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音乐界的魔戒—狂想曲:Algalord王国的编年史 第一部!

发表于 2010-9-30 09:32:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
狂想曲  Algalord Chronicles Part One
Algalord王国的编年史  第一部(原文节选)


对于任何一个金属乐迷来说Rhapsody(狂想曲)乐队都不应该是个陌生的名字(现在乐队改名为Rhapsody Of Fire)。这支于九十年代末崛起的意大利交响金属新锐乐队以他们独特的古典金属魅力,加上真正的管弦交响乐团与人声合唱团,在短短的三年时间里红遍全球。大气而前卫的编曲,浓郁的古典气质以及庞大的故事体系将乐迷们深深吸引。

Rhapsody乐队的前六张专辑的歌词内容整体连在一起,是一个完整的很庞大的神话史诗传奇故事。这个庞大的传奇故事的名字叫做“Algalord Chronicles”(Algalord王国的编年史)。此宏伟史诗巨作共分为五部,六个篇章。在那气势恢弘的交响乐章以及融会其中的高昂流畅的歌曲背后,向听者讲述的会是怎样如何神奇而美妙的史诗故事呢?




Algalord王国已经长时间遭受恶魔军队的围困,正经历着他们历史中最艰难的时刻。Algalord、Irengard、 Elgard和Ancelot这四个国家的国王采取同盟的策略,率领着四国的伟大联盟军与黑暗王国的邪恶军队展开了血腥的激战!与此同时,国王们也意识到了邪恶力量的强大。


新英雄终于诞生了,整个大地、海洋、山川、河流、湖泊都在呼唤着他的名字,他那光荣而神圣的名字——Mighty Warrior!!!这位神奇的战士就是这部传奇故事的主人公,来自于北方寒冷的Loregard王国,他是这个国家的王子,同样也是名非常伟大的冰原战士。这次他出征去解救处于危难中的Algalord王国的同时,还有个最重要的目的就是要去救自己的心爱之人——Algalord王国最美丽而温柔善良的公主Airin。他们曾经有过很多难忘而美好真挚的恋情回忆。现在Algalord王国面临这重大的危机使得Mighty Warrior心情非常焦急。他在得知Algalord王国被黑暗王国袭击的当天就出发了,但是从Loregard王国到Algalord王国的路途非常遥远,途中困难重重。但是对Mighty Warrior来说Airin公主的安危比任何事情都重要,所以就算再艰难也不能放弃。战斗吧!Mighty Warrior!为了爱与和平,穿越金色的海洋与山川,去拯救处于危难中的Algalord王国和自己的心爱之人!
当Mighty Warrior骑着战马正在前进的时候,忽然听见隐约有声音在呼唤自己。他待住战马,停下脚步向四周观察。其实这个神秘的声音正是上帝在呼唤他,上帝正在用意念思维和Mighty Warrior进行通话。在和Mighty Warrior交谈片刻之后,上帝已经对他的名字和身份非常了解。坚信他肯定是能够完成拯救大地铲除邪恶这重大使命的最佳人选。


从前,有许多战士都曾想试图通过传说中的象牙之门,但是他们没有成功,没有人知道在他们身边发生了什么,因为这些战士去了就再也没有回来。Mighty Warrior,你一定要记住,预言中曾讲道:“只有怀着纯洁之心的战士才能打开象牙之门。”在途中,你可能会遇到展现你内心罪恶的魔镜,所以你要祈求寒冬的大雪冻结你心中黑暗的一面,使你的心灵像冰一样纯洁。否则,翠绿色宝剑将不会属于你。所以从现在开始为找寻宝剑,为胜利的凯旋而奋斗吧!!



在这非常短暂而罕见的和平中,Mighty Warrior骑着战马飞速般穿过了阳光普照的山谷,进入了一片古老而又神秘的森林……




此刻,Mighty Warrior等战士们已经别无选择,只有打败这只圣兽获得通过象牙之门的钥匙才能生还。但是我们不断的进攻已经彻底把独角神兽激怒了!独角神兽飞跃而起,发出强大的魔法绝招“圣翼之灵光”!死亡的恐惧使我不敢相信眼前所发生的一切,就在独角神兽发出魔法绝技的一瞬间,除我之外其余的战士们在魔光的照射下全部化成了死灰。现在我终于明白了以前众多战士迷失的原因。但是,另Mighty Warrior感到奇怪的是,为什么只有自己一个人没有受到魔法的束缚。独角神兽也感到有些迷惑和惊讶,“圣翼之灵光”虽然可以摧毁一切,但只对那具有像冰一样纯洁的心灵面前无法发挥威力。此时独角神兽想到了祖先留下的遗言:“必须是拥有像冰一样纯洁心灵的战士,才能打开传说中的象牙之门。”难道说…!独角神兽想到这里,停止了对Mighty Warrior的进攻。从刚才的魔法绝招“圣翼之灵光”在Mighty Warrior面前攻击无效就能证明,此人必定是上帝精心选派出的最伟大的战士。自从六百多年前的神话时代至今,独角神兽守护这第一座象牙之门就是为了等待真正的救世主到来,这是祖先遗派给他的使命。

独角神兽:“Mighty Warrior,你可以获得通过第一座象牙之门的钥匙,但是你不能大意,前面的路途会更艰难。在第二座象牙之门的守护者,就是传说中最勇猛无比的魔兽巨龙Tharos。就算你是上帝选中的精英战士,但凭借你一人的力量也是无法拯救Algalord王国的,所以你一定要得到巨龙Tharos的协助。作为杀死你同伴和战马的补偿,我将随你一同去收降那勇猛的魔兽——Tharos!”


