了一番:“我的职业生涯非常特殊。当我在巡演时累了,我就会钻进工作室用工作当休息。当我在工作室创作到疲倦了,我就开始以全世界巡演当休息。我可以和古典钢琴家,爵士音乐人或者摇滚乐手一起工作。很少有人有这么宽泛的兴趣,也很少有人会让选择让自己做这么特别的事。”的确,事实如此,没有人能像Carl Craig一样做到如此的将如此不搭界的一切整合到完美。
S.T.D. will be introducing their new party collaboration OK,PLAY! with soon-to-be-opened club IBIZA. This is considered a hint of the quality and experience that Shanghai will see in full force on May 31st. For this sneak peak of what's to come, OK,PLAY! has invited the grandfather of Techno, Carl Craig to lay down a thing or two.
Carl Craig is described as a creative visionary, a groundbreaking electronic music icon, an inspirational artist, an esteemed Grammy-nominated composer, a world-class DJ and an ambassador for his native Detroit. Yet the common thread that runs through Craig’s broad musical canon and creative projects is a resounding fascination with futurism. Carl Craig has cultivated a unique path as an artist, entrepreneur and civic leader, guided by his tendency toward forward thinking.
Craig released his first track in 1989. One of his earliest mentors and first collaborator was Derrick May, whose imprint Craig also released some of his early music on.
In 1991, wanting pure artistic freedom, Craig set up his own label Planet-E and released ‘4 Jazz Funk Classics’, under the moniker 69, as the label’s first release. From here his wild exploration of sound intensified…
A Gemini true to form, with a mind that never sits still, Craig has released a diverse range of experimental and groundbreaking music under a plethora of aliases including 69, BFC, C2, Innerzone Orchestra (‘Bug in the Bassbin’ was credited as the spark that inspired the evolution of drum‘n’bass), No Boundaries, Psyche, Paperclip People, Tres Demented, Urban Tribe and many more. He has also produced albums for the legendary Detroit Jazz collective Tribe as well as orchestrator / pianist Francesco Tristano and French producer Agoria.
Live he has collaborated with Les siècles orchestra at Cité de la Musique in Paris. A meeting of techno and classical music, the concert was described as “historical”, Craig went on to repeat the formula in Milan and Germany. He regularly performs live as experimental outfit Trio with Moritz Von Oswald and Francesco Tristano, sometimes as Narod Niki alongside Villalobos, Luciano, Richie Hawtin, Zip and others, and regularly does part live and part DJ with Luciano. Additionally he’s taken to occasionally bringing keyboardists like Mike Banks (UR), Amp Fiddler and Tristano into the DJ booth with him for special one-off gigs. He also improvised live to an Andy Warhol film at the Unsound Festival in New York. In 2011, Craig went live as 69 for the first time ever, fusing masks, darkness and the music of 69, Craig created 69’s own entity and previewed the show to a few select festivals and clubs around the world.
His remixes discography boasts some of the most desirable names in music – LCD Soundsystem, Hot Chip, Junior Boys (nominated for a Grammy Award), Gavin Russom & Delia Gonzalez, Theo Parrish, Tori Amos, Can, Goldfrapp, Friendly Fires, Caribou, Tiga, Unkle, Yello and more.
As well as an outlet for his own productions, his Planet-E imprint has given a home to a wide range of Detroit-based artists including Francesco Mora Catlett, Naomi Daniel, Flexitone, Jason Hogans, Kenny Larkin, Monty Luke, Moodyman, Mike Agent X, Oliverwho Factory, Ezana Harris, Recloose, Reference, Kevin Saunderson, Big Tone, Tribe, Urban Tribe, and Chaz Vincent.
Staying strong to his Detroit roots, where he still lives today, Craig helped launched the Detroit Electronic music Festival in 2000 and remains a strong force at the festival today. He has also created and launched his non-profit 501-C3 Carl Craig Foundation: “The concept is to find ways to re-educate kids about what’s interesting musically that you can’t get on the radio… To develop a new music scene that follows the legacy of Detroit music being diverse and interesting, to spot out the most talented young musicians coming out of high school and lend small financial grants to encourage music education at a higher level.”
When Craig explains his philosophy, his wry sense of humor seeps into his explanations of far-reaching concepts that merge worlds together. “I have a very special career. When I feel that I’m tired of going on the road I can go in the studio. When I’m tired of concentrating on the studio I can go on the road. I can work with concert pianists, jazz musicians or rock guys. Very few people have that range of interests. Very few people juggle a career that they choose specifically.” No one else can pull it all together quite like Carl Craig.
OK, PLAY! is a party concept designed to forcefully introduce a new night to Shanghai's bustling weekend. Every Thursday beginning on May 3rd, OK, PLAY! will be inviting the world's top DJs to the soon-to-be-opened IBIZA Club in Shanghai. Music will be dance floor orientated and the quality of sound, lighting, drinks and visuals are all world class. This is the clubbing experience that party goers have been starved of for so long. With all artists being booked by S.T.D., you know the quality of acts are top notch. You just need to bring yourself and get ready to play!
SUPPORT: R3, Ssoso, DJ Ghost,DJ Leon
Ticket:Presale 100 RMB,Door:150 RMB
1.S.T.D.:Room 310, NO.1 SOUTH MAOMING RD ,NEAR MIDDLE YAN’AN RD. Tel:62116317(11:30~19:00)
2.MAO LIVEHOUSE:3F,308 SOUTH CHONGQING RD Tel:64450086(13:00~19:00)
3.SmartShanghai:www.smartshanghai.com |