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发表于 2009-11-16 15:29:52
1. pursuit-an activity that one engages in as a profession, vocation, or avocation.追求,工作
2. criterion-standard on which a decision may be based.标准
3. elite-a socially superior group.精英
4. commitment-a pledge to follow certain belief or a certain course of action; devotion(to duty etc.).承诺
5. barter-trade by exchanging one commodity for another.物物交换
6. alienation-a withdrawing or separation of a person from an object or position of former attachment; a feeling of not belonging to or being part of one’s surrounding.疏远,隔离
7. symposium-a conference in which experts or scholars discuss a certain subject.讨论会
8. scrutinize-examine very closely and carefully.仔细检查
9. ingredient-a component part of something.成分,因素
10. inhibitor-one who holds back/prevents.抑止剂
11. texture-the degree of roughness or smoothness, coarseness or fineness, of a substance or material, especially as felt by touch; visual and tactile qualities of a surface.质地
12. transience-temporariness, impermanence; the quality or state of being temporary or impermanent.短暂
13. sumptuous-expensive and grand.奢侈的
14. supplant-take place of; replace 代替
15. futile-ineffective, unsuccessful.无效的,无用的
16. illumination-enlightenment, edification.启发
17. improvise-make or do without preparation, practice, sufficient material, etc.即席写作
18. command-have within reach; be master of.命令,指挥
19. uniquely-distinctively.独特地
20. aberrant-deviating from what is usual or normal.异常的
21. accommodation-adaptation.改变,调整
22. unintelligible-not understandable.无法了解的
23. rebate-a return of a part of a payment.回扣
24. fulminate-protest loudly and bitterly.强烈抗议
25. prone-liable; likely; inclined.倾向于
26. replenish-put new supplies into.补充
27. vender-seller(more often spelt ”vendor” ).卖家,小商贩
28. rehabilitate-restore(strength and vigour).使恢复
29. exalt-place high in rank; hold in high regard.提升,加强
30. invoke-call upon.请求
31. diatribe-violent denunciation or condemnation.诽谤,恶骂
32. manacles-shackles; handcuffs.手铐
33. default-fail to fulfil a contract, agreement, or duty; default on; fail to pay a debt.不履行责任
34. hallowed-sacred, holy.神圣的
35. devotee-an ardent supporter.热/爱者
36. ghetto-a part of a city in which members of a minority group live, especially because of social, legal, or economic pressure.贫民窟
37. creed-a set of fundamental beliefs.信条,信念 |