 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-30 09:41:05 | 显示全部楼层
看到朋友签名 : 坚持 是一种矫情~


又想起了论坛上曾经的一篇文章:各种风格金属乐队 英雄救美的故事~  里面肯定有狂想曲,哈,先蹂躏龙20年,美女在旁边等着,哈哈
发表于 2010-9-30 09:42:29 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-9-30 09:45:05 | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 当心背后 于 2010-9-30 09:53 编辑 ]
发表于 2010-9-30 10:02:46 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-30 10:09:15 | 显示全部楼层
高博谦电脑里找的 哈哈
如果彼得 杰克逊出马那就牛逼大发了,狂想曲身价也至少翻100倍~

欢迎提供狂想曲 资料~ ALL ABOUT TA!~
发表于 2010-9-30 11:55:57 | 显示全部楼层
嗯 想起来了 当年重型音乐连载这个故事
发表于 2010-9-30 12:47:57 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-30 21:04:54 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-9-30 21:07:28 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-9-30 21:39:07 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-10-1 12:03:15 | 显示全部楼层
Chapter I
Legendary Tales
Chaos, fire and blood... rivers of blood! A long time ago the lands surrounding Algalord lived through the worst moment in their history: the deeply despised "times of darkness"... times of bloody battles between the forces of the "Holy alliance" and the hellish army of the bastard known as the "Black King". In the name of Kron, the cruel and ancient god of war, he crossed the dark mountains with a precise goal: the conquest of Algalord, the holy citadel of enchanted lands, ancient keeper of the secret... the secret of the holy "emerald sword", the powerful weapon of positive force, the decider of destinies of wars and ensurer of peace...

In that dramatic moment a fundamental decision was taken: thanks to the "wisdom of the kings" the alliance was created. Four brave kings decided to unite their forces to create the mightest army in living memory. Algalord, Irengard, Elgard and Ancelot, all united under the command of Harold "The Brave". And this meant the victory, the triumph of light on the forces of abyss...
Now, after times of peace and prosperity the nightmare is back and worst than ever before! Algalord is under threat again... in the northern regions the blood of the innocent is already flowing and the pains of torture and rape is splitting the skies...
There's only one hope left to save the beloved lands: the "three keys of wisdom" on the road to the "ivory gates". The prophecy is clear: Only a "warrior of ice" with a pure heart will be able to open the gates, located somewhere in the Lands of Chaos and, if he is strong enough to defeat the ancestral guardian, will have the honour of handling the mighty sword and leading the valorous men in an epic crusade for salvation of enchanted lands...
Many warriors tried to reach the legendary "ivory gates" but nobody knows what happened to them because they never returned. Now it is your turn, brave warrior, but remember: to reach the three keys, you have to face the mirror of your sins. So pray that the cold winter will freeze your dark side making your heart pure as ice, or the "emerald sword" will be unreachable once again...
Go now, the way to the middle plains is long and time is short. Go and fight for the triumph of peace and love over all...
the story still has to be written...

Ira Tenax
Throughout all the enchanted lands there re-echoes the mighty "cry of war" against the evil forces of abyss, returning once again from the darklands to conquer Algalord and its surrounding lands. The threat of a terrible war is again present, this time worse than before, but the brave brothers of the holy lands are ready to give their life to stop the madness and the thirst for blood of the hellish hordes, led by the cruel king Akron.
The army of abyss is attacking the holy lands from two strategic points. One part, under the command of the "black prince", successfully crossed the middle mountains and the people of Ancelot are already bewailing thousands of fallen innocents, while another part is marching through the lands of chaos, although fortunately still far enough from the dusty villages of the middle plains.
In the meantime the Algalord's "council of the kings" decides the best strategies to face this dramatic situation...
Harold III of Algalord, Argon IV of Elgard and Eric, king of Elnor, decide to reconstitute the "alliance of enchanted lands", as their fathers had done an age ago, to succeed in stopping the "black king's" offensive.
The council takes another fundamental decision: the time has finally come to call upon the ancient secret of "emerald sword". The prophetic pages of the legendary "holy book" is quite clear: a brave warrior should search for the three "keys of wisdom" and open the magic "ivory gates" located somewhere in the lands of chaos. Only by doing so would be be able to enter the "holy kingdom" where the emerald sword is hidden. The fate of other valorous heroes who tried to reach the "ivory gates" in the past is unknown - they never returned. But now the situation is deperate and the council decides to make the attempt once again. But who would have a chance to complete this terrible search?
The choice is simple because the old, wise Harold has no doubts: the mighty warrior of nordic blood is one of the most valorous fighters of the enchanted lands, the only one capable of being successful where others failed.
His destiny is so decided. A messenger rides to distant Loregard: the "son of ice" is called immediately by the council and, proud to have been chosen by his wise kings, he soon leaves his green valleys. On the way the warrior will have also the second task of leading some troops of Irengard to Algalord to reinforce the alliance. And so the legend begins...

