今天突然想起怎么样用单块直接接声卡录音,因为把vamp2卖了,所以想录点东西实在是困难,一般我都是拿单块接箱子,再来个麦克风接声卡效果也也不错,但是我突然觉得当时买digitech 的digital delay时,就是冲着它有个什么mix 接口。
CITTM Cabinet Modeling
The digidelay also has built-in CITTM cabinet modeling. This is useful when running a distortion pedal into the digidelay and then running directly into a mixer or recorder. CIT cabinet modeling creates a guitar-through-an-amplifier sound without having to use a guitar amp.
To enable CITTM cabinet modeling:
1. Begin with the power disconnected from the digidelay.
2. Press the pedal down and apply power( do this by connecting a guitar cable to the digidelay input jack or connect the ps200r power supply to the AC Adaper jack. When the indicator led has stopped flashing release the pedal.
CITTM cabinet modeling has to be enabled each time you apply power to the digidelay using the procedure outlined above.