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转贴: 常见琴弦的使用报告

发表于 2008-2-12 03:51:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
使用报告只代表作者个人看法, 不过作者对DD和Savarez的评价和我的感觉差不多.
谁有空给翻译一下就好了, 如果没有翻译, 就当在了解吉他琴弦的知识的同时练习英文吧.

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    Recommendations for the serious classical guitarist         Home     
    Choosing an appropriate set of strings for your guitar can improve the sound noticeably. Don't hesistate to mix and match basses and trebles (even different makes and tensions)  to get the sound you want. Here's a review of the strings I've tried, not in any order of preference :     
    Augustine Regal Trebles     
    The Regal trebles have a bright tone with good volume, easy to play, but the sound can be rather "plastic".     
    Augustine Red Trebles     
    The Red trebles are not as loud and bright as the Regal trebles, and have less tension. Rather dull sounding, especially the tubby-sounding G string.     
    Augustine Red Basses     
    The Red basses have a good, warm, traditional sound, are easy to play, but unfortunately they seem to wear out very fast - they get nicked at the frets easily. These don't come in a airtight package, which could be a problem if you're getting them from a source which had them stored in the open for a long time.     
    D'Addario Pro Arte (Med-tension) Set     
    The basses here have more of a warm, traditional sound compared to their D'Addario composite cousins, and have excellent definition, but unfortunately not a very long playing life.

The trebles do not sound bright, and have a "neutral" tone. They give a strong fundamental note, and generate little overtones compared to carbon treble strings. These trebles might sound dull on a "spanish-sounding" guitar, and will suit a guitar with a more "neutral" tone better.     
    D'Addario Pro Arte (Hi-tension) Set     
    Colder-sounding compared to the D'Addario Pro Arte med-tension set , but with more volume and attack. Also, the basses do not have a very long playing life.     
    D'Addario Pro Arte Composite (Med-tension and Hi-tension) Basses     
    These basses have very good definition and a long playing life, but are not as loud as the basses in the regular D'Addario sets, and the tone is not as round. They also have a slighter higher tension "feel" compared to the regular D'Addario basses.     
    D'Addario Pro Arte Lightly Polished Composite (Med-tension) Basses     
    The basses on this set can help to reduce string squeak considerably! But the tone on these basses is in my opinion not as good compared to the other D'Addario bass sets, but better than the tone of basses from the D'Addario Lightly Polished Composites (Hi-tension) set.     
    D'Addario Pro Arte Lightly Polished Composite (Hi-tension) Basses     
    The basses on this set can help to reduce string squeak considerably, although I think the basses from the respective med-tension set does a better job in this aspect. But the basses on this set are loud. The tonal characteristics change noticeably after some playing, losing their initial brightness quite quickly.     
    D'Addario Pro Arte EXP Composites (Med-tension) Set     
    Rather "brassy" sounding strings. I found the tone quality on the basses inferior compared to all the other D'Addario sets.     
    GSP (Hi-tension) strings     
    Pretty good set, but not as loud as most of the other strings mentioned here.     
    Hannabach Carbon Trebles     
    Very loud and very bright with good sustain, but diameter is thinner than most nylon strings, which makes them harder to play. They have more of a "cold" sound and can generate quite alot of overtones.     
    Hannabach 728 (Hi-tension) Basses     
    Good warm sound with good definition. These go very well with the Hannabach Carbon Trebles.     
    Hannabach 815 (Hi-tension) Basses     
    Good definition, but sound is rather "dry".     
    Hense Carbon Trebles     
    These remind me much of the Hannabach Carbon Trebles, but are not as loud.     
    LaBella 2001 (Med-Hard tension) Set     
    Despite being labelled as Med-Hard Tension these actually feel like hi-tension strings. Very good volume on the basses, and the trebles have a good fundamental tone. But both the basses and the trebles have a sort of hollow, "tubey" sound that I don't really like.     
    Luthier Trebles     
    I believe these same trebles are used on all the Luthier string sets. Very bright-sounding (much too bright for my taste), with a med-hi-tension feel, and sound is rather "plastic".     
    Luthier Popular Supreme 20 Basses     
    These are meant for flamenco guitars, but if your guitar has a high action and you don't wish to lower it you might want to try these. They are very easy to play because of the low tension, but possess good volume and brightness.     
    Luthier Concert Silver 30 Basses     
    These powerful sounding basses have a med-tension feel but the volume of hi-tension strings. Easy to play, have a long life, and come vacuum packed. Highly recommended.     
    Luthier Concert Dark Silver 35 Basses     
    These basses have a hi-tension feel with good volume. In addition to having a gun metal grey colour, they also have a darker tonal colour compared to the brighter-sounding Silver 30 basses.     
    Luthier Concert Gold 40 Basses     
    Hard to play, and they actually smell bad after a while! They leave a residue on the fingers too. I had them on a cheaper guitar for about 2-3 weeks, and the D-string broke while the guitar was in its case (must be the first time this has happened to me). I"ll never get these again.     
    Savarez Alliance (Med-tension) Set     
    The med-tension Alliance trebles sound very bright and thin, produces alot of overtones, and their thin diameters make them hard to play. The G string in this set is very tubby-sounding.