Warrior Of Ice
The army of enchanted lands has to be prepared to face the enemy as soon as possible. All the towns of the holy kingdoms are sending their troops to Algalord to reinforce it. In the meantime, after a long ride in a land that now reeks of war, the chosen one finally reaches the mystic Irengard. There he receives from the old king Arius "The Tolerant" the command of some of the town's troops ready to serve the cause of enchanted lands.
Finally the Algalord's hills offer an incredible spectacle... the "holy alliance", the mighty army of enchanted lands, is alive once again and is waiting proudly for the will of its kings. These decide the best strategy for the offensive.
The warrior of ice receives the task of leading a part of the army to Ancelot, passing through the regions of the unicorns. There he will consign its troops to Arwald, hero of the middle lands, now engaged in the defence of the unfortunate citadel.
In that moment he will have to leave the battlefield and ride to nearby Elgard where he'll meet the old wizard Aresius, one of the keepers of the ancient secret of the "ivory gates". Only then, with his help, can the search for the three "keys of wisdom" begin.
Now is time to leave Algalord... heartrending cries of women and children beseech their men... but it really is time to ride...

Rage Of The Winter
Crossing the hills of Algalord, the wind begins to blow whilst the falling snow caresses the now visible valleys of unicorns.
The mighty warriors and its soldiers admire the wonderful landscapes knowing once again that for many of them this will be the last time... whilst the winds of night begin blowing stronger and the fury of winter screams its rage the valorous troops finally reach the southern side of the middle forests.
The difficulty of the journey is recompensed by what the horizon offers the eyes...
Now is the time to sleep and the villages of the holy valley offer the best solution for letting the horses rest.
Ancient dances welcome the tired soldiers and makeshift jesters do their best to lower the general tension that inevitably fills the air.
The warrior of ice is restless and he decides to fulfil a strong desire that he has felt for a long time. The place where the father of the father of his father fought for the freedom of the enchanted lands is not far away and the opportunity is unique: the chance to reach the mythical forest of unicorns, the forest that inspired numerous legends and where the wisdom of the kings prevailed in a long, bloody battle against the unrestrained violence of the black king's hordes.
So our hero leaves the village and begins riding through the long valley, which ends where the middle forests begins.
Darkness is all around and the atmosphere is spectral but suddenly the flowing waters of the holy river announce that the magic forest is close at hand.
...the warrior's heart begins pounding faster...

Forest Of Unicorns
The forest is finally ahead of him and what the nordic fighter feels inside is indescribable. A mystical light allows to see a large part of the forest whilst the whispers of nightfall reach it, murmuring wise words. A strange but also a sense of extreme well-being is all around. The spell goes on and the warrior decides to remain in that magic place all the night. He sits at the foot of a tall tree and soon the reign of dream opens its gates to him.
Echoes of ancient battles fought by the old ones cross his mind before the first light of dawn, when a sudden noise awakes the fighter... and in that moment it appears in all its splendour: the white unicorn galloping on the other side of the hill offers a unique spectacle, one witnessed by only very few lucky people.
The warrior remains spellbound by the beauty of the forest bathed in the first light of the rising sun. And he immediately begins praying to those proud trees, silent witnesses of past glorious times, to receive from them the strength of the ancient memories: memories of epic battles and epic victories for the army of enchanted lands.
The blood of countless soldiers flowed on this grass to defend the forests, rivers, lakes, valleys and mountains... and their sacrifice gave these regions peace for an entire age.
But this time the evil forces of abyss are stronger than ever and this peaceful day could be one of the last...
It is difficult to leave this wonderful place but the sun is now high in the sky and in the holy valley the soldiers are awaking: the march to Ancelot must go on...

Flames Of Revenge
When the holy army finally reaches the white "Valley of Heroes", a tragic sight greets Ancelot's eyes. In the citadel the victims are countless... and this increases the thirst for revenge of the brave warrior and his soldiers.

Virgin Skies
Consigning his troops to Arwald of Ancelot, the mighty warrior begins his long ride to the green valleys of Elgard, the wonderful town where his search for the three "keys of wisdom" will begin. The journey is difficult but when the first blades of grass come into view on the horizon the warrior is unable to constrain his emotion. Soon the sun warms his body and the blue sky gives him magical sensations.

Land Of Immortals
The green Elgard makes its appareance in all its beauty. Here the little peaceful town gives the warrior a fantastic welcome. Receiving full honors, he meets the mighty wizard Aresius. The following day he will lead the chosen one to the dusty Argon's glade where the search for the keys will begin... This mystical journey will be full of obstacles and the braveheart will also have to challenge his deepest fears before facing unsolvable enigmas and ancestral creatures of darkness.
And when his time comes... the land of immortals, the heaven of heroes, will be finally his.

Echoes Of Tragedy
The search will soon begin whilst the tragic vision of Ancelot is still alive in the warrior's mind. But the echoes of this cruel tragedy are now carved on his steel and the holy blood of the fallen innocents calls for revenge.

Lord Of The Thunder
Waiting for the night the mighty warrior rides around Elgard to calm his thoughts. Suddenly, on the return journey, echoes of a distant thunder reach his ear and the wind begins blowing wildly. Adrenalin fills his veins and, raising his sword to the sky, the hero recites his prayer.

