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杨雪霏的新 CD “四季” 已于今天(06/08/05)在美国发售

发表于 2005-6-9 15:46:00 | 显示全部楼层

杨雪霏的新 CD “四季” 已于今天(06/08/05)在美国发售

期待已久的杨雪霏的新CD “四季”(SI JI) 已于今天 (06/08/05) 在美国
旧金山 (San Francisco)  “吉他独奏”(GUITAR SOLO)  正式发售

1 Yi Dance (W. Huiran)
2 Shepherd Boy with Flute (H. Luting)
3 Intonation (D. Ungerrank)
4 Long Out-stretched Pier with its Shadow (D. Ungerrank)
5 Wind on the Hill (D. Ungerrank)
6 Waiting for Guests (D. Ungerrank)
7Land Circus (D. Ungerrank)
8 Heavenly Bird (traditional)
9 Lantern Song (traditional)
10 Mayila (traditional)
11 Meditation No. 2 (E. Hirschelman)
12 Meditation No. 1 (E. Hirschelman)
13 The Blue Kite (S. Goss)
14 Yellow Earth (S. Goss)
15 Farewell My Concubine (S. Goss)
16 I Ching No. 1 (C. Domeniconi)
17 I Ching No. 3 (C. Domeniconi)
18 I Ching No. 4 (C. Domeniconi)
19 I Ching No. 5 (C. Domeniconi)
20 I Ching No. 6 (C. Domeniconi)
21 I Ching No. 7 (C. Domeniconi)
22 South China Sea Peace (S.Funk Pearson)
23 Spring (T. Rougier)
24 Summer (T. Rougier)
25 Autumn (T. Rougier)
26 Winter (T. Rougier)

-- Danny, San Francisco.

[ Last edited by dannycyc on 2005-6-17 at 21:02 ]
发表于 2005-6-9 16:17:00 | 显示全部楼层
1 Yi Dance (W. Huiran) 2 Shepherd Boy with Flute (H. Luting) 3 Intonation
(D. Ungerrank) 4 Long Out-stretched Pier with its Shadow (D. Ungerrank)
5 Wind on the Hill (D. Ungerrank) 6 Waiting for Guests (D. Ungerrank) 7 Land Circus (D. Ungerrank) 8 Heavenly Bird (traditional) 9 Lantern Song (traditional)
10 Mayila (traditional) 11 Meditation No. 2 (E. Hirschelman) 12 Meditation No. 1 (E. Hirschelman) 13 The Blue Kite (S. Goss) 14 Yellow Earth (S. Goss)
15 Farewell My Concubine (S. Goss) 16 I Ching No. 1 (C. Domeniconi) 17 I Ching No. 3 (C. Domeniconi) 18 I Ching No. 4 (C. Domeniconi) 19 I Ching No. 5 (C. Domeniconi) 20 I Ching No. 6 (C. Domeniconi) 21 I Ching No. 7 (C. Domeniconi) 22 South China Sea Peace (S.Funk Pearson) 23 Spring (T. Rougier)
24 Summer (T. Rougier) 25 Autumn (T. Rougier) 26 Winter (T. Rougier)
发表于 2005-6-9 18:19:00 | 显示全部楼层
这论坛高人多,希望他们能翻译,明天还没有人有空翻,我便凑合翻,大家到时也就凑合看。 Sku.: GSP1028CD
Si Ji (Four Seasons) produced by Dean Kamei Si Ji in Chinese is Four Seasons. We have chosen it to be the title of this ‘China’ inspired album. I hope this disc will leave you with an image of variety and diversity of colors, like the four seasons. As a musician, I feel a responsibility to communicate between different cultures and people through my music. As an artist from China, I would like to infuse the culture of my country in my music. As a guitarist, I hope to make a small contribution towards expanding the guitar repertoire, exploring new possibilities and enriching the techniques for the instrument. The guitar originated in the Middle East, halfway between China and the West. Chinese culture is refined, poetic, expressive and adaptable, like Chinese painting. These virtues can be usefully applied to the guitar. I was struck by the possibilities of the instrument after recording this CD—how ideas from the east have helped in exploring and enriching what is essentially western music. I make music from my heart as always, and I hope that you will respond in a similar way. Xuefei Yang, London (2004)
CONTENTS 1Yi Dance (W. Huiran) 2Shepherd Boy with Flute (H. Luting) 3Intonation (D. Ungerrank) 4Long Out-stretched Pier with its Shadow (D. Ungerrank) 5Wind on the Hill (D. Ungerrank) 6Waiting for Guests (D. Ungerrank) 7Land Circus (D. Ungerrank) 8Heavenly Bird (traditional) 9Lantern Song (traditional) 10Mayila (traditional) 11Meditation No. 2 (E. Hirschelman) 12Meditation No. 1 (E. Hirschelman) 13The Blue Kite (S. Goss) 14Yellow Earth (S. Goss) 15Farewell My Concubine (S. Goss) 16I Ching No. 1 (C. Domeniconi) 17I Ching No. 3 (C. Domeniconi) 18I Ching No. 4 (C. Domeniconi) 19I Ching No. 5 (C. Domeniconi) 20I Ching No. 6 (C. Domeniconi) 21I Ching No. 7 (C. Domeniconi) 22South China Sea Peace (S.Funk Pearson) 23Spring (T. Rougier) 24Summer (T. Rougier) 25Autumn (T. Rougier) 26Winter (T. Rougier)
发表于 2005-6-15 16:37:49 | 显示全部楼层

呵呵,正巧我也住在旧金山, 这个是翻译 (注: 本人非专业翻译人员!)

