在线时间 小时
即大学时代创作的《卡尔卡西25首练习曲的意义何在》,《体会音乐情感的流动》等之后,我一直致力于对古典时期教程的研究,最终确定翻译和评注那个时期价值最高的《阿瓜多古典吉他教程》。它是古典时期唯一形成学派(school)概念的教程,其他同时期的吉他大师编的教程,如国内常见的《卡尔卡西大脚本》其实在西方只是成为教材(method)或者练习曲集(collection of etudes)。本书包含曲谱百例,文字逾十万字,对现今仍然使用的吉他技巧进行了深度的分析和介绍练习,现在仍然被国际上所有音乐学院定为标准的古典吉他教材之一,是不可多得的好书。
仅此感谢诸位大师对中文版《阿瓜多古典吉他教程》的题词,并且希望此书能够早日于吉他爱好者见面。 方舟
Dionisio Aguado's method Nuevo Methodo published first in 1843 still one of the
most important guitar instruction books of all times. Mr. Zhou Fang's translation into Chinese
of such an important work should become a great addition to the libraries of professional and amateur guitarists in China.
Sergio Assad (著名吉他演奏家)
"The Aguado method provides a look into the past where pedagogy and the art of guitar playing is tantamount. In many ways the Aguado method is the first complete study of guitar technique which provides both, exercises, etudes, explanations, and historically accurate information about the guitar and how its played."
Lawrance Ferrara (旧金山音乐学院吉他专业副教授)
"I was very glad to hear that the Aguado method will be translated
into Chinese. This is one of the most important methods ever written
for guitar, and it has withstood the test of time to be totally relevant today."
David Tanenbaum (著名吉他演奏家兼教育家,旧金山音乐学院吉他系主任)
“Aguado’s method is a landmark in the history of the guitar. The technique of the guitar has gone through a continual evolution, based on 19th century guitar playing. Aguado was definitely one of the most accomplished virtuosi of his time. His method and his studies have survived through the years as an important part in any young player’s developing technique”.
David Russell (著名吉他演奏家)
The Nuevo Methodo, by Dionisio Aguado, has long been considered by performers and historians as one of the most important method books ever written for classical guitar. Aguado's text is succinct and informative. His etudes are technically idiomatic to the guitar and serve specific didactic purposes, while also being musically pleasing and fun to play. This method should be in the collection of every serious student of the guitar.
Frank Koonce (著名吉他教育家,巴洛克与巴赫音乐权威)
[ 本帖最后由 musicark 于 2011-7-8 08:55 编辑 ] |