The basses sound and play alright except for the low E string, which seems to have a noticeably darker tone colour compared to the A and D string. Not a very well-balanced set in my opinion.     
    Savarez Alliance (Hi-tension) Set     
    The basses on this set are loud and powerful, although in terms of definition they lose out to the Savarez Corum basses. In my opinion these basses go better with the Alliance (hi-tension) trebles compared to the the Savarez Corum basses.

The Alliance trebles have a sweet warm sound and are very loud (louder than all nylon trebles I've tried), although they feel like extra-hi tension strings when compared to other hi-tension nylon trebles. They have a thicker diameter compared to Hannabach Carbon Trebles, which makes them easier to play than the latter. They generate quite a lot of overtones as well, but not as much as the Hannabach Carbon Trebles.     
    Savarez Corum (Med-tension) Basses     
    Shares the traits of the hi-tension Corum basses but with less volume and tension.     
    Savarez Corum (Hi-tension) Basses     
    Excellent definition, good sustain and volume, but not as powerful as the basses in the Savarez Alliance (Hi-tension) set. You can get these Corum basses together with the Alliance trebles in the "Savarez Corum Alliance" set.     
    Savarez Cristal (Med-tension and Hi-tension) Trebles     
    Quite bright-sounding and easy to play. In terms of tonal characteristics they remind me of the Augustine Regal trebles, though not quite as bright and not quite as "plastic"-sounding.     
    Savarez Red Card (Hi-tension) Set     
    The trebles feel very rough and seem to amplify nail clicks. The basses are quite dull sounding and soft in terms of volume.     
    String Reviews Website     
    Click on the link above to read even more string reviews! This site includes reviews for steel strings, electric guitar strings and bass guitar strings too.     
    Many experienced players, upon acquiring a new guitar, will typically try out many different strings (of various makes and tensions) to find out what works best for their instruments, and I would suggest that you do the same. The initial costs for such an endeavour isn't really much if your guitar is a good concert instrument and you are serious about getting the best sound from it.

Do bear in mind that what works well for one guitar might not work well for another guitar. The above reviews just serve to give my personal impressions of the respective strings and hopefully offer some guidance on what to try out first and what to avoid.

My personal pick of the lot, if you and your guitar can handle high tension strings, would be the Luthier Concert 30 basses with the Savarez Alliance (Hi-tension) trebles. This combination offers what I think is a powerful sounding set with good balance, definition and playing life, with the med-tension Luthier Concert 30 basses making the combination easier to play compared to using the hi-tension basses from the Savarez Alliance (Hi-tension) Set. However if your guitar is already a very bright-sounding instrument then this combination might make it too bright to sound good, in which case you might want to consider some of the comparatively duller-sounding sets to round out the brightness. I have found the regular D'Addario Pro Arte (Med-tension) Set (EJ45) to give a good balanced sound on bright-sounding instruments that have more of a "neutral" voice.

www.stringsbymail.com offers good prices on a wide selection of premium strings, and the option to purchase bass and treble sets of different makes and tensions; www.guitarsalon.com offers a String Sampler package that bundles some of the more popular string sets at a discounted price. Happy shopping!