Si Ji (Four Seasons) produced by Dean Kamei Si Ji in Chinese is Four Seasons. We have chosen it to be the title of this ‘China’ inspired album. I hope this disc will leave you with an image of variety and diversity of colors, like the four seasons. As a musician, I feel a responsibility to communicate between different cultures and people through my music. As an artist from China, I would like to infuse the culture of my country in my music. As a guitarist, I hope to make a small contribution towards expanding the guitar repertoire, exploring new possibilities and enriching the techniques for the instrument. The guitar originated in the Middle East, halfway between China and the West. Chinese culture is refined, poetic, expressive and adaptable, like Chinese painting. These virtues can be usefully applied to the guitar. I was struck by the possibilities of the instrument after recording this CD—how ideas from the east have helped in exploring and enriching what is essentially western music. I make music from my heart as always, and I hope that you will respond in a similar way. Xuefei Yang, London (2004)

我们以把中文四季定为授权专辑的名字. 我们希望这张专辑将给你带来一幅绚丽 多彩的美景, 正如四季的景色. 作为一名音乐家, 我觉得有责任用音乐建立起与不同文化背景的沟通的桥梁. 作为一名中国的艺术家, 我意欲在我的音乐中体现我们中国的文化. 作为一名古典吉他演奏家, 我希望为扩大吉他演奏技法作出一点贡献, 探索新的可能性并使这个乐器的表现力得以丰富. 吉他源于中东, 在中国与西方之间. 中国文化是精细的, 诗一般的, 富于表现力的且善于吸收, 正如中国的国画. 这几点在吉他上也得到了体现. 在出这张专辑之前我还曾被吉他的表现力所迷惑-------来自东方的思想怎能帮助并加强原本是西方的音乐,(现在看来全无必要). 我用心去演奏音乐, 并且也希望你也有同样的感觉.
                               杨雪霏 2004年 伦敦

注: guitarsolo 是旧金山最老的古典吉他专卖店并且提供国际定购. 详见 http://www.gspguitar.com/  还有这个美国最大的乐器定购网, 价格低无假货(我没收他们的广告费) www.musicianfriend.com

[ Last edited by SF on 2005-6-15 at 16:44 ]
发表于 2005-6-15 16:48:44 | 显示全部楼层
不错啊~~~ 加油!!!
发表于 2005-6-15 16:49:49 | 显示全部楼层
杨雪菲那把smallman吉他背板是巴西红木的, 一眼就看出来了~!等我工作了一定买一个! 不吃不喝才4W美金,7不懈!~@#@$别拿木头排我啊!!@做个吉他多好啊!@#唉呦@#

[ Last edited by SF on 2005-6-15 at 16:51 ]
发表于 2005-6-15 17:59:14 | 显示全部楼层

my version

1. 从上下文及曲目可以知道,‘China’ inspired album应该说是这album的灵感来自“China”,所以inspired不是“授权”的意思。我采用断句翻译,但还是觉得“China”翻译得不好。希望各位给出更好的版本。
2. …in the Middle East, halfway between China and the West中,后面短语是用来修饰Middle East的,所以应该放到前面修饰。
3. Chinese culture is refined, poetic, expressive and adaptable个人觉得中国文化并非精细,而是优雅,这个句子可以翻译得更加对称优美。
4. can be usefully applied不是说“得到了体现”,而是可以得到体现。
5. I was struck by…不是被迷惑的意思,她自己想要应用中国文化于音乐,怎么自己会迷惑呢?
6. 以上内容纯属翻译讨论,目的在于互相提高,并非针对。偶也不是专业翻译,不过喜欢而已,呵呵。


Si Ji在汉语中是指四个季节,我们选择它作为该专辑的名字。专辑的灵感来自“中国(特色的文化)”。我希望它能让你感受到四季般的缤纷多彩。作为音乐家,我觉得自己有责任通过音乐促进不同文化和人群之间的沟通交流。作为中国的艺术家,我想把中国文化渗透在我的音乐中。作为吉他演奏家,我希望能作一点贡献,扩展吉他演奏曲目,赋予这一乐器更多的潜力,使其更加丰富。吉他源于处在中国和西方国家之间的中东地区。中国文化优雅而富有诗意,意韵深长又易于接受,正如中国国画。这些优点运用于吉他演奏非常有益。录制着张专辑之后,我为吉他这一乐器的潜力所震撼,东方思想有助于本是西方的音乐得到探索和丰富。我一直用心做我的音乐,我希望你也能以心回应。
发表于 2005-6-16 00:06:45 | 显示全部楼层

[ Last edited by SF on 2005-6-16 at 00:10 ]
发表于 2005-6-16 11:38:45 | 显示全部楼层

[ Last edited by vickycq on 2005-6-16 at 12:30 ]
发表于 2005-6-16 12:01:56 | 显示全部楼层


[ Last edited by SF on 2005-6-16 at 13:03 ]
发表于 2005-6-16 12:22:35 | 显示全部楼层

[ Last edited by vickycq on 2005-6-16 at 14:43 ]
发表于 2005-6-16 16:20:08 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-6-17 08:04:45 | 显示全部楼层
vickycq大姐(我知道你比我大至少6岁现在) 你是在广州? 哦母鸡哩sie母sie港广东话?  :)
发表于 2005-6-17 20:53:46 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by SF at 2005-6-17 08:04 AM:
vickycq大姐(我知道你比我大至少6岁现在) 你是在广州? 哦母鸡哩sie母sie港广东话?  :)

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