Legendary Tales
Night falls and in the forest near the castle's walls the people of Elgard are celebrating another day of peace.The jesters sing about the legendary old battles against the "black king". The knights sing and toast to the warrior, now ready to face the unknown. Soon he falls asleep and, in the last peaceful night, the nordic hero's dreams are dreams full of tragedy and sadness, where the blood of innocents never stops flowing and the will of revenge is more alive then ever.
发表于 2010-10-1 12:05:46 | 显示全部楼层
Chapter II
Symphony of Enchanted Lands
What is told between these pages destined to memories was written by the wise old hand of Aresius of Elgard, witness before God of another incredible epic deed. I will tell you about the brave warrior of Loregard, the son of holy ice, and his search for the legendary Emerald Sword., the powerful weapon of positive force, the decider of destinies of wars and ensurer of peace, the last hope for the salvation of Enchanted Lands... As most of you already know, this fantastic weapon is hidden beyond the "Ivory Hates" located some where in the Lands Of Chaos, and to open these magic portals the hero needs first to find the three magic "Keys Of Wisdom"...
The Three Keys Of Wisdom
And time had come... At the first light of dawn we where already far from the green Elgard and soon the dusty Argon′s glade and the hills, where the old dwarf lived together with the secret of the keys, made their appearance. The challenge soon began... The challenge between the warrior and his deepest fears, reflected in the magic "Mirror Of Shadows". But in the end, thanks to his moral integrity, he was able to defeat the risk of madness, thus obtaining the desired price: The first key of wisdom and with it all the clues to continue on this incredible quest.
In fact, now a second, more demanding challenge awaited the warrior: The one with Tharos, the bloody dragon keeper of the second key, hidden somewhere amongs the marshes of Chaos. The fight was terrifying, but in the end the power of the northern lands hero prevailed over the agility of the enemy. The warrior had the chance of mortally wounding the fallen dragon but he didn′t do, so sparing his life... In that moment the incredible happened... And suddenly all was clear! Tharos was under a spell and finally it was broken.
For a long time he was condemned to fight against valorous knights searching for the second key... Sometimes he killed them, a few times he had him self been killed by the strongest ones... But this time all was different. The warrior he had before him had spared his life and so Tharos understood he was the chosen one... The prophecy had spoken the truth, and Tharos was finally able to spread his wide wings to reach the furthest horizon. But before doing so he gave the second key to the son of ice and told him to reach the mystical altar which held the secret of Ikaren and which was located on the border between the middle forest and the southern side of the lands of Chaos. There he could find the last key necessary to open the ivory gates.
The Legend of Ikaren
The legend of Ikaren was known by all in the enchanted lands: It was a magic object that, inserted in a Shink of the altar, would show the direction for reaching the holy gates... After crossing the "forgotten valleys" we finally reached the middle forests and then the desert of Chaos... Soon also the dusty altar made its appearance. But when we were there, we didn′t find the answers we were searching, for immediately... And when all seemed lost, the skies helped us...
The two keys of wisdom fell from the hand of the warrior and landed in a particular position... And he finally understood: One of the keys could be connected to the other and the resulting object was just the mystical Ikaren: My God, the secret of the Ancient was finally revealed. The warrior immediately inserted the object into the chink in the altar and soon, with the help of morning light, the miracle happened...
Three stone dragons surrounded the altar, and when the sun shone on their eyes a ray of light shining from them reached the Ikaren on the altar creating an incredible display of light...
Hidden mirrors diverted the ray of sunlight at least five times, bringing it to rest on a spot between some of the many rocks surrounding us. We felt our goal was really near but nobody could imagine what was soon to happen...
Another part of the story was ready to be written...
And this time, we hope, not with the blood of another hero...

Emerald Sword
The stones indicated by the ray of light hide a secret passage. The warrior greets Aresius and crosses it reaching an ancient hall. He can′t believe what he sees in front of him... yes, the legendary "Ivory Gates"... he opens them with the holy keys and a wonderful land appears in all its beauty... enchanted valleys, rivers, lakes and a lonely path that winds along the hill and disappears into the undergrowth... Somewhere there, the magic emerald sword is hidden... the search for it finally begins...

Wisdom Of The Kings
The path crosses in front of a mystical forest and immediately after an area rich in wonderful waterfalls... a real joy for the eyes...
Finally the warrior reaches a desert... sinister voices reach his ear, the voices of mighty warriors that tried to reach the sword and whose quest ended in tragedy... but their spirit will live again and will now ride with the hero of northern lands...

Eternal Glory
The warrior reaches a marshy land where a cold deadly wind blows threateningly... and suddenly the nightmare becomes reality... the dead come out from ancient crypts and a terrific fight begins... hell is prevailing over the power of the hero but in the end the skies helped him once again...
Tharos the mighty dragon, comes and saves the chosen one... thanks, noble dragon, thanks in the name of all the enchanted lands...
The warrior of ice had broken the spell and now Tharos, to repay him, was offering his wide wings to lead him to the legendary sword...

Beyond The Gates Of Infinity
The flight with Tharos is incredible... Strong sensations and undescribable emotions... the wind in his hair, the green valleys below... no, this wouldn′t be the last time the hero would see this spectacle of nature... on the wings of destiny the goal is now nearer...

Wings Of destiny
But soon the landscape changes... the clouds became darker... the rivers red like blood... mystical fog surrounds all... and it appearance in all his gothic splendour... yes, it... what Tharos calls the fortress of Abyss... He also reveals that according to the prophecy the legendary emerald sword could be hidden there, in the highest tower of the fortress, kept by the ancestral guardian...
So they fly to it but suddenly a myriad of winged demons appeared in the sky an situation becomes more than difficult...

