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carvin推出向Jason Becker致敬jb200C吉他!

发表于 2012-9-13 16:43:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Carvin旗下具有众多的世界知名乐手,包括了吉他手、贝斯手、甚至是键盘手等等。其中最有名的有: Steve Vai、Yngwie Malmsteen、Joe Walsh、Tony MacAlpine、Frank Zappa、Derek Sherinian、Vinnie Moore、Steve Morse、Jason Becker、Steve Lukather、Stanley Clarke、Larry Carlton、Chet Atkins、Frank Gambale等等!
现在, Carvin公司推出了推出了JB200C吉他,以此向波波先生最喜欢的新古典金属吉他手,音乐家Jason Becker示以敬意,当然波波先生会向大家简要介绍:
Carvin公司通过与Jason Becker沟通,会再版发行那张著名照片“吻”中的那支蓝色吉他,照片中Jason Becker亲吻着Carvin吉他的琴颈。照片中的原版吉他是一支Carvin的DC200,它有定制的ST型琴体,火焰枫木指板,琴体表面覆盖有火焰枫木贴面。
而新推出的JB200C由Carvin的Custom Shop部门制造,采用桤木琴体,4A枫木琴体贴面与琴头,火焰枫木指板,装配有Floyd Rose颤音系统,Sperzel自锁弦钮,同时具备主动与被动电路,拾音器为Carvin M22SD与M22V!

1988年,前途无量的新古典派吉他大师Jason Becker和他Cacophony乐队的搭档Marty Friedman为了寻找自己理想中的乐器来到了Carvin公司,Marty选择了V220,而Jason则倾向于更为传统的DC200。Carvin的Custom Shop为Jason打造了一把属于他的梦幻吉他——安装了颤音系统的DC200,拥有宝石蓝漆面的火焰枫木贴面和同样是火焰枫木质地的指板,加上桐油浸润的琴颈和黑色的金属件。这把琴作为日后Jason最常用的吉他之一,出现在各种杂志、文章和广告中,当然还有舞台上。

Becker的粉丝都知道后来的故事:1989年,仅仅在与David Lee Roth乐队签约一周后,Jason就被确诊为患有A.L.S.即肌萎缩侧索硬化症,也就是世界五大绝症之一——“葛雷克氏症”。这无疑是毁灭性的打击,不过,虽然被告知只能再拥有3到5年的生命,Jason依然靠着自己的坚强挺过了20多年,用电脑作曲,依靠父亲为他设计的装置,用眼神和别人进行交流。

至今,Jason Becker依然拥有无数的拥趸和支持者,作为回应和回报,Carvin在2012年春天发布了Jason Becker纪念款吉他JB200C。为了让它在各方面尽可能地接近原始版本的DC200,Custom Shop部门和Jason一同完成了这个作品。JB200C装载了多项升级过的标准配置,结合Carvin的state-of-the art现代制造技术,并提供很多可选配置,在保持外观、手感和原始版本内在精神的同时,让每个用户拥有最适合自己的JB200C。

同时,Carvin推出了一段视频影像,收录了Jason Becker童年以及早期影像,并记录了JB200C吉他的制作过程,以此像这位才华横溢却不幸患病的音乐家致敬。

结构 neck through
弦长 25"
琴体木材 alder
琴颈和琴头 tung-oiled hardrock maple  with inline pointed headstock
指板材质和弧度  flamed maple, 12"  radius
品记 abalone dots
琴颈宽度 1.69" wide @ nut,  2.22" wide @ 24th fret
金属件 black
琴桥 original Floyd Rose  tremolo with locking nut
卷弦器 Sperzel locking tuners
品丝 24 nickel-silver jumbo,  .110 wide X .055 tall
拾音器 M22SD bridge humbucker,  M22V neck humbucker
电路   push/pull active/passive  controls with passive master volume & tone and active
master volume &  cut/boost for bass & treble, 3-way pickup selector, 2 dual/single coil
switches, phase switch

关于Jason Becker

百度上有的我不多讲,Jason Becker 绝对是吉他手中的Godzilla级人物。Jason Becker在诸多吉他手中确立自己的地位时是在80年代,在他还未过20岁生日的时候录制了一张探索性十足的略带新古典风格的吉他演奏专辑,并凭此一举就在吉他世界中占定了位置。尽管这张唱片已经出版了十多年,但至今它仍是Shrapnel公司热销的唱片.而凭此Becker被邀请参加David Lee Roth乐队,这支乐队的核心人物Roth与许多吉他界高手合作出过专辑,最著名的就是Eddie Van Halen和Steve Vai。所以加入Roth的乐队对于这个刚满20岁的小伙子来说无疑是巨大的殊荣。对于Becker而,当他5岁那年第一次拿起吉他的时候就意味着他一辈子演奏之路已经开始。


