发表于 2015-6-17 22:22:02
老问题了, "维权" "打假". 这次是在美国本土的打假行动.
这篇檄文发表在Gibson的官方网站上, 相信本论坛已经有很多琴友看过了.
小弟把文章贴到本论坛, 并加上小弟的翻译供大家参考. 如有不当, 还望不吝指正.
如果小弟重复发帖, 还望见谅! 那样的话, 请版主封了此帖, 以免占用过多的论坛空间资源.
Last year, 15-year-old Jonathan Jakubowski of Cary, North Carolina emptied out his savings account to purchase a Les Paul he found advertised in the local newspaper.
Of his decision to buy a Gibson, Jakubowski explains, “Eric Clapton is my main influence, and he played Les Pauls for a long time.”
Intending to purchase the advertised Les Paul Standard, Jonathan and his father visited the seller at his house, where they were persuaded instead to purchase a Wine Red Les Paul Custom, which the man said he’d bought off a traveling musician. Jonathan paid the man $1,000 for the guitar, but once he got it home, he could tell that something wasn’t right.
去年,来自北卡罗来纳15岁的Jonathan Jakubowski,把他所有的积蓄拿出来,准备购买一把在当地报纸上刊登广告中的Les Paul吉他.
他想购买Gibson吉他的原因是来自Eric Clapton, Jonathan解释道, Clapton给了我很大的影响, 他曾经弹了很长一段时间的Les Paul系列吉他.
为了购买广告上刊登的这把Les Paul, Jonathan和他的父亲造访了卖家的家, 卖家称这把就红色的Les Paul是从一个履行的吉他手那里购买的. 最后, 他们付了1000美元买下了这把琴.然而,一到家中, 他们就感到有点不对劲儿了.
“I’d only played Les Pauls in the guitar shops, but something tipped me off, and I ended up going on the Internet to see what some typical signs are for a fake guitar,” Jakubowski says. “The first thing that struck me was that there were three screws in the truss rod cover instead of two.”
我只有在商店里弹过Les paul吉他, 但是有些事情确实让我产生了怀疑.最后, 我去互联网上查找一些假琴应有的特征.Jonathan说, 最早发现的是Truss Rod档牌上有三个螺丝而不是两个.
The staff at a local guitar shop confirmed Jakubowski’s suspicions—the guitar was a counterfeit. The high school sophomore alerted police, and following an investigation, the North Carolina man who’d acquired the guitar from a Chinese website and resold it to Jakubowski was arrested on two felony counts of criminal use of a counterfeit trademark.
乐器店的一位员工也肯定了Jonathan的怀疑-这把琴是把假琴. 这位高二学生报了警, 随后一番调查后,那个卖给他假琴的家伙(实际上他是通过中国的一个网站购买的假琴)被逮捕了.原因是由于使用了假冒商标等两项罪名.
This is but one of several reports that have prompted Gibson to lead an aggressive industry fight against the growing problem of counterfeit instruments being shipped from and sold by outlets and individuals in China.
这仅仅是几条类似报道中的一条, Gibson准备开始领导一场针对频繁增长的售卖假琴事件的行业战役, 而这些假琴是来自中国的个人或出口贸易商.
“Protecting our consumers’ investments and the Gibson name is paramount,” says Ric Olsen, Director of Security and Loss Prevention at Gibson. “The ultimate goal here is that we want people to be happy Gibson customers. We’re trying to protect their investments by thwarting the counterfeit problem.”
"要保护我们的消费者, Gibson的名声不容糟蹋", Ric Olsen(Gibson安全与防损部门主管)说,"最终的目标是使消费者能成为开心的Gibson的顾客.我们正努力保护他们的消费并且打击假琴问题."
The majority of the Gibson counterfeits appear to originate on e-commerce sites based out of major cities in China such as Beijing and Shanghai, though Olsen says, “That’s not to say we don’t have domestic problems, too. People will try to make up their own version of a Les Paul and start selling it, but the major battle is this China crisis.”
"这些假琴的最主要的来源是来自中国一些主要的城市,诸如北京和上海的电子商务网站", Olsen说, "但这并不意味我们国内(美国)就没有问题. 人们喜欢自己制造各种版本的Les Paul并用来销售, 不过最主要的战斗还是来自中国的危机 "
Other sources for counterfeit instruments are auction websites like eBay, which currently have hundreds of instruments resembling not just Gibson guitars, but also other brands. Some even feature trademarked headstocks and logos, but upon close inspection the guitars don’t feel or sound like a true Gibson, the serial numbers aren’t registered with Gibson, and most are not of good standard of quality overall.