The Dark Tower Of Abyss
The hero lets himself fall on the tower while Tharos continues fighting the hellish winged creatures... he opens a trapdoor and find himself in a giant hall... oh, my god, it is there, surrounded by a magic green light... The Emerald Sword... but when the warrior touches it all the hell seems to rise from the deepest abyss... inhuman cries split the skies and it appears... the ancestral guardian, a monstrous creatures that eyes cant describe...
The fight on the tower is furious and when the creature is near victory he comes back once again... yes the mighty Tharos throw himself on the monster... the impact is incredible... but it has given the hero the time to pick up the sword and to hit the guardian...
Suddenly rays of sunlight break the darkness and reach the towers... everything begins to quake... and the two heroes released that is better to fly away... and while they ride on the winds of eternity to reach their beloved lands, everything behind them crashes in the abyss...

Riding The Winds Of Eternity
The holy winds lead them to their enchanted lands and even the thunder hails this victorious amazing deed. And soon, sister rain begins to wash their wounds...
But something strange happens... The warrior notices that Tharos is crying and tells him to stop his flight immediately... soon all is clear... and tragic! Tharos had been mortally wounded in the impact with the ancestral guardian, and now there is nothing that can be done...
The hero can′t keep back the tears... he dosen′t want to lose his beloved dragon... but cruel destiny so decided... Tharos tries to console his friend by telling him that he is lucky to have been useful for Algalords cause and to find freedom at least in death... soon he spread his wings to fly to the dark horizon... to face death in his land, the wonderful dragonland, there... in the northern valleys...

- part II - continues...
The warrior had lost his brother Tharos but this sacrifice could mean a real hope for the salvation of the enchanted lands...
Yes he would have defeated the cruel Akron also for his poor friend!

The emerald sword shone magically in the hero's hands and now the ride to Ancelot had to begin as soon as possible... Arwald couldn′t wait anymore...
The news of the victorious deed spread through all the enchanted lands and all the people celebrated the son of ice for many days.
Also the kings, committed on different fronts in the bloody war against the army of Akron, couldn′t restrain their joy and that tiny flame representing the hope for the beloved lands was destined to be cherished forever...
Here a chapter ends, here another one begins...
Part of the story has been written, part not...
But I′m always here, Aresius Of Elgard, ready to tell you of the events regarding the enchanted lands...
Events of courage and might, of good and evil...
Peace and love to all of you...

发表于 2010-10-1 12:07:00 | 显示全部楼层
Chapter III
Dawn of Victory
Hail to everyone!!! ...

...do you remember me? Yes, that's right, me, your friend Aresius of Elgard, ancient (but not too much, eh?...ha, ha, ha!) wizard of my beloved enchanted lands.
I told you about the situation of the enchanted lands threatened by the hellish army of Akron, known as the 'black king', in the first chapter of these chronicles. In the second one I revealed to you the secret of the emerald sword and how my valorous friend, known to you as the 'warrior of ice', was able to open the ivory gates and to finally handle it !
I want to tell you straight off that this third chapter will be no less valorous and tragic than the previous ones... probably too tragic even for my taste...! So now is the moment for you to learn everything that has happened since the chosen one left the magic portals behind him, riding to Ancelot with the magic weapon in his hand...
Enjoy this new tale of courage and pride and abandon yourself to the green valleys of the enchanted lands... where the mystical journey is about to begin again...!

- part III -
The emerald sword was glinting wildly in his valorous hands and his ride to Ancelot began at the first light of the new dawn. In village after village The Warrior of Ice was able to find new fighters ready to demonstrate their pride for the safety of the holy town of the Enchanted Lands. So, when he finally reached the rocky mountains surrounding the citadel, the chosen one could count on a real army ready to face the demonknights led by Dargor, prince of the darklands serving the cause of Akron.
The hero of Loregard didn't want to waste time anymore because the cries of Ancelot and its defender Arwald were desperate and touched his brave heart deeply. At his command the entire army of the enchanted lands raised its steel to the sky glorifying the holy war in the name of a future long peace with no innocent victims falling to satisfy the thirst for power of the darklands' lords.
From that moment onwards only king chaos dominated...
...after the legendary fight of the bravehearts against Dargor's army Ancelot was free once again and the warrior of ice could finally raise his divine steel in the air reeking of blood, as a sign of victory. Two proud warriors, the chosen one and Arwald, hero of the northern lands, led the valorous men of the enchanted lands to another great day that will be sung and remembered at the court of the kings by all the royal jesters in the following ages... But, as usual, war means free violence and cruelty and both could not restrain their tears of anger for all the innocent victims who fell on the dusty ground surrounding the citadel.
And the nightmare never seemed to end... Airin, Arwald's beloved princess of Ancelot, captured during the siege of the town together with another dozen of proud knights known in all the southern regions of the enchanted lands for their valour, was on the way to Hargor, hellish town of the darklands, located in the heart of chaos.
Dargor and his prisoners were now marching through the dragonlands and it seemed impossible to reach them before they reached the Akron's nest.
So in the following days, whilst organizing plans to free their imprisoned friends, The Warrior of Ice and Arwald could do nothing but wait for the inevitable demands advanced by the cruel black king...
The messenger of chaos finally came and the fear of all became tragic reality: the demons of Akron would impale, one by one all the prisoners if he didn't receive the legendary steel of the gods... yes, my friends, that's right... the mystical emerald sword. Oh, god... what hellish use could be made of that precious weapon...! But anyway something had to be done, and as soon as possible... so the decision was taken! Arwald and the warrior of ice would meet the black king in the center of Hargor, that godforsaken town of the darklands, and Akron would guarantee the life of the prisoners by exchanging it for the mystical emerald sword. But The Warrior of Ice knew that in the wrong hands this precious weapon could help the hellish king and his dreams of conquest...
And I can confirm to you that his thinking was correct, because, as I already told you in the first chapter of these chronicles, a bloody war between the 'Holy Alliance' and the hordes of Akron's empire was raging on the border between the southern lands and the darklands, and, as you also know, the power of the emerald sword could have also decided the destiny of wars! So, my dear friends, it is time to raise your faces to the sky and to call the mightiest of all the rages... oh, yes, that's right!... the bloody Rage Of The Titans!!!

