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记者 @西部反扑
致谢:腾讯音乐 刘玉真
2012年4月,美国iced earth冰封大地2012年首次造访神州大地!在北京星光!上海 MAOLivehouse 奉献了精彩的饕餮金属盛宴!

Q: How about your guitar riff? How tocreate it?
A: I don’t know, man. It’s just a part ofthe song writing processes. I don’t know, it’s a gift. There’s no like mathematicalforms to it. Not really, it just happens. It’s very organic.
Q: How do you practice your guitar usually?Cause you have very good skills about playing guitar.
A: I really don’t practice very much. Ishould. It’s part of the writing thing. I connect whatever it’s going on andthat’s what comes out. I can't really… like I said it was no… I get that ask alot I just don't know how to answer it. It’s just a gift.
Q: How was the band name, ‘IcedEarth’, come?
A: That was actually from one of my bestfriends growing up who died in a motorcycle accident when we were teenagers.And I wrote the song <Watching over me> for him. Hisname was Bill and he… when we were kids we used to talk about stories of bandsand he wanted to call it ‘Iced Earth’ and I wanted call it ‘Purgatory’. Andthere was a ‘Purgatory’ until about 1988 I think, something like that, we changedthe name. And when we found out there was another band called ‘Purgatory’ in Ohio we had to changethe name cause we got a record deal first. And then I just remembered Bill, I thoughtit was a cool name anyway. So, yeah, that's it. He had the idea when we werekids.
答:这个名字其实是和我一起长大的一个朋友想的。他在我们还是青少年的时候就出摩托车事故去世了。我那首《Watching over me》就是写给他的。他的名字叫比尔。当我们还是孩子的时候我们也会畅想以后有了乐队会怎样。他给乐队起名为“冰封大地”,而我则想组一个叫“炼狱”的乐队。我们以前就叫“炼狱”,直到1988年大概,那时候我们改名了。因为我们发现在俄亥俄还有个乐队也叫“炼狱”,而那时候我们得到了一份唱片合约,所以要改名。于是我就想起比尔起的这个名字来了,我也觉得这名字挺酷的。就这样,这名字是他还是个小孩的时候想出来的。
Q: What about the first name of your band?The Rose?
A: It’s the very first name in a very shortperiod. I have drawn up a logo for it in my graphic art class when I was afreshman in high school and actually it’s the same lettering about what is ‘IcedEarth’. It was like the first concept maybe last 7 or 8 months and I changed itto ‘Purgatory’.
Q: Oh that short time!
A: Yeah very short time.
A: Normally I would use a Marshall speaker cabinetWhen we tour like this we have to fly so I use Marshall amps and I have a signaturepre amp, that’s really my sounds so…
Q: Who is the main creator of your solos?
A: That’s Troy. That depends. Actually…… Whatever the guitars that’s what they do. I do the lead guitarmelodies and a couple of solos in the years but that's not really my thing. I’ma rhythm guy and a song writer.
答:一般是Troy写的,也要看情况。事实上…… 大部分吉他弹奏都是他们写的,这几年我主要负责主音吉他的旋律和一点独奏部分。但那真不是我的强项。我比较适合节奏吉他,还有写歌。
Q: So you came out most riff part of yoursongs?
A: Oh yeah and melodies. The guitarmelodies.
Q: What’s your opinion about metal musicnow? Is it getting weaker or getting stronger?
A: I don't know, I mean… I don't reallyconcern myself with those. I don't really care about what else is.
Q: You never change your mind, OK. Metalmusic is not so popular right now so how about we change our style to maybeSpeed Metal or Progressive Metal?
A: No, not an option.
Q: What the future would be of metal musicin your opinion?
