发表于 2009-5-14 22:48:26
没有注意到哇音踏板会改变音色,而且即使你不开它,也会影响其它效果器的音色。这是为什么?因为你的效果器没有"True Bypass"。这一缺陷会造成即使你关掉哇音,可你的节奏效果仍然很脏,Fuzz效果出来像“放屁”,损失音量…… 以下是一些True Bypass的文字解决方案,适用于从60年代到90年代绝大部分哇音效果器,借鉴一下,就可以解决这一长期以来困扰所有吉他手的问题:
True Bypass Conversion for '60's-'80's standard Vox and Dunlop wah
includes american and Italian-made Crybaby, Jen, Dallas-Arbiter, and more.
1) Unsolder wires to SPDT (stock switch), remove it, and Install new DPDT.
2) Find Input Jack Terminal "Tip"....unsolder and disconnect only the short wire, follow that wire to the circuit
"Input" (Marked #1 on PCB Diagram), unsolder and remove it here as well. Leave in the long wire on Input Jack
"Tip" terminal and resolder it to make sure there's a good connection.
3) Run this wire from Input Jack "Tip" to DPDT terminal #4 and do not solder.
4) Attach the wire from DPDT terminal #4 and jumper it to #3 solder both
5) Attach a wire from Output Jack "Tip" to DPDT Terminal #5 and solder.
6) Run a wire from PCB terminal #1 up to DPDT Terminal #2 and solder.
7) Attach short wire from Wah Pot terminal #3 to DPDT terminal #6 and solder.
8) attach a short (ground) wire from Wah Pot Teminal#1 to DPDT Terminal #1 and solder
Congratulations....you're done.