Yes, dear friends, this is exactly what really happened, although your friend Aresius would never have liked to have told you...
When our two heroes finally arrived in Hargor, they immediately understood that it would have been really difficult to go back!
The vision was tragic... of the knights imprisoned during the siege of Ancelot nothing was left except their heads and limbs impaled in awful hellish geometry...
The message was clear and my two friends could do nothing other than attack as Furies about to die in the proudest way. But no... what the black king had planned for them was even more terrible... and I can assure you, I felt that something was not going right, being in mental contact with them most of the time ! Captured and imprisoned, after many days of torture the two warriors awakened in a dark cavern lit by seven torches. Heavy steel chains were limiting their movement. Airin, oh my god, yes, right, poor Airin, was in front of them, covered only by a black veil, on an unholy stone altar. Akron, his dream of handling the mighty emerald sword satisfied at last, was laughing before the altar together with all his demonknights shadowing the cavern and no sane mind would like to imagine what could have happened in the next moments...
No, I don't want to tell you...! but I have to..., because you all, my friends, have to understand how cruel and blasphemous the acts of a man can be, ...although it's difficult for me even to consider him as a man..., possessed by the evil forces of cosmic oblivion!
So... Airin, Arwald's beloved princess, was brutally raped by all the evil creatures of that hellish place in front of our two heroes and by Akron himself, still laughing and increasing his dark energy by the pain of suffering innocence.
Even the valorous Dargor, already trying to convince his king about the inanity of the trap and all this unfettered violence, felt himself constrained to condemn this horrible ritual of bloody depravation... the prince of the darklands, even if he swore his faithful to the cult of evil being educated by one of my biggest enemies, the wizard known as Vankar of Helm, had always tried to conciliate his acts with some ideals that often contrasted with Akron's philosophy... and now once again!
Returning to our tale... the ritual finished even more tragically... Airin was forced, with her last breath of life and looking for the last time at her beloved Arwald, to sink in the Sgral, a magic substance able to corrode the strongest steel.
And, after a while, her death was a reality...
Excuse me, my friends, if in this moment a tear is filling my old eye, but the tragedy is too big for an elderly, tormented heart like mine...
Arwald prayed to all the gods of the cosmos to be freed of that unholy vision and, being unable to endure the pain of it, he soon lost his senses...
Akron had prepared something special for everybody ...so the hero of the northern land was also tortured in every way possible and in the end he also was forced to become a victim of the terrible corrosive substance...
But in that moment the gods of the cosmos heard his call... with his last divine inner energy, with his legs burning in the acid, Arwald used his arms, already showing the white of the bones, to throw some of the green acid towards The Warrior of Ice. Destiny would have it that part of it splashed on the chains imprisoning the chosen one... The steel corroded and our hero was able to free himself... Arwald, with his death, had thus saved the life of our mutual friend. Armed only with stones from the cave, his mighty rage led him against the horde of evil and he was only able to avoid the deadly fury of Akron by throwing himself into the subterranean river, known as Aigor, which flowed through the cave and which carried him to the free air outside Hargor. After many moons, escaping through dark marshes and then over rocky mountains, he was finally able to reach his beloved valleys and then the forest of unicorns... only there could he feel himself finally safe... Sad, tired, hungry, enraged, furious... but at least safe... The emerald sword was now brightening in the hands of Akron and something had to be thought up and done before it was too late for our beloved enchanted lands !
Alright, my dear friends, my old body endured too much stress this time telling you this tragic tale, and so it is better if I rest for a time between the magic trees of this green valley, which have offered me hospitality for some moons. I will be back to you soon for the last chapter of these chronicles... I think the most intense, dramatic and epic that I will ever tell you!
So prepare yourself and in the meantime try to live your life with the same ideals of honesty and justice which fill the hearts of my valorous friends, ready to use the rage of the thunder to fight unfettered violence, so that another old wizard will be proud to tell the chronicles of your existence with the same epic enthusiasm...!
发表于 2010-10-1 12:11:23 | 显示全部楼层
Chapter IV
Power of the Dragonflame
The black clouds were darkening the middle lands when the warrior of ice reached the mystical place known as the forest of unicorns. Blood covered his hands while the whispers of the friendly majestic trees tried to calm the fullness of his last visions... Arwald and Airin's brutal deaths were still torturing his brave heart and only the will for revenge was carved in the wounds of his raped soul...
The knowledge that the magical emerald sword was now in the hands of Akron was also tormenting his burning thoughts...
at the limit of his physical and mental condition he finally reached green Elgard where the people received him as a true hero... Aresius had to use all his magic to cure the shocked mind of the chosen one.
But soon a incredible new tragedy occurred, enough to destroy the mental stability of anyone... what neither he nor Aresius had dared to imagine came to pass...
what had seemed to be just an ancient legend spun by the fantasy of a jester, turned into unexpected, dramatic reality...
Thanks to the magic power of the emerald sword applied to Vankar's black magic secrets, the mystic portals of chaos separating the world of the humans from the one of the damned had finally been opened... after some evil rites in the crypts of the ghostland the queen of the dark horizons, that godforsaken bitch and ancient servant of the cruel god Kron, was alive once again and ready to lead the army of the living dead, freed from the ancient spell, under the Akron's command.
The first result of this demonic plan was the tragic battle that destroyed the kings' mighty woodships on the wild ocean...