[ 本帖最后由 cyberninja 于 2008-2-12 03:52 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-2-12 03:54:29 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-2-12 05:08:38 | 显示全部楼层

hyz 的对严肃的古典吉他弹奏者的主页推荐家庭 - 串选择适当的套串为您的吉他可能引人注目地改进声音。不是hesistate 混合和比赛低音和高音(不同的牌子和紧张) 得到您要的声音。这我尝试了串的回顾, 不是任一按特选的顺序: Augustine 豪华高音豪华高音有明亮的口气以好容量, 容易演奏, 但声音可能是宁可"塑料" 。Augustine 红色成三倍红色高音不是一样大声和明亮的象豪华高音, 和有较少紧张。相当愚钝听起来, 特别是桶状听起来G 串。Augustine 红色低音红色低音有好, 温暖, 传统声音, 容易演奏, 但他们不幸地似乎用完非常快速- 他们得到容易地刻痕在苦恼。这些不进来一个不漏气的包裹, 能是问题如果您得到他们从有他们长期被存放公开的来源。D'Addario 赞成Arte (Med 紧张) 设置了低音这里有更多温暖, 传统声音与他们的D'Addario 综合表兄弟比较, 和有优秀定义, 但不幸地不是非常长的演奏的生活。高音不听起来明亮, 和有"中立" 口气。他们给强的根本笔记, 和引起小的言外之意与碳高音串比较。这些高音也许听起来愚钝在"西班牙听起来" 吉他, 和将适合一把吉他以更多"中立" 口气更好。D'Addario 赞成Arte (喂紧张) 设置了冷听起来比较与D'Addario 赞成Arte med 紧张集合, 但更多容量和攻击。并且, 低音没有非常长的演奏的生活。D'Addario 赞成Arte 综合(Med 紧张和喂紧张) 低音这些低音有非常好定义和长的演奏的生活, 但不是一样大声的象低音在规则D'Addario 集合, 和口气不和圆。他们并且有更加轻微的高压"感受" 与规则D'Addario 低音比较。低音在这个集合可能帮助减少串可观地吱吱叫的D'Addario 赞成Arte 轻微被擦亮的综合(Med 紧张) 低音! 但口气在这些低音象好比低音口气从D'Addario 轻微擦亮了综合(是以我所见不是与其它D'Addario 低音集合比较, 但好喂紧张) 设置了。低音在这个集合可能帮助可观地减少串吱吱声的D'Addario 赞成Arte 轻微被擦亮的综合(喂紧张) 低音, 虽然我认为低音从各自med 紧张集合做一个更好的工作在这个方面。但低音在这个集合是大声的。音调的特征引人注目地改变在一些演奏, 相当迅速丢失以后他们最初的亮光。D'Addario 赞成Arte EXP 综合(Med 紧张) 宁可设置了得"黄铜色" 听起来串。我发现了口气质量在低音下等与所有其它D'Addario 集合比较。GSP (喂紧张) 象大多不一样大声串起相当好集合, 但其它串被提及这里。Hannabach 碳非常大声成三倍并且非常明亮与好承受, 但直径比多数尼龙串稀薄的, 使他们更加坚硬演奏。他们有更多"冷的" 声音, 能引起相当言外之意alot 。Hannabach 728 (喂紧张) 低音好温暖的声音以好定义。这些匹配很
发表于 2008-2-12 05:44:05 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-2-12 11:07:13 | 显示全部楼层
    选择一套合适的弦,为您的吉他可以明显提高声音。不要犹豫,可以混合搭配贝司和三串(甚至不同的制造和紧张局势) ,以获得良好的,你想要的。这里有一个审查的弦乐,我曾经尝试过,没有任何优先顺序排列:

    富豪三串,才会有光明的口气好音量,很容易发挥,但音效可以,而不是"胶" 。
    红贝司有一个良好,温馨,传统的声音,很容易发挥,但可惜他们似乎磨损非常快-他们得到镍在f rets容易。这些都不在一个密闭包装,这可能是个问题,如果你是要促使他们从源头但他们同时存放在露天相当长的时间。
     -a ddario亲的A RTE(地中海张力)一套
    该贝司这里有更多的热情,传统的声音相比,他们的-a ddario复合堂兄弟,并具有优良的定义,但很可惜,不是一个很长的玩生活。

