应温哥华古典吉他协会(www.vancouverclassicguitarsociety.org)邀请, 德国/比利时古典吉他演奏家和音乐学者Jan de Kloe将于2008年2月16日(具体时间地点未定)在温哥华举行音乐会. 并于17日在温哥华古典吉他协会活动中心Alliance for Arts and Culture举行cross-string装饰音的大师班和讲座.
"...We have two events planned for February. Dutch/Belgianguitarist and music scholar Jan de Kloe will perform a concert for theVCGS on February 16 (venue to be announced) and conduct a workshop oncross-string ornamentation at the Alliance for Arts and CultureFebruary 17. Please see the attached notice for important information regarding both these events."
www.vancouverclassicguitarsociety.org |