without defense the two sister towns of our beloved lands were destroyed after three moons of apocalyptic bloodshed under a rain of a thousand flames. Elnor and Thorald now lay in ruins...the king died proudly fighting the demons and the bloody giant waves... the echoes of death still fill the unbreathable air carving the rocks and the shores of the southern lands...
The warrior of ice, hearing this news, screamed his rage from the depth of his pure soul and even the elves and trolls of the grey mountains could hear the echoes of his fury....
but he would soon have the chance to call the spirits of vengeance 'cause after two moons the grand council of Algalord decided to call the bravest fighters of the southern lands and to give the command of this improvised army to the chosen one...
Akron, the evil queen, the shadowlord Dargor and the demonic army were now marching in the direction of the town of the gods, annihilating everything and every human being who offered resistance to their raging passage...
So a terrible fear was now threatening the proud Algalord and something had to be done as soon as possible... an eventual fall of the holy citadel would have meant the end of everything and the beginning of a new age for the enchanted lands under the dominion of King Chaos, mighty bringer of the cosmic oblivion... he had to be stopped...!
The march of the swordmasters soon began... and after only three moons the glorious army led by the nordic warrior faced the soldiers of Akron and Dargor between the marshes of the southern regions... the wolves howled at the moon as the first clash of swords resounded through the depth of the night.
That dramatic battle will surely be remembered as one of the most tragic pages in the history of the enchanted lands! The valorous warriors of our wonderful valleys found themselves even forced to challenge their mental sanity, not knowing what kind of enemy they would be facing ... but Aresius had warned them that they should be prepared for anything... and never had there been better advice ... winged demons, giant worms, the living dead and vampires formed the biggest part of that evil mass of creatures that crossed the portal of chaos thanks to the power of the emerald sword and that were now serving the insane will of Akron...
every fighter of the beloved lands immediately understood the difficulty of their goal ...
but the call of the cosmic perspective blocked any emotive fragility - on the contrary, this only enflamed their adrenalinic will for revenge for all their brothers who had been so brutally tortured and killed.
In the bloodbath of the fight, between mutilated limbs and terrific visions of sufference, the warrior of ice was able to reach and face the shadowlord of the black mountain in a final battle... The evil one, after a bloody epic clash, fell from a rock and became trapped, with no chance of escape... Dargor was close to death, he knew it... he screamed, beggng the mighty warrior of ice to strike and kill him... but the chosen one, in a terrible quandary between his heart and his mind, reached out his hand, thus sparing his life, knowing that he was just the result of the wrong teachings of Vankar, the old wizard of Helm, eternal enemy of Aresius.
Dargor didn't understand this act of the warrior of ice and didn't realise his intentions... Vankar had always told him an untrue story about how the warrior of ice and his army had massacred all his family... and he grew up believing it .... so with the next strike of his sword he hit the chosen one who, not expecting this reaction, fell to the ground losing his senses and shedding a river of holy blood... he spoke only with his eyes... looking at Dargor and asking why... why...
When our hero regained conciousness, trapped once again like thousands of other soldiers, he understood everything was finished for him and for all... After Elnor and Thorald, the last important resistance had been destroyed and for Algalord now it would have been surely the end... ah no... nobody could have imagined the destructive power of the emerald sword in the wrong hands, nor could our warrior.
It was time for Algalord to pray to the steelgods because the fury of the warmaster Kron lived in the black king more than ever... beware, holy town, beware...!
After two moons the fall of Algalord was a reality... the gates of the town were forced open and Akron marched through it showing his worst intentions... Most of the women and children were tortured and massacred in the name of his hellish perversion... 'destruction' was Akron's order to his disciples and soon Algalord, the glorious Algalord, the holy town of the enchanted lands, was a mass of blood and stone...
In that moment everybody, even the warrior of ice, now trapped and constrained to endure everything, was asking themselves whether it was still possible to do something for the beloved lands or whether the dominion of Kron's disciples would soon be reality in the name of cosmic oblivion!
The next challenge would be clear to all...
"Hello to everyone once again, my friends...
and sorry if I am unable to tell you about everything that has happened recently without shedding a tear... but there are no words to describe the pain lacerating my heart once again!
Yes, everything happened as you have probably already understood... after the siege of Algalord and we were all made prisoners, the rituals of bloody depravation began once more...
The tragedy was a sad reality, as the magic book of the prophecies revealed to us many ages ago... but the next pages told of a thunder breaking the deadly silence...
and of lightning bolts of pure energy hurtling through the ancient skies by the gods of wisdom... and that would be the miracle which would change the events...
And my dears... you are probably anxious to know if something happened or not... eh?
Well... this is the last incredible chapter of this epic tale... and I can tell you that the end of the events was reserved for an unexpected, legendary, great and bitter finale...
so... yes... something miraculous soon happened... but in the shadow of a dark tragedy...!
After the fall of the holy town of the gods, my brother, the mighty warrior of ice,
was also condemned to endure the bloody games that Akron used to frighten the people in order to impose his supremacy...
the chosen one had always been the legendary enemy and now the chance of torturing his body was exciting Akron's deepest perversions...
And so he vented his dark rage on the warrior of ice mutilating both of his legs... yes, my friends... this was hell, believe me...!
