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Author Topic: Is classical guitar intellectually "superior" to other styles of playing?
Eric B.
Member # 18109
- posted 08-09-2006 06:10 AM Profile for Eric B. Author's Homepage Email Eric B. Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote Parkening said in his book that Segovia once said (I paraphrase) that classical guitar and flamenco guitar are on two seperate sides of a mountain and they must never face each other.
If the maestro felt classical and flamenco were so different (and, more specifically, that flamenco is inferior to classical), then what about the relationship between classical playing and jazz? Blues? Rock/metal? Contemporary/pop?
After having played primarily blues rock and heavy metal for 17 years, I am finding that strictly playing classical over these last six months has been akin to a spiritual conversion for me. Looking back at my rock and heavy metal days is like looking back at my teenage years when I was rebelling and drinking and experimenting with drugs, thinking at that time that it was where it was at. Now, with my classical "eyes" opened, I see my former foolish life and am glad to be where I am now, in the "light" of the classical guitar.
I once was lost, but now I am found... [Big Grin]
My toungue in cheek spiritual references aside, does anyone else have any similar experiences with classical guitar, or contrarily think that I am off of my rocker or just plain being snobbish towards other playing styles? Is classical really superior to all other styles?
If there really is a prejudice from classical players towards other styles, the only reason I can think of is this: styles such as blues, rock, and heavy metal are very dependant (and based on) rhythem and percussion. Rhythem is also associated with styles of music like rap/hip-hop, Latin dance, and African beats, which are the backbone to much of the world's dance music. Dancing, especially the modern "lambada/dirty dancing" ( [Eek!] ) style is considered by some to be "carnal" in nature, or otherwise stated, motivated (at least in part)by the libido.
Classical music (to include baroque, classical, romantic, and modern) is heavily based on melody , which some consider to be intellectually stimulating. Classical is also more complex in arrangment than most (if not all) other styles of music.
So, would melody be to the intellect what rhythem is to the libido?
Again, I am approaching this subject with honest curiosity (and a little humor) and sincerely want to find other's opinions on this. For the record, I still like to listen to other styles of music, from rock to reggae to, of course, classical. I just haven't been motivated to play anything else but classical. Posts: 120 | From: Nebraska | Registered: Feb 2006
Lance F. Gunderson
Member # 7441
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