本人仅因身体上的原因(严重的肩周炎),肩膀已经不能再背重物了,(包括电吉他这样的重量)之前已经在论坛发过帖子了, 坛子里的朋友给了我很多好的建议, 所以不得不放弃这两把心爱之物 (之前已经出了一把YAMAHA TRB JP2 )。所以才忍痛能把这心爱之物转出。 此琴是我2010年10月托朋友的朋友在美国芝加哥以2100美元购买的,其中真是颇费周折(比如付款方式,快递费用,关税等等,)邮费300美元,关税要了我2500人民币 一共花了我大概两万多 最郁闷的是还要经过2个月时间的苦等才到我手里,个人感觉此琴乃性价比的典范,音色的好与不好我不好主观的评论,我会发些试听大家自己去感受,至于手感我可以负责的告诉你 能够在七弦贝司中保持如此薄而不变形的琴颈与超低弦距而不打品的可能就这个了(感觉和高度吉他差不多,非常适合快速演奏) 拾音器和电路是bartolini 为Bill Dickens 专门定制, 就说到这,希望喜欢它的朋友不要错过这次难得的机会,如果喜欢它请直接打电话给我 13456874020 谢谢。试听 http://v.youku.com/v_playlist/f1465817o1p23.htmlBill 配置: Conklin is one of those names that you either know about, or you don't. He makes GREAT, very unique instruments and is well known for his 5/6/7 string pieces. Groove Tools basses feature Swamp Ash backs and 1/4" figured maple tops. The 34" scale neck is constructed of Maple and Purpleheart with 24 fret Purpleheart fingerboards and Conklins' exclusive Off-Sides position markers, multi-laminate necks, beautifully sculpted neck heels and body contours and the perfectly balanced "Sidewinder" body style. This Bill Dickens signature model Groove Tool 7- string bass (the GTBD-7) features Maple/Purpleheart neck-thru-body construction, Swamp Ash "wings" on the back with a curly maple top, 2 + 1/4" nut width, gold hardware, and totally custom made Bartolini Bill Dickens model pickups and custom electronics including a 3 position parametric preset rotary switch and mid frequency selector. Also features a highly contoured neck-heel and recessed neck bolts, split control cavity which allows for one screw battery cover removal and replacement, angled back headstock with volute for extra strength and off-sides dot position markers for easy viewing from top or side.
[ 本帖最后由 jonnydong 于 2011-7-31 14:19 编辑 ] |