...but when our hero, still alive, was about to be executed and then thrown in the marshes of Acheros, condemned to be devoured by the viscid watersnakes, the miracle happened and the thunder of the prophecy had an unexpected name: Dargor! Nobody could believe what was about to happen... Tired of these bloody visions, no longer accepting the cruelty of his darklord and still confused by the fact that the chosen one had spared his life, Dargor raised his steel to the sky mortally wounding the queen of the dead, hatefully screaming the name of Akron and invoking the power of the gargoyles... the black king, furious as never before, turned to the warrior and immediately understood his intentions... one sign from his hand and a demonwarrior threw his sword hitting Dargor's shoulder, throwing him to the ground... Akron, laughing in his face, revealed to him that he had been expecting his betrayal because he did not have the same black blood running through his veins, and that now he would die in the same way as the others, impaled in front of the gates of the now conquered Algalord as an example for all...
The demons of Akron moved towards the wounded Dargor, to imprison him, when the energy of the thunder gave him the force to throw himself against Akron, pushing him and making him fall close to where the warrior of ice, mutilated and dying was lying in a lake of blood. At that moment the chosen one managed to steal the emerald sword from the armour of the black king and to strike his face with it... even the demons of the deepest hell must have heard Akron's scream when the blade of the holy sword pierced his right eye... but this was not enough to kill the king of the darkness ... and so the warrior of ice wrapped his arms around Akron's neck, choking him...and at that moment the chosen one screamed to Dargor to move the wooden execution platform away from the marshes. The shadowlord of the black mountains saw that this was the only way to solve the situation radically and immediately jumped onto the steel lever operating the evil mechanism... and the platform on which the warrior of ice and Akron were lying began to slide down towards the black waters of those dark marshes which stunk of death.
The chosen one, keeping his choking hold still in place with all his might with the help of the emerald sword and with the black king trying to free himself, cried his thanks to Dargor for repaying the favour of the past, despite his inability of helping the hero of the northern lands, who was now destined to certain death...
But that was how the prophecy was written and the warrior of ice finally slipped into the viscid waters... and Akron with him, the emerald sword not allowing him to react...
From that moment on the two bodies and the mighty holy sword disappeared into the depths of the marsh and when the hungry black snakes came for their meal everybody knew that it was finished... yes... it was really finished for our mutual friend... thanks to the warrior of ice and Dargor's betrayal, the nightmare in person, known as Akron was suddenly just a bad memory of the past...
And that moment also miraculously meant the end for the demons' evil army...
Vankar had tought Dargor the power of the gargoyles... but the evil wizard could never have imagined that his disciple would use it to face his own hell... but that was what happened!
The majestic gargoyles of stone became alive and flew from the far towers of Hargor to clash against the demons of the abyss... and also at that moment the astonished warriors of the enchanted lands understood that the prophecy of the ancients was finally being realized... oh, god... to the mighty call of the steelgods of the last apocalypse they raised their weapons once again, taking advantage of the new situation... from defeated prisoners they became the materialized cosmic fury of the titans and before the new moon, the victory was a reality... and this time, it was total victory against the hordes of hell... yes, brothers... the great final victory...
magic lightning suddenly crashed into the earth, a terrific quake made the ground tremble... and the victorious brothers' gargoyles returned to Dargor one last time to complete their quest... the angels of mystic stone spread their wide wings and, with their long limbs, they took the rest of the demons and the creatures lying on the dusty ground... the portals of chaos located between the crypts of the ghostlands were their destination... the souls of the damned reached their old dimension somewhere far beyond and the gargoyles, thanks to a great act of positive magic, were able to close them, again becoming mighty guardian angels... they would keep the passage and not allow anyone to open the gates again... that was really the conclusion of a nightmare that seemed to have no end... but finally and luckily for us all the word "end" began to have a meaning once again...
Well, my friends... I used all my magic to fight those bastards... even Vankar was a victim of my white magic... and now after some time spent in recouperating to some extent my mental sanity and having to accept the death of my brother I can finally smile under the sun that lights up my wonderful Elgard...
He's not with us any more... my valorous friend, the hero of the northern lands, is gone... but his sacrifice was exemplary and will be remembered in the next ages by all, as a testament of love for these lands...
And Dargor's act of wisdom ... also he will be remembered as a great man...
when the dark meets the light, to create the twilight... everything is possible and most of the time... the shadows can hold magic! After the last battle he disappeared... nobody saw him again... is he still there ?? Anyway thanks once again, wherever you are, mighty shadowlord of the black mountains!
The reconstruction of Algalord, the noble town of the enchanted lands, will begin during the next moons... and this time the gargoyle will be the new symbol of the town, to witness what I was telling you before about the tones of sunshine...
In the meantime my brothers are hailing the gods of wisdom before rivers of red wine and from the south to the north the name of Dargor and the chosen one are on the lips of all...
So my friend... with these last lines I wrote the last page of this book... the saga of the emerald sword can now be considered ended... one book of a million books telling about the cosmic fight between good and evil... written again with the blood of heroes... for a cosmic perspective that will soon reveal itself... in one amongst a thousand realities...! Hail to you all...!"
Aresius of Elgard
发表于 2010-10-10 18:30:11 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-10-11 12:49:56 | 显示全部楼层












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