A: I think this would carry on as I alwayshave. It’s probably gonna be more popular and it is I think a little bit of ___
through the years I’vebeen doing this and reading the biographies and knowing the legends like someof the guys in BlackSabbath and talking to those guys… Metal always does well when things are more aggressiveand when people are depressed when it has struggles like financial strugglesand war... whatever. It seems like metal is a good way to release theattention. I think actually right now considering what’s going on metalprobably would has much more ____.But at the end of the day it depends on us and the albums we put out. So ifthere’s an event out there and can put out some strong records I think it’s agreat future but… then you have a lot of bands like ____ they’re great. They’re mixed by metaland rock’ n’ roll, all these cool styles and I think they’re gonna be huge.They really dig in the States so I think it’s gonna get bigger so… But that’s alot more commercial than band like Iced Earth. We would never have like that appealit’s really dark what we do. It’s really aggressive, small field play. But ourfans are extremely loyal, suspending and as we get out on tour it is going tokeep rolling.
Q: Mr.Jon, is there any fresh band after 2000? Do you have any favorite bands like,some new bands, right now?
A: Mineis ____.
You are talking about some like LostHérisson
They are not like super active when they werea great band called Lost Hérisson. They are not puttingout albums any more but they got great singing, great riffing, all the kind ofstuff in it. But also I’m kind of into Black CountryCommunion right now. They are amazing. I mean Glenn Hughes is justan amazing singer and the music is right in the pocket I like. Thereare a lot of great bands coming out right now. There are a lot ofyounger bands in United States doing the old school thing. Likethose bands like Holy Grail they are start to getpopular they are raising the… You know they all have the bends and they alldressed like they were in 1984 or whatever it is. It’s really cool. I meanthere are a lot of great bands are coming out.
对,他们不是很活跃,叫做“消失的刺猬”。他们现在也不再出新专辑了。但是他们的主唱很优秀,吉他连复段也很优秀。另外我也很喜欢“黑乡圣餐”,他们很棒。主唱Glenn Hughes真的是个很厉害的歌手,而且音乐也正好是我喜欢的。还有其他的乐队比如“圣杯”,他们现在越来越有名了。而且他们都戴着头带,穿得就好像回到了1984年左右一样。很酷。我觉得现在新出来一些很优秀的乐队。
Q: What about the Demons & Wizards? Can you tell ussomething about the band?
A: Well it’s a side project with one of my best friends.Hansi from Blind Guardian. He’s the singer of Blind Guardian and he is areally really good friend of mine. We are gonna do Demons & Wizards… You know. We willalways do it, it’s just time. It’s gonna be a lot of timing between us. Becausehe is busy with BlindGuardian and I’m busy with Iced Earth. There are a lot of thingsinvolved and there’s a lot of work for both of our positions besides what we doin the bands. I mean we run the bands also deal the business, all that stuff.So lot extra work. It makes harder for our schedules to line up. There was aperiod of time when we were releasing albums pretty close to the same tine whenwe got apart from that. Then we almost got opposite schedules so it’sdifficult. We want to write next one in person, that’s the trick. I can putsome music together and send to him he can work on lyrics and melodies but wewanna be together cause the chemistry changes then. There’s more personal thinghappening in the moment and we really wanna do it that way. We are not in ahurry but there are some fans there. But it’s a very successful project, youknow. There’s a big demand for it, we know that. It’s gonna be on our terms.People, they are gonna enjoy more anyway.
Q: Hi Jon, welcome to China. What do you think about thisChinajourney? We know you brought your new album to China. What do you think about thisnew album? And what’s the difference between this one and the previous albums?I mean is there any improvements or changes?
A: There are a lot of questions in there, isn’t there?First of all, it’s really cool to be here. I mean this our first time. We’vewent to a lot of new countries since October last year when we started theworld tour. Countries in Europe we have been to several eastn countries we wentto Russia, we went to Istanbul… We never madeto Japan or Korea.Hopefully soon, we will see. We ganna be doing India later in the summer and… We’venever played in Asia. This is the first so it’sgood. It’s first time in Australiatoo.
Q: What is the theme of this new album?
A: Basically it’s an album of songs inspired by differentmovies. Sometimes you inspired by things like the <Horror Show> album wasall based in the war movie themes. This is the same way basically _____ things so… I’m notsure if you have ever seen _____or <Dark City>. We are looking for themes togo with, to fit together to make it kind of cool. Hopefully it inspires peopleto think that also to be entertained and that’s it.