     -a ddario亲的A RTE(高张力)一套
     -a ddario亲的A RTE复合(地中海紧张和高科技张力)贝司
    这些贝司有很好的定义,并长期扮演生活中,但没有经过响亮作为贝司在经常-a ddario落下,语气并不如轮。他们也有轻于高张力的"感觉"比较正规-a ddario贝司。
     -a ddario亲的A RTE轻轻抛光复合(地中海张力)贝司
    该贝司就这一套可以帮助减少串squeak相当!但语气对这些贝司是,我觉得没有那么好其它城市相比-a ddario低音集,而且优于语气贝司从德阿a ddario轻轻抛光复合材料(高张力) 。
     -a ddario亲的A RTE轻轻抛光复合材料(高张力)贝司
     -a ddario亲的A RTE年限复合材料(地中海张力)一套
    而" brassy "冠冕堂皇的弦乐团。我发现音质就贝司劣势相比,其他一切-a ddario套。
    汉纳巴赫728 (高张力)贝司
    汉纳巴赫815 (高张力)贝司
    良好的定义,但声音,而不是"干" 。
     labella 2001年(地中海硬张力)一套
    尽管被标签为地中海紧张局势的努力,这些其实感觉像高科技张力弦乐团。很好的体积对贝司,以及三串有一个良好的基本调子。然而无论是贝司和三串有一种空洞, " tubey "的声音,我真的不喜欢。
    我相信这些相同的三串用,所有luthier串套。很光明冠冕堂皇(太光明,为我的口味) ,以地中海高新紧张感受,并有健全的是,而不是"胶" 。
    难以发挥,他们实际上气味不好过了一阵子!他们留下的残余手指太。我曾就便宜吉他约2-3周,和D弦爆发,而吉他是在其案件(必须是第一次有此遭遇的我) 。我"的当地雇员从来没有得到这些。


该联盟三串有一个甜蜜温暖的声音是非常响亮(胜于一切尼龙三串我曾经尝试过) ,虽然他们觉得课外喜紧张弦乐时,相比其他高科技张力尼龙三串。他们有一个较厚的直径相比,汉纳巴赫碳三串,这就使它们更容易发挥高于后者。他们创造了不少的色彩为好,但不正像汉纳巴赫碳三串。
    优良的定义,好维持和数量,但不作为强大作为贝司在savarez联盟(高科技张力) 。你可以得到这些乔鲁姆贝司连同联盟三串在" savarez乔鲁姆联盟"的设置。
    许多有经验的球员,一经获得一个新的吉他,通常会尝试许多不同的弦乐团(各制造和紧张局势) ,以找出什么最适合他们的工具,同时,我建议你也这样做。初始成本,为这种努力是不是真的很大,如果你的吉他是一个很好的音乐会演奏乐器,你非常认真的态度得到最佳的声音。


我的个人选择该地段的,如果你和你的吉他,可处理高张力弦乐团,将成为luthier音乐会30贝司与savarez联盟(高科技张力)三串。这种组合提供了什么,我认为是一个功能强大的冠冕堂皇的一套良好的平衡,界定和发挥的生活,与地中海紧张luthier音乐会30贝司决策相结合,比较容易发挥相比,利用高科技张力贝司从savarez联盟(高新张力) 。但是,如果你的吉他已经是一个非常光明的冠冕堂皇的工具,然后这种组合可能会使它太亮,以健全良好,在这种情况下,你也许要考虑到一些比较duller冠冕堂皇的集轮出亮度。我发现经常-a ddario亲的A RTE(地中海张力)集( e j45) ,以提供一个良好的平衡,健全对光明的冠冕堂皇的工具,有更多的"中性"的声音。

www.stringsbymail.com提供了好价钱,就广泛的选择保费弦乐团,并可以选择购买低音和高音套不同的制造和紧张; www.guitarsalon.com提供了一个弦乐采样一揽子捆绑一些较受欢迎的弦乐集在以折扣价格。快乐购物!
发表于 2008-2-12 22:53:26 | 显示全部楼层
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