其他的这些假琴的来源还有像Ebay这样的拍卖网站, 现在有几百支不仅仅是Gibson的冒牌货,还有其他一些品牌的.一些甚至给商标拍了特写, 但是只要仔细观察一下, 就会发现这些吉他摸上去和听起来都和真正的Gibson很不一样, 那些序列号并不是Gibson注册的, 而且,这些琴中的大多数都质量不好.
Pricing can also be one of the easiest giveaways for a phony guitar. If a guitar is up for an online auction at a fraction of what it would typically cost, consumers are taking a great chance by purchasing it. Consumers should also be wary of sales that offer exorbitant shipping prices that exceed the price of the guitar.
Still, Olsen cautions that it can be difficult for a non-professional to distinguish between fake and real.
价格也是最容易区分真假的办法之一. 如果一把吉他在网上的价格仅仅是他应该有的价格的一小部分, 消费者固然很乐意去购买,但是也要提防那些运费的价格都高过吉他本身价格的拍卖.
“There were victims who really had no idea what they were getting was fake,” Olsen says. “Until you actually plug the piece in or take the truss rod cover off and notice that there’s Teflon in there rather than the metal nut, it can be hard to tell to many consumers.”
"确实有很多受害者,他们本身无法辨认他们买到的是真货还是假货,"Olsen说道, "只有自己亲自插上琴,或者把那个琴头上的盖子拿掉, 才发现里面只有一个孔,而不是真正Gibson应该有的金属的调节螺丝."
With so many variables to take into account—the weight and finish of a guitar, the tone and playability, electronics and hardware, among other things, Gibson urges consumers to leave the detective work to its Customer Service department.
分辨真假还有很多因素可以考虑--琴的重量和上漆质量, 音色和手感, 电路和金属件. Gibson鼓励消费者把其他的一些判断, 调查工作交给Gibson的客户服务部门来受理.
Though some guitars are especially deceptive, Gibson’s Customer Service Manager Jason Davidson says, “Usually we can spot a fake right away. They’re absolute garbage. They play terribly, they feel terrible. They are only made to look like a Gibson, and they do a poor job of that.”
尽管有些吉他很具有欺骗性, Gibson客户服务部经理Jason Davidson说,"通常我们很快能看出一把琴的真假, 它们绝对是垃圾,弹上去很糟糕, 手感极差.他们只是看上去像Gibson,但是做工实在是糟糕透了.
接下来的内容是一些举报方式, 我就不翻译了.
http://www.gibson.com/Backstage% ... nterfeit%20Gibsons/
我看了这篇新闻后, 首先是震惊, 早前知道Ebay有卖假琴, 也看到国内一些卖假琴的网站.
但是这次是发生在美国本土, 也就是说, 假琴已经不再仅仅通过网络出口到其他国家了.
而我们身边一些琴友呢, 正好相反!!俗话说,不知者无罪, 那么知者呢?
早年,许多国际品牌在大陆乐器市场, 被假货搞坏了名声, 现在虽然有所起色, 但仍然有那么多厂家在制作并出口假琴, 有那么多消费者"知假买假".
虽然乐器也是商品, 虽然我们用的电脑操作系统也是盗版的, 但是乐器被很多琴友赋予了感情, 有谁见过某人对Windows XP 充满感情的么?
提起这些, 我感到了脸红, 对于乐器制造和销售这个行业, 我对所有"知假造假,制假贩假,知假买假"的行为感到脸红.
***也许这些言论触犯到某些人的利益和虚荣心, 那么请不要介意, 我只是想利用网络这个平台说一些想说的, 当然也不是胡说.所有的证据都齐全.
我一个人的这种呼吁力量是极小的, 也许由于各种客观和主观的原因, 即使我们众人一起站出来呼吁, 这样的现象也很难改变.
但是我希望有正义感的琴友都来声援一下, 大家谁都不希望我们生活在这样一个充斥着假琴环境里对么? 谁也不希望我们中国人被别的国家的人看不起对么? |