In 1988, up-and-coming neo classical guitar virtuoso Jason Becker and his Cacophony bandmate Marty Friedman came to Carvin in search of their ideal instruments. Marty took to the V220, while Jason bonded with the more traditional DC200. The Custom Shop built Jason his dream guitar, a tremolo- equipped DC200 finished in sapphire blue on flamed maple with a flamed maple fingerboard, tung-oiled neck, and black hardware. This guitar wouldbecome one of Jason's main instruments, and appeared in magazine articles and print ads, as well as on stage. Becker fans know the rest of the story: just a week after signing on with the David Lee Roth Band as lead guitarist in 1989, Jason was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease). Despite being given only 3 to 5 years to live, Jason is still going strong over 20 years later, composing music on a computer, and communicating with his eyes using a system developed by his father.
In response to his still-strong legion of fans around the world, Carvin has created the Jason Becker Tribute JB200C electric guitar. The Custom Shop worked with Jason to design this instrument as closely as possible to his original DC200. The JB200C is loaded with many upgraded standard features, combined with our state-of-the art modern manufacturing processes. With many available options, you can order your JB200C the way you want it, while maintaining the looks, playability and spirit of Jason's original Instrument. The JB200C is built in the USA, and is an instrument that you'll be proud to play and own for years to come.

The JB200C has a standard alder body and maple neck-through design. Alder is a high-quality tone wood used by many manufacturers because of its relative light weight and fine resonating tone. It's slightly darker in color than maple, which accentuates the tung-oiled neck of the JB200C. Alder also has a subtle and attractive grain that looks great in any of Carvin's many finishes. A highly figured AAAA flamed maple top is standard, or you can upgrade to AAAA quilted maple. Jason's original DC200 was finished in Sapphire Blue, but you may also choose from our long list of available translucent finishes. You may also upgrade to Carvin's Deep Triple Step finish, which adds almost 3-dimensional depth to the figure of the wood. The standard maple neck has a tung-oiled finish on the back, which is preferred by many guitarists. The custom JB neck profile is 0.75mm thinner than the neck on Carvin ST/DC guitars. Available 5-piece necks of different combinations of maple, walnut and koa add to the already great looks of this instrument. All of our necks and fingerboards undergo a long conditioning process in our de- humidification chambers to remove any stress in the wood and prevent future warping or twisting. Carvin's dual-action, fully
adjustable truss rod helps keep the neck straight and true, and allows you to set the action just the way you like it. The standard headstock is a flamed maple pointed 6-inline style which matches the body finish, adding to the aggressive looks of the instrument. A special engraved Jason Becker truss rod cover adorns the headstock.
The JB200C features a standard 25" scale flamed maple fingerboard with abalone dot inlays, a 12" radius and 24 jumbo nickel frets. The "Rapid Play" low action neck assures effortless playability throughout the entire fingerboard, while the smooth neck heel allows easy access all the way up to the 24th fret. An original Floyd Rose tremolo with locking nut is standard. Sperzel™ locking tuners ensure you'll stay in tune no matter what your playing style is. Standard hardware is black. Like Jason's original DC200, the JB200C comes equipped with an M22SD humbucker in the bridge position, and an M22V pickup in the neck position, which are custom wound with vintage plain enamel wire that brings out the harmonically rich tone and sustain of the guitar. All Carvin humbuckers have 11 polepieces per coil, which eliminates dropoff when bending strings. Active electronics are standard, which consists of master volume, tone, and active cut/boost for bass & treble, and phase switching in addition to the dual-to-single coil switching for each pickup. The JB200C is built at Carvin's Custom Shop in San Diego, California.
发表于 2012-9-13 19:38:07 | 显示全部楼层

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-13 19:40:12 | 显示全部楼层




后来Cacophony解散,两个吉他大师、这两个手里的音符有特色得就像是指纹一样清晰可辨的吉他大师分道扬镳。Marty去了Megadeth,而Jason替代了Steve Vai,当上了David Lee Roth的吉他手。可正当大家对他的音乐翘首以盼的时候,就像他手里那些古典音乐一样有戏剧性的是,他患上了可怕的ALS(筋萎缩性侧索硬化症)。“完了”,所有乐迷的心都已经碎了!没有可能了,我们再也听不到了,听不到天才的声音了!




结后语:在他还能弹吉他的日子里,Jason Becker以无出其右的天才震惊了世界。若不是身患致命卢伽雷氏病,他极有可能成为最优秀的吉他大师和音乐家。如今Jason虽未能逃过了死神,但他的生命以一种不同凡响的姿态继续发光。而这一切,并不仅仅与音乐有关......。
 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-13 19:41:11 | 显示全部楼层

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推荐] [未能忘记传奇]向Jason Becker致敬[全集115盘下载]

推荐] [未能忘记传奇]向Jason Becker致敬[全集115盘下载]
发表于 2012-9-13 22:02:02 | 显示全部楼层

又一次让我回想起了jason becker那令人咂舌技术 我想 如果他没有病还活着的话 现在的吉他演奏界会是另一番景象...
发表于 2012-9-13 22:02:22 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-9-14 08:03:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-9-14 09:12:33 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-9-14 20:17:40 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-9-14 20:23:59 | 显示全部楼层

原帖由 rockninjazsm 于 2012-9-13 22:02 发表

又一次让我回想起了jason becker那令人咂舌技术 我想 如果他没有病还活着的话 现在的吉他演奏界会是另一番景象...
发表于 2012-9-14 20:32:17 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-9-15 17:57:46 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-9-15 19:42:43 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-9-19 12:53:58 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2012-10-26 21:24:22 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-10-27 11:17:45 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-10-27 15:14:29 | 显示全部楼层
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